Problems checking for open trade - page 4

Found one error, it will have no real impact . . . bartime for USDCHF is set for EURUSD
Damn well spotted. It is so good to have a second set of eyes . Raptor are you interesting in joining a skype room that I started? Me and a select hand few of other people have a good little group thing going. One regular in there is a student of economics, and all of us have some particular skill set in some aspect of the market. Let me know if you're interested, it would be cool to have you and your coding experience on board.

Thanks for the invite . . I'll give it some thought, I'm a little involved with other things at the moment, I have a fairly big (by my standards) project on the go at the moment.

I found your issue . . . .

for(b=0; b<=24; b++)   

starting at 0 and counting back to 24 is 25 bars, so at 6am it counts back and also find the previous 6am . . . do this instead . . .

for(b=0; b<=23; b++)   

Thankyou Raptor, I had a feeling there was something faulty with that for statement.

Also I can understand that. it's a small team, only five of us, so it's a pretty relaxed group. It's just myself and one other person actually working on this project atm, so we were hoping to add someone that knows what they're actually talking about when it comes to coding but not so we can constantly harass you either. We just like having people involved who are passionate about forex so we can all benefit from each others experience.

Alright back to the coding. I am sure you will hear from me again soon as I fail a lot with this stuff :P


Alright back to the coding. I am sure you will hear from me again soon as I fail a lot with this stuff :P

I think you are doing OK, you only fail if you don't try . . .
Hey Daz & Co,

hothand works on five digit MT4, but not on a four digit platform. Any idea what causes this, and any clues on how to fix it?
Hey Daz & Co,

hothand works on five digit MT4, but not on a four digit platform. Any idea what causes this, and any clues on how to fix it?
Maybe you should write your own code.
Maybe you should write your own code.
I opted to become the economics student in Daz's Skype group instead of learning to write code. Coding is the kind of thing I leave to people like Daz, because my brain wasn't wired for that kind of stuff. I'm just responsible for helping him model the actual trading strategy that this code is going to be applied to. But thanks for the suggestion. If coding didn't blow my mind apart, I'd already be all over it. :)
LOL . . . ah I see, I thought you were just a freeloader nicking others code :-) sorry for the confusion, on my part.
Nope, this code is half my brain-baby. Daz is the unfortunate one going through the labour pains.