Create a profit function


i would like to create for one of my EA a function which it looking in the last 5 closes orders of my EA (same magicnumber and symbol) the net profit value and save them in a array.
if array[0] is positive X =1;
if array[0] is negative and array[1] is positive X =0.9;
if array[0] & array[1] are negative and array[2] is positive X =0.8;
if array[0] to array[2] are negative and array[3] is positive X =0.7;
if array[0] to array[3] are negative and array[4] is positive X =0.6;
else X=0.5;

I try do it but it doesn't work ! someone can help me please?

Thanks in advance

why don't scan thru the history trades instead of using array?

for(i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
why don't scan thru the history trades instead of using array?

for(i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)

I try to do that but with no success !

Can you help me ?
Hi Taad,
post your code, so we can take a look at the problem.

Hi Taad,
post your code, so we can take a look at the problem.


Here is part of the code :

extern double Lot = 1;
extern int nbIncrementationLot =10;
int init()
double lotMemory = Lot;

void tailleLot()
int i;
Lots = lotMemory;
int a = nbIncrementationLot;
for(i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
{if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)
a =a-1;
if (a<=0) break;}
else break;}
for(i = 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (OrderCloseTime()<(TimeCurrent()-86400)) Lots =lotMemory;

Lots is lot size in my orders
nbIncrementationLot is the number of time that i will decrease the size of lot when i lost money
example : nbIncrementationLot =4 and Lot=1
if last trade (trade0) is a profit => Lots =1
if trade0 is a loss and trade1 is a profit => Lots = 0.75
if trade0 & trade1 are a loss and trade2 is a profit => Lots = 0.5
else Lots =0.25

Thanks for help !

hmm, creative risk management. In general most ea's do something like this
int start(){

   double ldLots = 0;
   double ldRiskPct = 3;
   ldLots = ((AccountFreeMargin()/100.0)*ldRiskPct)/(giSL*MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE));
   lotSizeCheck(ldLots, 0.01, 50);


void lotSizeCheck(double& rdLots, double dMinLots, double dMaxLots){
   if (rdLots < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)){
      rdLots = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
   if (rdLots < dMinLots){
      rdLots = dMinLots;
   if (rdLots > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)){
      rdLots = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
   if (rdLots > dMaxLots){
      rdLots = dMaxLots;

but lets see if I can get this right

double tailleLot(){
   int i,j=0,liLastWin=-1;
   double ldLots = 1;
   Lots = lotMemory;
   int a = nbIncrementationLot;
   for(i = OrdersHistoryTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
      OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY);
      if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic){
         if(OrderProfit() > 0){
            liLastWin = j;
   if (liLastWin != -1){
        ldLots = Lot-(0.25*liLastWin);
   if (ldLots < 0.25){
      ldLots = 0.25;
something like that.... code is not tested; just typed it here.


PS next time please use the SRC button before inserting code in the post
hmm, creative risk management. In general most ea's do something like this
but lets see if I can get this right

something like that.... code is not tested; just typed it here.

Thanks for you help but ...

I test it, change the code many times but it still doesn't work.

in ordersend, the Lot are always equal to zero !
Do you know why ? have you an other idea ?

hmm this pretty much looking into a blackbox this way... a code example would be helpful. But i guess the following is going wrong. You probably had the Lot variable as a global. I made the function to return a value, this way it is easier to re-use in other EA's. So if you call the function you should "capture" the return output.
int start(){

   //... some code

   int liTicket = liTicket = -1;
   double ldLots = tailleLot();

   if (/* conditions for opening buy*/){
       liTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, ldLots, /* other params */);
   if (/* conditions for opening sell*/){
       liTicket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, ldLots, /* other params */);

Thanks for you help but ...

I test it, change the code many times but it still doesn't work.

in ordersend, the Lot are always equal to zero !
Do you know why ? have you an other idea ?

int init()
double lotMemory = Lot;

void tailleLot()
int i;
Lots = lotMemory;
int a = nbIncrementationLot;
for(i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
{if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)
The code you pasted would not compile lotMemory is undefined in tailleLot().
In init() lotMemory is lost as soon as it returns.
double lotMemory;
int init() {
   lotMemory = Lot;

void tailleLot() {
    Lots = lotMemory;
    int a = nbIncrementationLot;
    for(int i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (
       OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)
    && OrderSymbol()      == Symbol() 
    && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic) {
Thanks to WHRoeder and Russell

Base on your code i have found the solution !