Ideal Length of Time for Testing?

What is the ideal length of time to test an ea back to?


You can argue this one all day, but the fact is that even 10 prior years would not have saved many systems that had such a bad time between Jan 1 and Feb14 this year

If an EA is new or new to you, I would suggest 3 years.

In practise, only 12 months may be available, so go with as much as you have - you need to know just how bad it can get and how quickly

Some go into a gradual decline and can be pulled off once losses reach a certain level, others go evil almost overnight - know which yours is...

Get used to watching the equity curve on a trading report or backtest, dips happen but look for breaks in the trend of profit

For routine monitoring, anything between 2-12 weeks is OK - much depends on how often the EA trades



Great Advice! Thanks so much Barrow! :)