Is there anyway to write array data to CSV file?

Is there anyway to write array data to CSV file dynamically without having to build out the whole FileWrite function? Seems the only way to write a CSV file is to separate all my variable by commas in the FileWrite function's arguments. It would be very helpful if the FileWriteArray would write to CSV. Honestly, as a software engineer myself, I don't understand why it couldn't. I do it all the time in other languages.

Hello G, No there is no builtin but please not get 'fed up', ok?

I read the link below over 1yr ago and was for me a wake up call, let me ramble and explain:

Why? cause I was [as now but at very low level ;o] letting the docs get on top of me and that is a total one way street with nothing but dispair at the end!

I gave myself a good talking to - got off my a*s and started to design and code around the ever so obvious deficiencies in MQL4.

Look at it this way G, most if not all primitives are there. EG, you require putting multiDatum csv recs onto disk?, wanna do ASCII or BIN?

Well, you answered your question yourself friend... what? well - you used two words "software engineer". If this is valid usage then you will have no trouble at all

in doing what irusoh1 stated: "Our task is to discover them and find a workaround"

The existing primitives are all you need to code the next level up using them to achieve your current need, yes?

Not lecturing G, I've coded since 60's and when I met MT I was massively 'getting into a twist' - old age-lol, and reading irusho's perspective on the simple FACT of MT life regards living with MT really woke me up - heck, I've used far worse, but I've got soft. I knew that had toolbag full of tricks albeit rusty... just had to re-realize that my fate was indeed in my hands!

Go for it dude!


irusoh1 2006.10.30 19:28

Gozer, click on "Code Base" -> "Libraries" -> "StringArraySuite" and have a look at function "StringArrayWrite".