Loading parameters from .set file


Is it possible for EA to load its extern parameters from ".set" file? The issue is that we want to have the same EA/script ready with different parameters for immediate execution. You can attach a Hotkey to a EA/Script, but you can't attach a set file to the hotkey. So we would need to have compiled 20+ versions of the same script with different built-in defaults for the extern parameters.


We load parameters from a text file, this way you can externally change the parameters without dealing with mt4 - works great. And you can of course have an unlimited amount of text files you could create logic that would either modify them individually or select which text file based on what you wanted to do.


Thanks for your reply... and how to you load them? "Manually" reading and setting any variables? Or does MQL have something like eval which would load all variables from the file in one "for"? I mean - I read "a=5" from text file and want to assign 5 to the variable "a" (Something like ${$i} in php).