RAM management


I integrated into my custom indicators several objects/ arrows with the MT create objects function to indicate trends, fine thing...

Now, after a while the MT Terminal window shows a larger (and increasing) font size and, for example, the MT sub-windows/menus are getting unclear.

This could be an (insufficient) RAM problem, but I'm wondering >> if these newly integrated objects (custum indicators)which make the difference compared to the Terminal setting before could provoke that?

Apart from that I used for the new iindicators the option to use other currencies than the basic chart currency i.e. instead of having "NULL" in a custom ind. a varaible for a currency, could this have something to do with a (internal MT) RAM handling problem by executing certain routines/algorithms?

if anybody any idea, thanks in advance of course

Maybe you have some problems with object properties settings? Are you sure that you customize all values properly with ObjectSet() function?