I need a DLL to read text - help needed


Dear Experts:

I need a dll to read text so that I could use it for an autotrade program.

Thank you for your help.

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Dear 7bit:

I am trying to write an autotrade program to retrieve buy/sell price from an email. I understand to do so I need to have a dll that can retrieve the price from the file with extension cvs.

To read a .csv file you do not necessarily need a dll. mql4 can read csv files with built-in functions already. Just make it so that the external application that checks your email inbox will dump the file into the experts/files folder where your EA can access it.

The whole problem could be solved by having an application that is written in some higher level language (like Python or Ruby for example where such things are easy) check your mail, create the trading signal and dump it into the experts/files folder and a very simplistic EA written in plain mql4 that simply picks it up from there and does the trading.

To read a .csv file you do not necessarily need a dll. mql4 can read csv files with built-in functions already. Just make it so that the external application that checks your email inbox will dump the file into the experts/files folder where your EA can access it.

The whole problem could be solved by having an application that is written in some higher level language (like Python or Ruby for example where such things are easy) check your mail, create the trading signal and dump it into the experts/files folder and a very simplistic EA written in plain mql4 that simply picks it up from there and does the trading.

Dear 7bit:

Thank you for sending me to the right direction. Could you please tell me what are built-in functions that can read csv files?


Dear 7bit:

Thank you for sending me to the right direction. Could you please tell me what are built-in functions that can read csv files?


Here are all the functions for file manipulations.

You can also search the codebase for some examples.


Thank you robofx.org