How find total average?


Is someone know the avarege of this example and can u explain;

1 lot long @ 1.4600
1 lot long @ 1.4400
1 lot long @ 1.4200
1 lot long @ 1.3800

1 lot short @ 1.3600
1 lot short @ 1.3200

How can i calculate my total avarage or cost with shorts and longs ?

(1*1.4600 + 1* 1.4400 + 1* 1.4200 + 1*1.3800) / (1+1+1+1) = average price
(1*1.4600 + 1* 1.4400 + 1* 1.4200 + 1*1.3800) / (1+1+1+1) = average price

Not as simple, WHRoeder, because there are also two shorts to be considered at an average price of (1.36+1.32)/2.

I think the question is "what is the root price of a package of longs and shorts?" or "how does the value change when the price moves?".

Well, with four longs and two shorts, I think the value changes by two long units, assuming that each position is the same lot size.

I think the root price is the market price where the package shows neither profit nor loss, where "market price" takes account of Bid for longs and Ask for shorts.

Now I hand the question back to the OP (original poster) to give us his/her interpretation. Regards, Helmut


I think the question is "what is the root price of a package of longs and shorts?" or "how does the value change when the price moves?".

And to compute that you need to know (1) what type of currency pair the positions are based on, and (2) the account currency.

That's a different question than what I interpreted the vague OP question.

(TotalLotsBuy-TotalLotsSell)*MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE ) gives the increase per Point in the account currency.


That's a different question than what I interpreted the vague OP question.

(TotalLotsBuy-TotalLotsSell)*MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE ) gives the increase per Point in the account currency.


SP = MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD ) say = 2 pips

X = market Bid price where the package shows neither profit nor loss

L(i) = (1.46, 1.44, 1.42, 1.38)

S(i) = (1.36, 1.32)

Sum((X-L(i)) + (S(i)-(X+SP))) = (4-2)*X – 2*SP + Sum(-L(i) + S(i))

X = (Sum(L(i) – S(i)) + 2*SP)/2 = (3.02 + 0.0004)/2 = 1.5102

profit = Sum(0.0502, 0.0702, 0.0902, 0.1302) = 0.3408

loss = Sum(-0.1502, -0.1902)-0.0004 = -0.3408

The portfolio is equivalent to being two lots long at 1.5102.

Has this answered your question, akagunay? Please let us know, best wishes, Helmut


Well, WHR and Phillip, no response from the OP (original poster).

We should have remembered Mathew 7:6 "neither cast ye your pearls before swine".


Guys thnx for your answers i think this is true,i also cant find any automotic calculator for this..



SP = MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD ) say = 2 pips

X = market Bid price where the package shows neither profit nor loss

L(i) = (1.46, 1.44, 1.42, 1.38)

S(i) = (1.36, 1.32)

Sum((X-L(i)) + (S(i)-(X+SP))) = (4-2)*X – 2*SP + Sum(-L(i) + S(i))

X = (Sum(L(i) – S(i)) + 2*SP)/2 = (3.02 + 0.0004)/2 = 1.5102

profit = Sum(0.0502, 0.0702, 0.0902, 0.1302) = 0.3408

loss = Sum(-0.1502, -0.1902)-0.0004 = -0.3408

The portfolio is equivalent to being two lots long at 1.5102.

Has this answered your question, akagunay? Please let us know, best wishes, Helmut


Guys thnx for your answers i think this is true,i also cant find any automotic calculator for this..

Any little hand-held calculator will do. Actually, I used the crummy "Calculator" that comes with Windows using the following steps...

1.46+1.44+1.42+1.38-1.36-1.32= 3.02+.0004= 3.204/2= 1.5102

Surely you don't need an automatic calculator for this?
