Signal based on artificial neural network using fann4mt library


Hi friends,

I'm new to neural network.I read, installed and tested the subject code(given as examples) and found that the network predicted accurately arithmetic series. I want to know how can I use this in my expert adviser because when i tried to compile it gave the compilation error as given below. However if we attach this to any chart without compiling it shows results in Experts tab.

Please help.

Thanks in advance

Function "array_reverse" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "array_reverse_m" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "array_clone" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "array_clone_m" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "array_associate" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "array_2d_extend_string" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "array_size_m_string" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "array_2Dtostring" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "array_tostring" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_set_weights" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_set_activation_function" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "getMSEChart" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_saveMSEChart" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_createOptimizedNetwork" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_loadOptimizedNetwork" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_optimize_actFunction" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_destroy" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_computeArray" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_computeScaledArray" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_scaleArrayRange" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_debugDisable" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_debugEnable" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "csv_init" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "csv_close" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nns_query" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nns_scaleArray" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "addDataset2" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "addDataset1" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "addDataset3" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "addDataset4" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "addDataset5" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "addDataset6" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_printBatchResults" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_printDataArray" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_print_array" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nn_printDataArrayLine" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nns_computeAndDisplay" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "nns_copyOnBuffer" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file
Function "threshold" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file


Those aren't errors but warnings. Function "x" is not referenced and will be removed from exp-file means that the function named "x" will never be called from anywhere in the code. As such, it would be a waste of space to compile the function (as it's never used!). Thus, it is removed from the compiled file. This may be intentional or it may not be.