Mapping between XY-Coordinates and Price/Time-Coordinates



I'd like to draw a rectangle around a label object.

How do I do this?

A label object is defined by XY-distance, while the rectangle is defined by price/time.

In other words:

How do I map XY-distance to price/time?




Each new bar would move the rectangle, also changing the window size will also move it.

Why bother, just change the color of the label.


Each new bar would move the rectangle, also changing the window size will also move it.

Why bother, just change the color of the label.

Thanx, but I use the colors already for the label objects. They reflect bullish and bearish information.

So I need an additional feature to highlight some labels.

I don't want to use the font size either, because it would mess up the layout.

Does anybody else have an idea how to draw a rectangle around a label?