Coder's In the Zone :)


Ok, tho I don't have a programming background. Is there such a thing as Coder's in the Zone, Programmer on Fire or Coding hot Streak. Man, I tell ya. Some days I'm amazed that I coded something I taught was complex in 4-lines. On other days like today, I can't even pull off the simple stuff I've done before in more lines.

Is this some kind of programmer's paradox or is it just me? :)


From my experience i 'know' that there is such a thing like burn out, after a few hours of coding in a row sometimes i write only bullsh**- Going out for a walk (and deleting the lines of code before leaving) usually solves the problem in no time.

Where are you stuck?


I'm past it now. I was trying to code this function. It's suppose to give me 1 for 5 or (x) number of ticks in a row going up. And -1 for (x) number of ticks in row going down within seconds or mili-seconds if I wish. I've done something like this for someone asking a question before. I taught I could make it shorter and easier this time and it just kept getting longer and longer.

int Sequential(){Ans=0;int Seq_MiSec=ConSec*1000;
        if(Median_Price != Median_Previ){
            if(ConTick==Reset){Timer=GetTickCount(); St_Price=Median_Previ;}
            if(GetTickCount()-Timer>Seq_MiSec){ConTick=Reset; return(Ans);}
                    Ans=Sign(Median_Price-St_Price); return(Ans);
            }}ConTick--; Median_Previ=Median_Price;

ps: When I code for myself I collapse the {} after testing, sorry if it's hard to read.


High frequency scalping against that 5 tick move or waiting for the retracement and following that 'big player trade'?


> Is there such a thing as Coder's in the Zone, Programmer on Fire or Coding hot Streak


Particularly in the 'early days'...

As you get better, the completely off days get fewer, there's more thinking, less typing & better results!

