5 min Data on Majors


I would appreciate if anyone could provide me with 5min data for Jan 2008 to June 2008 on any of the majors. I had huge softaware issues and unfortunately most of my data is gone. I had to also download m trader again and 5 min data only goes up to Jul/Aug. Thanks in advance.



1. go to google and write down: history center data bank eurusd (sorry, we cannot put specific brokers' references here).

2. download the 1 minute files

3. go to "tools->history center"

4. import the data in the desired currency and corresponding 1 minute time_frame ( be cautious not to mistake here )

5. go to "file->offline chart" and open chart of desired currency with time_frame=1minute

6. drag&drop the script "period_converter" on the chart.

You are done


1. go to google and write down: history center data bank eurusd (sorry, we cannot put specific brokers' references here).

2. download the 1 minute files

3. go to "tools->history center"

4. import the data in the desired currency and corresponding 1 minute time_frame ( be cautious not to mistake here )

5. go to "file->offline chart" and open chart of desired currency with time_frame=1minute

6. drag&drop the script "period_converter" on the chart.

You are done

Thanks, i also just found the answer with a forum search. Thans for taking the time out to help. I actually have more data now than before......lol!

I wonder why the common answer is to download history from a website and run period_converter, when F2/download would do everything for you?