Order of Operation


Hello all,

I have this question, if is possibile to resolve... Can i make in a IF operation made more level in one parenthesis??? Example:

if (((Num1> Num2 && Num3> Num4) || (Num5> Num6 && Num7> Num8)) && Num9> Num10)

Num1-2-3-4 data and Num5-6-7-8 is possible to separate to their function? Like a math expression:

if {[(Num1> Num2 && Num3> Num4) || (Num5> Num6 && Num7> Num8)] && Num9> Num10}

Can i make in a IF operation made more level in one parenthesis??? Example:

if (((Num1> Num2 && Num3> Num4) || (Num5> Num6 && Num7> Num8)) && Num9> Num10)


Pesonally, I lay them out something like below. I find it easier to keep track of brackets when it's broken up and I can also comment out a particular argument if I need without having to re build the statement

         if (
            && (var3<var4 || var3>=var5)
            && (var6>var8 || (var7>var8|| var7>var9))  
//            && var10>var11

Also the successive &&'s can be split into nested if's to improve the backtesting speed if its an issue.

A simple start with the OP's example would be to pull the Num9>Num10 expression out as the first if of the nest:

         Do some stuff...
   else if(Num5>Num6)
         Do some stuff...

That way no cpu cycles are wasted computing expressions that for an already known invalid logic tree.


Thank you Philip, you explain very well.


K-ernet wrote >>

if (((Num1> Num2 && Num3> Num4) || (Num5> Num6 && Num7> Num8)) && Num9> Num10)

When you get complicated booleans, for readability I prefer to use variables:

//if (((Num1> Num2 && Num3> Num4) || (Num5>  Num6 && Num7> Num8)) &&  Num9> Num10)
bool maUp      = (EMA5 > EMA8 && EMA8 > EMA 13),
     anotherUp = (Num5 > num6 && Num7 > Num8),
     eitherUp  = maUp || anotherUp,
     lastly    = (Num9 > Num10);
if ( eitherUp && lastly ) ...
Properly named booleans can make your code much more readable, and if the final logic test doesn't read right, you probably have a mistake.