Not able to run Start() function


here my sample code:

int init()
{ Alert (Symbol()); return; }
int deinit()
{ Alert ("exit"); return; }
int start()




when I run this code,

Im getting values in alert dialog box as follows,

12:52:02 EURUSD

sometime Exit. (after long gap)

I think Start() function not executed.

Could u please any body tel me,is there any error, or need more code.



Just above the chart there's a button called "Expert Advisors". Make sure it's green rather than red and that there's a face (smile or scowl) rather than an x in the top right corner of the chart. Once that's the case, then wait for an incoming tick to trigger the start() method. May be easier for you to use Print() statements rather than Alert() and check output in the experts tab and logfile. CB
Thanks a lot.