First timer with some questions.



I've been on Meta for about 2 months, my practice accounts kept going to 0.00 within days.

I've tried some different combonations with the volumes .10 to 1 and finally found one that works.

I am trading 6 different currencies at a time. On Monday of last week I started a new 5000.00 practice account.

I am at 50,000.00 as of 7 days into the new strategy.

Here is my question, I have over 500 open orders, how can I stop this from happening. It sometimes takes me 1 hr to close all orders when I decide that I want to stop all positions on Friday. Is there a click of the button I am missing to be able to close all orders.

Reason is when I start with 5000.00 I don't want to excede half the amount of margin in the bank, in case it goes sour.

Thank you!
