Grammar Snob?


I understand this is not a typical post. The majority of individuals perusing the MQL4 threads are focused on script and strategy. While that is all well and good, am I the only one that is horrified by the grammar and writing style of S. Kovalyov's book titled 'Programming in Algorithmic Language MQL4'? What is wrong with hiring an editor? This is not the first time I have encountered this situation, particularly within the confines of the FOREX community. Individuals who achieve expert status in a particular field seem to think this confers the inate ability to write, edit, and publish their own material. This is sadly not the case. I am disheartened. When something is written so poorly, it cheapens the product it supports and does not lend credibility. I am mindful that many individuals producing such documents may be at a slight disadvantage, as English may be a second, or even third language. However, I do not buy that as an excuse. I know my limitations, and I compensate for them by seeking expert advice until I can function competently. It is not my intention to be harsh or insulting. The author is clearly an expert in his field. However, I see a disturbing trend where an emphasis is placed on the quantity of information produced, with absolute disregard to its intelectual component. I would like to start a discussion with like minded individuals who may think the same way.


I understand this is not a typical post. The majority of individuals perusing the MQL4 threads are focused on script and strategy. While that is all well and good, am I the only one that is horrified by the grammar and writing style of S. Kovalyov's book titled 'Programming in Algorithmic Language MQL4'? What is wrong with hiring an editor? This is not the first time I have encountered this situation, particularly within the confines of the FOREX community. Individuals who achieve expert status in a particular field seem to think this confers the inate ability to write, edit, and publish their own material. This is sadly not the case. I am disheartened. When something is written so poorly, it cheapens the product it supports and does not lend credibility. I am mindful that many individuals producing such documents may be at a slight disadvantage, as English may be a second, or even third language. However, I do not buy that as an excuse. I know my limitations, and I compensate for them by seeking expert advice until I can function competently. It is not my intention to be harsh or insulting. The author is clearly an expert in his field. However, I see a disturbing trend where an emphasis is placed on the quantity of information produced, with absolute disregard to its intelectual component. I would like to start a discussion with like minded individuals who may think the same way.

Hi Lisa2,

I'm not English speaker, and I don't think Sergey Kovalyev did the translation, I think someone else, however feel free to edit the grammar of the book. As a non English speaker, We can't tell the difference between good English or not. In the end, we only care that we can write MQL4 now.

You may find a lot of post around here from non English speaker with bad English, but what they say/write help others a lot in solving others problem.

Any helps - including yours - is appreciated.



Hi Lisa2,

I'm not English speaker, and I don't think Sergey Kovalyev did the translation, I think someone else, however feel free to edit the grammar of the book. As a non English speaker, We can't tell the difference between good English or not. In the end, we only care that we can write MQL4 now.

You may find a lot of post around here from non English speaker with bad English, but what they say/write help others a lot in solving others problem.

Any helps - including yours - is appreciated.


Thank you for the reply. I was not referring to general posts. What I am referring to are actual publications, which Mr. Kovalyev's book seems to be. I would never expect everyone to speak and write perfect English. That would be downright silly. I can not say that I am even capable of that 100% of the time. English is my first language and I can speak two others. However, I would not write a technical manual in Italian, lest I make a fool of myself. One of the reasons I was drawn to FOREX, besides an ability to excel in math, was the fact that it has an international community. I think the reason this has come to my attention is because I am relatively new to FOREX trading. I read voraciously and am trying to learn as much as possible. I have read several publications and user guides for both MT4 and various robots that were not well thought out. FOREX is a legitimate business and should be treated as such. I do not see this issue in other financial markets. I may take you up on the offer to edit the book in the future. However, although I have a better than average command of the English language, I do not have enough knowledge of the FOREX market to edit technical material. Again, I have to surrender to my own limitations.

Hi Lisa,

English is not my mother language and I am far from being perfect in writing. I understand your effort for proper grammar and spelling, I myself have been fighting for correct language in the internet (though it is not for English).

I used to be a software designer. The technical documentation in the software realm is supposed to be in English, no question about that. So forget about your Italian example, it is not relevant, but it implies another remark... if someone has skills in software development, than he already should have written many technical documents in English, of course. Therefore the advanced programmers have skills in technical English quite acceptable.

But MQL4 is a bit different. It is not a high-tec language that attracts many of the skilled programmers. It has poor set of instructions, no ability to reuse the developed code, even it has not a useful environment for development. The grade of technical English in the MQL4 reflects this fact. I am not surprised.

Its not his fault. :-(