Problem: Build 213 update

Hi All

My fx broker is Alpari so of course I use MT setup from their site.
Since the first live update to build 213 popup appeared on MT startup last week, I have this popup appear every time now.
The Help>About always shows 211 on startup > go through the liveupdate - which (after 1st 3.xxmeg download) does not download anything! then when restart happens Help>About shows 213

This is a circular path... doing the same over and over.

Alpari are hopeless regards support - their support forum is clogged with spam emails etc. - (hey! right here - this is the only forum for me...)

1. ???
What happens to my existing MT setup which I rely on totally - IF I download latest 213 setup and install.

Yes I can play around and zip this and that or rename top level dir prior install but I'd be interested in your comments.

BTW, I also have MetaQuotes MT installed and of course when I fired it up the live update went without any problems...!

2. ???
Maybe better idea is to just use MetaQuotes .exe and forget about Alpari download?
Are their any Alpari customizations which means I need their .exe or is it good enough to copy all Alpari folders or? over and add in my live account details...?

3. ???
I'm in the dark about just what would have to be done to transfer ??dirs over to use MetaQuotes instead of Alpari...

Have I missed something or am I just unused to getting up in morning with a real/live sun outside - lol
I live in UK so weather surely must be the cause of all my issues!!!!

In anticipation for your valued comments!

Following research - [which it would seem everyone else knows about] an overlay installation does not touch non-install generated files. I do just in case backup of ..\experts, ..\profiles, ..\templates [and optionally ..\history] folders. Simple to zip up - simple to delete when see all working after install.

New build 214 will be tomorrow.
New build 214 will be tomorrow.