Not know what to do next: build225 editor freezes when do Replace->ReplaceAll


Upto yesterday 11jul, ME working a-ok. Today, on starting do: Ctrl-H > fill in 'Find what' and 'Replace with' > tick 'Match whole word' and 'Match case' > click 'Replace All' btn.

Nothing special, done all the time.

It does as requested then freezes with the hour glass cursor; the Replace form still there.

All I did was shutdown last night and power up today.

I reinstalled 225 but same as above.

Does same if Terminal running or not running. Only diff is if Terminal running and ME has frozen then F4 starts new ME. The original still frozen.

I run Process Explorer ( - is there anything I should take snapshot of to enable further help?

btw, Alpari UK only supports upto build 225 (is official line and published on their forum)

would be nice to find workaround - the editor is not favourite (lol) but is only show in town if want syntax popups/help AND compiler.

h.e.l.p... ;)

did you install in \program files* on Vista/Win7

@WHRoeder: sorry, 4got mention environ. No - is XP sp3 in the 'usual' progFiles loc as done for over 10yrs...

tbh, I've stopped using Replace All immediately as first Replace form btn click.

if firstly use find next || replace then no freeze.

not saying IS bug but if is, won't be the first/last on this platform and hardly major issue since currently other 'features'? appear to function so I think this is dead issue unless spend much time documenting it all. I have no stomach for doing that again, done similar yrs ago = sooo time consuming.

Thanking you for answering - hahaaa, seems some of my enq's not produce any or little response so always nice to get some feedback - :-)
