Java interface


Hello, is there any MT-Java interface for free? I do not need all the functions, just to

- notify java about a new tick arriving

- get CLOSE[], VOLUME[] and so on from MT

- send an order from java

and that's pretty all, the whole trading logic is in java.


You will need a wrapper. Your problem can be described as "calling Java from C". This is possible but not the easiest of all tasks.

Alternatively you also could try to use the mql4-python-2.6 bindings for you wrapper and reduce the problem to "calling Java from Python", there exist things like JPype which should make it easier. I haven't tested this yet but I don't see why it shouldn't work. Generally "calling xxx from Python" seems to be easier in most cases than "calling xxx from C".

You cannot call back into mql4 from the outside, this is a fundamental design limitation of mql4 (the most annoying one of all), you will have to poll from mql4.

Yes, there are several approaches to do it and probably someone has already created such an interface. It would be nice to share this feature.