75 MT4s on one server .... Help! :-)


Hi All,

I have 75 MT4s on one server.... the server spec is ..... Xeon with 4 x Cores .. and 4 gb Ram running 2008 Server

The server is great! ... but when i run all 75 MT4s ... it grinds to a halt!.... so i went to Windows Task manager to see what resource is running low... and as far as i can see im hardly using the CPU and the Memory is only half used ! ...

I don't undersnat why the box is so sluggish ? .....

Here is a screen shot of Task manager with just 35 of the MT4s running.... you can see that the CPU isnt busy.... but the server runs like a snail :-(

Can someone point me in the correct direction? What is causing it to be slow... and upgrading the CPU probably is a waste of money ?

Thanks for your help..




Can someone point me in the correct direction? What is causing it to be slow... and upgrading the CPU probably is a waste of money ?

What kind of RAID array do you have in this box ?
What are you experimenting with 75 mt4s?

Hi Raptor,

It isnt Raid, its a single 500GB SATA .... I checked the Hard Drive usage in performance manager, and not a great deal is going on.... :-(




They are going to run my EA´s for me and my friends ... We clubbed together to get a decent box to run them on, that was hosted.



FYI, i tried loading about 20 x MT4s and i didn't load any EA´s or Charts... and the box still slows down alot.

So its not the EA´s or the CHart being loaded.... It must be MT4 iteself.


Hi Raptor,

It isnt Raid, its a single 500GB SATA .... I checked the Hard Drive usage in performance manager, and not a great deal is going on.... :-(


Ah but there is a great deal going on . . just not an awful lot of data being transferred . . . just many, many small data transfers from many different processes. I can't say it is your problem . . . but it's something that you should investigate properly. Use Resource monitor to take a closer look at your disk activity.

Yes good point...

Ok i started up 35 MT4´s ... with charts and EAs..... and this is what i get.......... Whats your thoughts...... ? ( the Server runs very slowly now)


Yes good point...

Ok i started up 35 MT4´s ... with charts and EAs..... and this is what i get.......... Whats your thoughts...... ? ( the Server runs very slowly now)

Did you install all these MT4s in Program Files ? it looks like you did, that was a bad idea . . .

they are all in "my Documents" .... that be ok?


they are all in "my Documents" .... that be ok?

No, I don't think so . . "My Documents" is part of your profile . . . if you log in as a different user you won't be able to see these MT4 installations . . .

You should install each Installation to it's own folder and not in your Profile and not in Program Files . . .