Auto Draw rectangle from HIGH 10:00 AM candle to LOW 11 AM candle everyday.


Hi there,

I am trying something simple: To draw on the 10:00 AM candle a rectangle spanning from the High of the first candle to the Low of the second (@ 11:00 AM).

I am using the below code, but not working, no rectangle is appearing - cod below:

//|                                                        test4.mq4 |
//|                                                  Wissam Boustany |
//|                             |
#property copyright "Wissam Boustany"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window
static int oldBarTime;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   int x;
   bool  New1HBar;

else New1HBar=false;

   if (New1HBar==true)

If I take out the

if (New1HBar==true)     

It will draw a rectangle, but not using my constraints. I now that I should also give a ticket number to each rectangle in the future so the sytem will be able to draw several rectangle, but Im not into that yet, I just cant draw any rectangle using the current code. Can anyone help ?


it sounds like when you draw lines or something graphic objects you have to use buffers and fill data to them. it is just for customed indicator not for Ea. honestly i am not quite sure for this, i tried to add simple vertical line at the point when a new trade opened,but i could only get the first line. you can check the book or documentation on this website.
inquisiteur wrote >>

Hi there,

I am trying something simple: To draw on the 10:00 AM candle a rectangle spanning from the High of the first candle to the Low of the second (@ 11:00 AM).

I am using the below code, but not working, no rectangle is appearing - cod below:

If I take out the

It will draw a rectangle, but not using my constraints. I now that I should also give a ticket number to each rectangle in the future so the sytem will be able to draw several rectangle, but Im not into that yet, I just cant draw any rectangle using the current code. Can anyone help ?


This might be of use. I wanted to draw rectangles on the chart to indicate the best times for me to trade my system which is around the Euro and US opens.
