EA within an EA



Is it possible to call an EA inside an EA?



Two EA's can interact with each other by using Global variables.

CodersGuru has a good article about global variables here: http://www.metatrader.info/node/93

Is that what you meant?



You can't have 2 EA's running on the same chart, so running both on 2 charts and as is suggested, passing a flag in global variables to indicate which one is in charge is probably your best route.... I think it will be frought with problems though in particularly for persistance. I would suggest you would be better incorporating the code from the 2 into 1 EA and that way, you will never "lose" your flag of which one is in control.




Thanks. What I meant is to write my EA and call an already working EA to perform a certain task in my EA. Like calling a custom indicator.




Thanks. What I meant is to write my EA and call an already working EA to perform a certain task in my EA. Like calling a custom indicator.


Then global variables to pass a "go" or "stop" flag seems like the only way.