Passing object reference to funciton



Can anyone tell me how I can pass object reference to function? I have tried something like this:

CXmlElement ResponseXml;

void Init() {

(some code) 



void SomeMethod(CXmlElement &xml)


(some code)

but I get error that CXmlElement variable is without type.. Anyone knows how to resolve that?





Can anyone tell me how I can pass object reference to function? I have tried something like this:

CXmlElement ResponseXml;

void Init() {

(some code) 



void SomeMethod(CXmlElement &xml)


(some code)

but I get error that CXmlElement variable is without type.. Anyone knows how to resolve that?



- include header where CXmlElement is declared

- if & not work, use   SomeMethod(CXmlElement *xml) and use function CheckPointer for xml.

Error --> invalid array access --> structure have objects and cannot be copied
Error --> invalid array access --> structure have objects and cannot be copied
Error --> invalid array access --> structure have objects and cannot be copied.