Filedelete question?


what is wrong with this code. it doesnot work..

if (OrdersTotal()==0)
             FileDelete ("mydata.dat");
I am just trying to delete the file if there are no open positions.  thanks in advance..


Files can only be deleted if they are in the terminal_dir\experts\files directory (terminal_directory\tester\files, in case of testing) or its subdirectories.


Files can only be deleted if they are in the terminal_dir\experts\files directory (terminal_directory\tester\files, in case of testing) or its subdirectories.

Thats where the file is. OI get the message in experts log.... cannot delete file

i assume you have to close the file before deleting.
i assume you have to close the file before deleting.

sure, zzuegg is right, no question at all, most be done before deleting, an open file can't be deleted

sure no question at all
Do you have FileClose(handle); before FileDelete("mydata.dat") ?
I didn't realy get what were you talking about... I'm pretty new in this stuff and still don't know all the issues, so please give an explanation :) Thanks in advance
I'm trying http://www.annaforex. com
Do you have FileClose(handle); before FileDelete("mydata.dat") ?

the file isnt open. it is a seperate function in ea to delete the file ir open orders ==0


the file isnt open. it is a seperate function in ea to delete the file ir open orders ==0

maybe you was not closing in ea after read or write something. so, for the system is still open!

For Example:

int WriteLog(string EA,string LogText)
int      hf;
FileWrite(hf,TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + ": " + LogText); 