Looking for some Help to create a DLL

I have been trying to get the following code into a DLL for use by an Advisor. I am stumped...even after looking through all the error 127 postings on this forum. I am using VS2008 C++ to create the DLL. Below is my C++ Code.

// Genetic Test.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.


#include "stdafx.h"

#define MT4_EXPFUNC __declspec ( dllexport )

#define TRUNC(x)(((x)>=0) ? floor(x) : ceil(x))

#define C_FPREM (_finite(f[0]/f[1]) ? f[0]-(TRUNC(f[0]/f[1])*f[1]) : f[0]/f[1])

#define C_F2XM1 (((fabs(f[0])<=1) && (!_isnan(f[0]))) ? (pow(2,f[0])-1) : ((!_finite(f[0]) && !_isnan(f[0]) && (f[0]<0)) ? -1 : f[0]))

struct MqlStr


int len;

char *string;


static int CompareMqlStr( const void *left, const void *right);


//| |


MT4_EXPFUNC double _stdcall DiscCFunctionSubC0( double v[])


long double f[8];

long double tmp = 0;

int cflag = 0;


L0: f[0]=fabs(f[0]);

L1: f[0]+=f[0];

L2: f[0]=-f[0];.................................

L179: f[0]=cos(f[0]);

L180: tmp=f[0]; f[0]=f[0]; f[0]=tmp;

L181: f[0]*=f[0];


return f[0];


MT4_EXPFUNC double _stdcall DisciCFunction( double v[] /*, double &Threshold, double &ActualOutput, long &NumberOfExamples,

double &Confidence, int &Class1Votes, int &Class0Votes*/ )


double Threshold;

double ActualOutput;

long NumberOfExamples;

double Confidence;

int Class1Votes;

int Class0Votes;

double f[1];

double fltTmp;

long lngConfidenceIndex=0;

double dblConfidenceValues[]=






long lngSubsetSize[]= ..................................



if (f[0]>=Threshold)


return 1;




return 0;



I also have have a .def file with

LIBRARY Genetic Test.dll

EXPORTS DisciCFunction


Any Ideas out there? If I supply the source C code can someone guide me?



Troutguy wrote >>
I have been trying to get the following code into a DLL for use by an Advisor. I am stumped...even after looking through all the error 127 postings on this forum. I am using VS2008 C++ to create the DLL. Below is my C++ Code.

Can be lots of reasons. I assume you have a DLL main function something like this:

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule,DWORD ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved)
      case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break;
      case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break; 
      case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; 
      case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break;

Is your OS 64 bit? I get error 127 when I try to load a 32 bit DLL on an MT4 running on a 64 bit OS. Does the sample DLL that comes with MT4 work when you compile it yourself?

