Onchart? - page 2


I agree. That was rather strong. What do you think phy? Is this guy going to get any help?

Now if I was a betting man, no.

england33 - Do you know that you just sold one of the most experienced, most helpful contributors on this forum to f*"& off!. Not cool man.


sounded like a jerky remark to me so i responded appropriately. Do you know I'm also a very helpful person and I go way out of my way to help

people myself and never talk to adults as if they are children. I do not drink or use drugs. I donated 6months of my time to the red cross during the hurricanes (including katrina I was one of the 1st responders) and saved peoples lives so don't start with the judging of character buddy

and your seniority or what ever because in the real world believe me my rank is high and i'm respected by the government and the people and I have lots of friends

both male and female and young and old. I really don't need to kiss up to any rude people and I'm not going to it so don't flatter yourselves.

How many lives have you saved? How many? I have saved hundreds and saved people from malnutrition and risk my own life to save people i do not even know so don't attack my character buddy.. I don't see where I told him to f' off as you exclaim making me sound like I'm some piece of trash looking for trouble I am not. I expected someone experienced to easily help me with this simple question for an experienced mql4 programmer.

I would even save him even though I don't appreciate his response and how he phrased. It was more like he was telling me to f' off

not the other way around. I knew he was experienced coder too and could have providing me with a better answer but I do not need to hear "make room"

when I just start my question out. Hey this is a coding forum to share

ideas if i'm not mistaken. I could get free advice from other coders I know in other forums and if it's going to be this way I won't bother wasting my time

here. I also won't contribute when I get more experience as I could work in more friendlier atmosphere between people that think of me

in high regard.

In fact next time I'll just ask some other people that don't act this way but I didn't want to bother them and thought it would be no big deal to get help

here but apparently such a simple question about the coding of an indicator turns into to turn on your monitor stupid or something like that. Really please that is

an insult.

Clearly you people have mental disorder or something for putting words in my mouth and so on and I could do the same and my reasoning makes more sense than

your outlandish attacks and rudeness to me. Maybe you

read to much code I don't know but it's not cool to put words in peoples mouth or tell them to
"make room" on my chart which has nothing at all to do with my question. Why waste your comment on us newbees that don't have

an ounce of your superior greatness. I mean really you want to help just help. If you want to make a suggestion present it as a suggestion not blurt it

because it sounds very poor. You need to grow some manors is what it is and get off your high horse and treat people as equals

with courtesy as human beings.

I would also never respond in such a way as Phy did to me. Anyway quite trashing on me and my threads. If you have something

to contribute then contribute otherwise get a life. I don't mind jokes but rudeness is no good and talking down to people no thanks you won't get it here. Don't due it you won't win. And obviously there's an answer to this question in programming terms.

I did not ask how to make more space, my question was about converting an indicator and if Phy is experienced as he is he obviously knows the

answer and is just playing a very uncool game with me which picked right up on. I'm not stupid and i'm not one of your college students coming here

you can talk down to and get them to worship around you. That I do not appreciate and I can tell when people are being rude or

not so just drop it and grow some manors like a real man and get respect as a human 1st and foremost. I am a courtesy man everyday of my life and it doesn't hurt me to add a few

kind words without blurting out rudeness. Holding doors for people ect I always do it and I say sir and ma'am to people I don't

know and dress well in public. You people should try it instead of blurting rude remarks and show more class especially to people you have never conversed with.

You act like you know me and you don't have a clue now do you?

Good Day, Trader Neal


Neal, to be fair to Phy, I don't think he tends to talk down to people in the forum.

I would interpret his "make room" comment:

- physically (as per the 2nd part of my own response)


- philosophically (perhaps drop some familiar but less useful indicator).


england33 wrote >>


sounded like a jerky remark to me so i responded appropriately. Do you know I'm also a very helpful person and I go way out of my way to help

people myself and never talk to adults as if they are children. I do not drink or use drugs. I donated 6months of my time to the red cross during the hurricanes (including katrina I was one of the 1st responders) and saved peoples lives so don't start with the judging of character buddy

and your seniority or what ever because in the real world believe me my rank is high and i'm respected by the government and the people and I have lots of friends

both male and female and young and old. I really don't need to kiss up to any rude people and I'm not going to it so don't flatter yourselves.

How many lives have you saved? How many? I have saved hundreds and saved people from malnutrition and risk my own life to save people i do not even know so don't attack my character buddy.. I don't see where I told him to f' off as you exclaim making me sound like I'm some piece of trash looking for trouble I am not. I expected someone experienced to easily help me with this simple question for an experienced mql4 programmer.

I would even save him even though I don't appreciate his response and how he phrased. It was more like he was telling me to f' off

not the other way around. I knew he was experienced coder too and could have providing me with a better answer but I do not need to hear "make room"

when I just start my question out. Hey this is a coding forum to share

ideas if i'm not mistaken. I could get free advice from other coders I know in other forums and if it's going to be this way I won't bother wasting my time

here. I also won't contribute when I get more experience as I could work in more friendlier atmosphere between people that think of me

in high regard.

In fact next time I'll just ask some other people that don't act this way but I didn't want to bother them and thought it would be no big deal to get help

here but apparently such a simple question about the coding of an indicator turns into to turn on your monitor stupid or something like that. Really please that is

an insult.

Clearly you people have mental disorder or something for putting words in my mouth and so on and I could do the same and my reasoning makes more sense than

your outlandish attacks and rudeness to me. Maybe you

read to much code I don't know but it's not cool to put words in peoples mouth or tell them to
"make room" on my chart which has nothing at all to do with my question. Why waste your comment on us newbees that don't have

an ounce of your superior greatness. I mean really you want to help just help. If you want to make a suggestion present it as a suggestion not blurt it

because it sounds very poor. You need to grow some manors is what it is and get off your high horse and treat people as equals

with courtesy as human beings.

I would also never respond in such a way as Phy did to me. Anyway quite trashing on me and my threads. If you have something

to contribute then contribute otherwise get a life. I don't mind jokes but rudeness is no good and talking down to people no thanks you won't get it here. Don't due it you won't win. And obviously there's an answer to this question in programming terms.

I did not ask how to make more space, my question was about converting an indicator and if Phy is experienced as he is he obviously knows the

answer and is just playing a very uncool game with me which picked right up on. I'm not stupid and i'm not one of your college students coming here

you can talk down to and get them to worship around you. That I do not appreciate and I can tell when people are being rude or

not so just drop it and grow some manors like a real man and get respect as a human 1st and foremost. I am a courtesy man everyday of my life and it doesn't hurt me to add a few

kind words without blurting out rudeness. Holding doors for people ect I always do it and I say sir and ma'am to people I don't

know and dress well in public. You people should try it instead of blurting rude remarks and show more class especially to people you have never conversed with.

You act like you know me and you don't have a clue now do you?

Good Day, Trader Neal

