What can be the utility of the function ArrayIsSeries ? - page 2


ArrayIsSeries() shows you what the array did you receive via function call.

OnCalculate function gets timeseries arrays - time[], open[], high[], low[] etc. You can pass one of these arrays to some function.

If array is series, then you can see it's origin (client terminal history center) and you cannot change it

I don't see a way this can be done. I take as example time[] series.

  • An array can only be passed as an argument to a function by reference, but
  • time[] in OnCalculate() is declared as const

so you can pass time[] or other timeseries arrays from OnCalculate to a function only as a const. So in my opinion ArrayIsSeries() is a pointless and obsolete function.


hi, sorry to bring up this old topic.

I wanted to know if any custom defined array can be checked with this ArrayIsSeries  and it returns true?

what ever I write and test it always returns false , except for predefined arrays in onCalculate,  open high ,low close.

so I am wondering if its possible to manually create a timeseries array at all which this detects  and returns true for it?