Jobs - feature suggestion. - page 2

good to know, I won't push any further.
Don't believe all you read from tonny, there is no problem making suggestion. tonny know very well why he was banned.
Don't believe all you read from tonny, there is no problem making suggestion. tonny know very well why he was banned.
Don't provoke me unless you are looking for a headbutt.

I suggest an advanced button that buyers can turn on from their Profile. Once on, the advanced button would be active in the Jobs page.

The button would appear in all parts of the Job process as "Jump to Complete, Pay Developer Now". See attached JPG image.

I use the Jobs feature a lot.

The process:

Work Agreement

Negotiation of requirements



Work Acceptance


Works really well and is safe for buyer and developer.

However when buyer and developer live in different timezones the 'me click next', 'you click next' to get through all these steps is very annoying and mostly takes 3 days when it should take 3min, with me going to sleep just as my developers are waking up on the other side of the world.

I suggest most experienced buyers would like an advanced button they can enable from their profile, which puts a "Jump to Job finished, and pay developer now", when you click it a popup says 'warning: this is an advanced feature, you are about to agree to all parts of this job and pay the developer, including all steps, work agreement, negotiation, prototype, demonstration, work acceptance, and payment' Are you sure?

Take for example when we get a $10 adjustment done to our EA, 12 'tick and click next' from each party is unnecessary.

I want to be able to pay my developers faster, to reward them for their great work and fast build times, this advanced button is the best way for me to be able to do this.

If you agree, please support this post. 

I agree with you the process is too long. Thats why ive never bothered with it. In the outside you can complete a project within hours but here even something simple will take a week because of the acceptance process.
Finishing job at one click is very efficient and necessary improvement
Finishing job at one click is very efficient and necessary improvement
As long as at the same time buyers and sellers both have access to protection from unscrupulous sellers and buyers.
Yes raptor but that can also be there in a quicker process e.g. once a coder is chosen, the pay can be locked and wait for work submission by coder after which then it waits for contractor to release payment. There is alot of unnecessary two way confirmations currently.
I think it's just a matter of notification
if the system is the same as skype or other chat,
it is not overly burdensome between the developer and the client.
during this time the developers and the client utilize other facilities to facilitate communication, and when they have deal with what they are talking about,
they just do the last one is the payment process. that is why there is an idea, "one-click complete" :)