Export Trade Tab in Excel ?


How can I export the trade tab in excel ?

Thank you, saluti dall' Italia,



i have no excel currently.

i don't know your coding skills, but somewhere in the codebase or the forum is a header file which offes functions to write excel files. you can iterate trough tradehistors and write your own excel file,

maybe exporting the detailed statmend and then copy text from your browser and insert it into excel might work. (not tested, just a clue)

//Z - nice to see some other italians here ;)


Ciao Zzuegg.

I would like to export in excel the "Open positions list". It is ok also a simple cut and paste, but I don't know how ...



go to history tab ----> right click ----> Save as Report ---> in File name give a name & extension give "XLS" (file_name.xls) ----> save


Qjol, perfect !!! I saw several time the history tab but I always stop myself in the top of list where there are only "Closed Transactions".

Your help is gold for me, thanks !!!!

Tanti saluti dall' Italia, grazie,
