Your profitable EA contains how many lines of code? - page 2


personal opinion

i feel the more lines of code means more complex.

another things is to check if profitable ea are simple or more complex 

Obviously this is a personal opinion, this is not what your topic are about ? It can be easily demonstrated but I don't have time to waste for such thing, do you have ? Then make a serious study about the subject and don't rely about others 'personal opinion'.
Neither complexity nor lines of code determines the profitability of a ea.

Of course, here is the formula :

are these lines? is it a code? giv me an example code with this, or links as usual
Obviously this is a personal opinion, this is not what your topic are about ? It can be easily demonstrated but I don't have time to waste for such thing, do you have ? Then make a serious study about the subject and don't rely about others 'personal opinion'.

but don't you think more lines means more complicated?

after which I can establish a relation where there are more people with complicated EAs that makes money or just simple EAs that makes money. 


but don't you think more lines means more complicated?

after which I can establish a relation where there are more people with complicated EAs that makes money or just simple EAs that makes money. 

More lines can mean an EA is more complex,  it can also mean the coder has no idea how to reuse code or use loops efficiently or simply has a very muddled way of thinking and coding.
More lines can mean an EA is more complex,  it can also mean the coder has no idea how to reuse code or use loops efficiently or simply has a very muddled way of thinking and coding.
i do agree that to a certain extent. for a beginner i would expect that they know how to reuse code like functions...
But sometimes poor coding style could generate hundreds of extra lines.  But its not bad though because sometimes copy-paste would be quicker so you just copy a script from one EA to another rather than try to track back functions.
But sometimes poor coding style could generate hundreds of extra lines. 
Or maybe someone using too few columns and creating a new line for each variable. i.e. 

int MyNumber;
int Trades;
int LossTrades;


// do something


While someone else might do it differently and use less than half the lines like below. And this is why i say the lines of code shouldn't be too significant in determining workability. After all if lines is what you wana see, the coder could just bulk it up to satisfy you.

int start()
int MyNumber,Trades,LossTrades;

if(LossTrades>5) // Do something