zero profit indicator - I need it


Does anyone have zero profit indicator for opened trades?

Assuming you have 10 trades opened in gold, I want to know at what point, there is zero profit if I close them all...

Would be nice if it worked for all trades, for only buy trades and for only sell trades.

In other case, how do you calculate that? :p


Current price(cp) at any moment defines the profit loss of your trades along with the trades open price(op) and the number of lots(nl) placed on the trade. So if in a buy or long situation

(cp-op)*nl = Profit loss

adding more trades then trade 1 has open price of op1 with lots nl1 trade2 has open price of op2 with lots of nl2 so to find the break even price solve for cp in

(cp-op1)*nl1 + (cp-op2)*nl2 + (cp-op3)*nl3 = 0

cp = (op1*nl1+op2*nl2+op3*nl3)/(l1+l2+l3) for current price break even point of multiple trades with different size lots

