What Is the Best Time of My EA to Perform ? - page 3


Profits and losses by hours

This diagram shows the distribution of market exiting deals (closure, partial closure and reversal of positions) by hours. The color of the diagram bars denote profitable (blue) and losing (red) deals.

Yes but, he asked for entry time. I don't think it's available natively within MT5.

Profits and losses by hours

This diagram shows the distribution of market exiting deals (closure, partial closure and reversal of positions) by hours. The color of the diagram bars denote profitable (blue) and losing (red) deals.

Thanks for ur time, my problem solved.
i want to read the chart "Entry by Hours(Europ,Asis,Usa),..how to read it ?

Thanks for ur time, my problem solved.
Solved ? For entry time ? How ?
Yes but, he asked for entry time. I don't think it's available natively within MT5.
yes, the best entry time,and bad entry times cannt filer,that wht i belive ! i am not shure.!
I gave you same answer as raptor long ago and you said its not what you wanted. As for different market open times you can google them then try to match them with the chart to see what session your ea profits most.
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Position Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Position Properties
  • www.mql5.com
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Trade Constants / Position Properties - Documentation on MQL5
Yes but, he asked for entry time. I don't think it's available natively within MT5.

Ah,  good point . . .  please refer to my other answer then  ;-)


 Otherwise code your EA so you can set the trading start and stop times and then optimize using these inputs.

*Shakes tie into position with two fingers* Put time filter in your EA then optimise it to get the best time range for trading.