ObjectCreate with Time Parameter and Coordinates

I want to create an Object (Trendline and Text), that moves with the Bars, so that Time1 = Time[]. But I want the Object to be always at the same Y-Coordinate in the Window. So that Price1 = 20 or so. Is that possible? I thought ObjectMove would be a solution, but it seems as it changes both Parameters only.
Detect when you have a new bar and then move your objects using ObjectSet() and OBJPROP_TIME1 for your Text Object and use ObjectSet twice with OBJPROP_TIME1 & OBJPROP_TIME2 for your trendlines.
So I use OBJ_LABEL put in the Coordinates and then Set the X-Coordinate to Time1? I have an Idea how it coud work, if I find the highest Bar in the Chartwindow ( I think the Window will be always adjusted between the highest and lowest bar. ) and get the High[] value of it, I could use it instead of the Y-Coordinates. I hope there is a better solution!
So I use OBJ_LABEL put in the Coordinates and then Set the X-Coordinate to Time1? I have an Idea how it coud work, if I find the highest Bar in the Chartwindow ( I think the Window will be always adjusted between the highest and lowest bar. ) and get the High[] value of it, I could use it instead of the Y-Coordinates. I hope there is a better solution!

Please don't mix up your units . . . Text works with Price & Time, Labels work on screen coordinates . . . you cannot put a OBJ_LABEL at a price & time . . . and you cannot put a OBJ_TEXT at X & Y screen coordinates.

You can approximate the position of a OBJ_TEXT to 20% up the screen using WindowsPriceMin() + (0.2 * (WindowsPriceMax() - WindowsPriceMin() ) ) for it's price position.

Ok, so that seems to be the simplest solution. Thanks again for your help!