Market Watch missing Symbols


In Windows 7 I lowered the UAC via the Control Panel to the lowest level because I was told that that would permit the writing of log files under MT4 dir structure. After the change a reboot was required and upon excuting MT4 thw Market Watch is empty. How can I recover the Symbols into the Market Watch?


In Windows 7 I lowered the UAC via the Control Panel to the lowest level because I was told that that would permit the writing of log files under MT4 dir structure. After the change a reboot was required and upon excuting MT4 thw Market Watch is empty. How can I recover the Symbols into the Market Watch?

I figured it out. My demo account expired and a new account populated my Market Watch. THANKS
Too many hard to diagnose problems even if you set UAC correctly. Why fight it? Don't install in \program file* on Vista/Win7. Problem eliminated, not band-aided.