Help on MQL call VC6.0 Win32 Dynamic-Link Library


1 I create a VC6.0 Win32 Dynamic-Link Library project, new one file, the code:

#define MT4_EXPFUNC __declspec(dllexport)int a=0;
extern "C" MT4_EXPFUNC int __stdcall GetValue()
return a++;

build one lib: DLIB.dll

Copy DLIB.dll in the folder:MetaTrader 4\experts\libraries

2 mql code:

#import "DLIB.dll"
int GetValue();
int start()
int a=GetValue();

build, no error.

run, the error message:

cannot call function 'GetValue' from dll 'DLIB.dll'

Thanks very much.

code.rar  6 kb
how to code win32 dll ?
thank you very much
your idea its a lifesaver!

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