meta tester 5 agents manager traffic in/out


Hello MQL5 community,

Is there a way to limit in/out traffic size to a fixed value within the 'MetaTester 5 Agents Manager' OR must port traffic be controlled using a separate application?

Thank you

What kind of limit do You need? By speed or by transferred kilobytes?
What kind of limit do You need? By speed or by transferred kilobytes?

Hello Slawa,

I believe limiting the number of kilobytes or megabytes transfer rate would decrease overall transfer speed so I would assume an appropriate response would be to set a limitation on transferable kilobytes or megabytes. The more time I spend thinking about this the more I start to think this must be done with an outside application because I see no option to set a fixed limit on transferable data within 'MetaTester 5 Agents Manager'.

Thank you


Sorry. We cannot limit megabytes needed for testing. Traffic for history is decreased - one history for all agents on this computer and history data is extremelly zipped (up to 20 times), and in-traffic for synchronized history is 27 bytes only (however out-traffic for history synchronization depends on days' count). Traffic for out results is small too. For optimization after initializing we transfer to agents pass numbers only (not parameters' values - pass numbers for initialized parameters' set) - very effective. We really decrease traffic

But we cannot limit intencivity of your agents using. Try to use agents' manager schedule


Sorry. We cannot limit megabytes needed for testing. Traffic for history is decreased - one history for all agents on this computer and history data is extremelly zipped (up to 20 times). Traffic for out results is small too. For optimization after initializing we transfer to agents pass numbers only (not parameters' values - pass numbers for initialized parameters' set) - very effective. We really decrease traffic

But we cannot limit intencivity of your agents using. Try to use agents' manager schedule


Thank you

You are welcome
I do not have agents in my profile. While in tester agents are working... What is this?
I do not have agents in my profile. While in tester agents are working ... What is this?

You specified login (name) in the settings?

They do not appear immediately, I was more than a day before.