problem finding windows

Does anyone know how to find the index of a window based on the symbol ? WindowFind is supposed to work with indicator names, and a WindowFind("EURUSD") will return -1...

int WindowHandle( string symbol, int timeframe)
Returns the system window handler containing the given chart. If the chart of symbol and timeframe has not been opened by the moment of function calling, 0 will be returned.

Thanks, but it wasn't what I was looking for. What I get from this function is the handle allocated by Windows. What I wanted was the index that I can pass to ObjectCreate to correctly place my object in the window that I want. Any idea?

Your code can only place an object in the main or subwindow of the chart it is "attached" to. Index is 0, 1, 2 etc for
chart and indicator subwinddows. WindowFind uses indicator short name to locate subwindows only.

int WindowFind( string name)
If indicator with name was found, the function returns the window index containing this specified indicator, otherwise it returns -1

name - Indicator short name.

void IndicatorShortName( string name)
Sets the "short" name of a custom indicator to be shown in the DataWindow and in the chart subwindow.

Thanks for the explanation. This is what I was trying to do , place objects in other windows . I understand now.
No I still don't get it. I am completely new at this and I think my question relates to that of The Economist. I inadvertently closed a window GBP/USD and now cannot see how to restore it. It appears to be more complex than just finding it in the MetaTrader (practice account) itself. Also, I cannot figure out how to get up windows of other pairs besides the default ones. cannot find it in 'help' either.

Anyone willing to give me some pointers please?

Open MarketWatch window, right click, and show all. Menu --- View --- MarketWatch

You can only open pairs that are provided by the feed (Dealer) to which you are connected.

To open a chart:

Menu --- File -- New Chart


Right Click a pair in the MArket Watch and choose "Chart Window"

As for deleted charts, Menu -- File --- Open Deleted

Yeah, guess you actually meant the File - Open Deleted.   As for other pairs, righht click Market Watch, then Show All . Also it's interesting to right click Market Watch and point to Symbols... Lots of undisplayed info are there (like expiry dates for currency futures , as I saw on a broker)