I need some help. Please!


Hi Everyone

I have made my own Expert Advisor according to my own strategy, and I need some help. According to my strategy in my Expert Advisor I have placed different market orders in different open price range and different stop loss. What I want is not to display the open price and stop loss values in the terminal window. As a matter of fact, the values are still there and processing at the back. I just do not want to display them in the terminal window.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.




hummm, ClientTerminal plots arrow and line objects when order goes to market order state. These GUI objects show the sl,tp,ep. confirm this yourself by CTRL-B to see list of graphical objects plotted on current window and any subwindows. Amongst them all you will see what looking for. The name of the object as seen in it's properties is datum generally used when Object Functions are used on specific/named objects.

oh yes, when you hold cursor over gui object, a bubble pops up giving datums - one is object's name.

I forget CT naming conventions, but ticket# will probably be lurking around since is unique pattern to use in total format used to assign object name.

Anyway, if you map out the always used naming format for each of the various objects plotted by CT when market order active, then you can easily use the Object Functions group. bool ObjectDelete(string name) may be all required, once your code has gened the name strings...