I am going to write the Expert Advisor based on Beginner Alert indicator


The indicator is here: https://www.mql5.com/en/code/8359

Could you please tell me how can I reffer to this indicator on MQL code? iCustom(...

But what should I type there? When signal to buy and when signal to sell based on beginner alert indocator will occur?



There are four external variables that will go into the command.


extern bool SoundON=true;
extern int AllBars=0;//Для скольки баров считать. 0 - для всех.
extern int Otstup=30;//Отступ.
extern double Per=9;//Период.

There are two index buffers



When BufU or BufD has a value, that's your signal.

The rest of the time the values are 0.


So, maybe something like this:

if(iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "BeginnerAlert", true, 0, 30, 9, 0, 0) != 0){

upsignal = true;


if(iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "BeginnerAlert", true, 0, 30, 9, 1, 0) != 0){

dnsignal = true;



Thank you phy for your help.

Your idea works. Bye

puncher wrote >>

Thank you phy for your help.

Your idea works. Bye


I've been following this indicator closely and testing/playing around with it myself. If you do succeed in writing the EA for it, would you be willing to share it with me? My email is futures4me@aol.com

Thank You!


There are four external variables that will go into the command.


extern bool SoundON=true;
extern int AllBars=0;//Для скольки баров считать. 0 - для всех.
extern int Otstup=30;//Отступ.
extern double Per=9;//Период.

There are two index buffers



When BufU or BufD has a value, that's your signal.

The rest of the time the values are 0.


So, maybe something like this:

if(iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "BeginnerAlert", true, 0, 30, 9, 0, 0) != 0){

upsignal = true;


if(iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "BeginnerAlert", true, 0, 30, 9, 1, 0) != 0){

dnsignal = true;


Hi phy,

I wrote EA for this indicator but it opens only SELL orders. Never Buy roders. Something is wrong in your signals I think. Could you verify this problem?




int CheckForOpenPosition()


int result=0, swieczka1=0, swieczka2=0;

if(iCustom(SYMBOL, 0, "BeginnerAlert", SoundON, AllBars, Otstup, Per, 0, 1) != 0) // buy signal true
swieczka1 = 1;
if(iCustom(SYMBOL, 0, "BeginnerAlert", SoundON, AllBars, Otstup, Per, 1, 1) != 0) //sell signal true
swieczka1 = -1;
if(iCustom(SYMBOL, 0, "BeginnerAlert", SoundON, AllBars, Otstup, Per, 0, 2) != 0) // buy signal true
swieczka2 = 1;
if(iCustom(SYMBOL, 0, "BeginnerAlert", SoundON, AllBars, Otstup, Per, 1, 2) != 0) //sell signal true
swieczka2 = -1;

if((swieczka1==0 || swieczka1==1) && swieczka2==1) // buy signal true
result = 1;
if((swieczka1==0 || swieczka1==-1) && swieczka2==-1) //sell signal true
result = -1;

//| Opens position according to Beginner lert values |
void OpenPosition(int ShortLong, double Lots)

if(ShortLong == -1)

if(ShortLong == 1)

if(ShortLong != 0)
// LastBarTraded = Time[0];





Please for HELP.



When does ShortLong get set to 1?
When does ShortLong get set to 1?
void start()
OpenPosition(CheckForOpenPosition(), Lots());



ShortLong = 1

when result = 1



I tire of playing "guess how the code works" with you. Have a nice day.