Tick Data Suite Question.


Hello, I have another question regarding tick data suite. I am trying to run multiple optimization test and wondered if you can use tick data suite for all of them. He is my question in full, i have set up several independent platforms, one using tick data suite. When you sign up for tick data suite a box appears and you can place your platform inside the box and it knows now to run TDS through the platform. How can i do this with 2 or 3 other platforms? I would go through TDS but i cant find any info on how to contact them personally.

Any help would be great!


I would go through TDS but i cant find any info on how to contact them personally.

Just add a comment at the bottom of this page . . . : http://eareview.net/tick-data-suite


Thanks again Bro for your help, wish i knew half of what you know on Forex. Thanks Again!