Enrique Enguix
Enrique Enguix
4.7 (88)
  • Information
4 Jahre
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💡 **Meistere die Kunst des automatisierten Tradings: Lass dein Geld für dich arbeiten!**

Verwandle deine Träume in Realität mit automatisierten Strategien, die funktionieren.


Hast du jemals davon geträumt, Geld zu verdienen, während du schläfst? 🌙

Automatisiertes Trading macht das möglich. Aber Vorsicht: Es ist keine Magie.

Wahrer Erfolg kommt nicht durch Glück und Hoffen auf das Beste; er kommt durch das Verständnis des Marktes, den Einsatz der richtigen Werkzeuge und – was am wichtigsten ist – das Vermeiden der Fehler, die viele Trader machen.

Heute werde ich dir zeigen, wie du dein Trading in etwas verwandeln kannst, das nicht nur profitabel ist, sondern dir auch mehr Freizeit und weniger Stress bietet.


⚠️ **3 Häufige Fehler, die Anfänger mit Expert Advisors (EAs) machen**

Viele Trader beginnen mit EAs und denken, es sei ein schneller Weg zum Reichtum. Aber der Erfolg mit diesen Tools erfordert Wissen und Vorbereitung.

Vermeide diese Fehler, wenn du dein Trading auf das nächste Level bringen willst:


**1. Fehlende Optimierung und unzureichende Tests**

Einen EA ohne umfassende Tests zu starten, ist wie blind zu fliegen.

Führe immer Tests mit historischen Daten und unter verschiedenen Marktbedingungen durch.

Erfolg kommt nicht durch Glück, sondern durch Vorbereitung.


**2. Keine Anpassung der Risikoparameter**

Jedes Handelskonto ist anders. Was für ein großes Guthaben funktioniert, kann ein kleines Konto ruinieren, wenn du nicht die Lotgrößen oder Stop-Losses richtig anpasst.

Denke daran: Risikomanagement ist der Schlüssel. 📉


**3. Blindes Vertrauen in den EA**

Nur weil dein EA automatisiert ist, bedeutet das nicht, dass du ihn ignorieren kannst.

Ein guter Trader behält ihn immer im Auge und nimmt bei Bedarf Anpassungen vor, besonders in Zeiten hoher Volatilität.


🧠 **Die Psychologie des Traders: Bist du ein Trader oder ein Spieler?**

Lass mich dir eine unbequeme Frage stellen:

Handelst du mit einem soliden Plan oder spielst du einfach und hoffst, dass der Markt sich zu deinen Gunsten bewegt?

Ein disziplinierter Trader braucht keine „Hoffnung“.

Ein Trader mit einem Plan weiß genau, was er tut. Wenn der Markt nicht mit deiner Analyse übereinstimmt, passt du an, rechnest neu und machst weiter.

Hier gibt es keinen Platz für Glück, nur für Strategie. 🚀


🔄 **Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg: Anpassen, nicht Vorhersagen**

Viele Trader glauben, dass sie den Markt mit Erfahrung oder den richtigen Tools vorhersagen können.

Aber der Markt ist ein unberechenbares und sich ständig veränderndes Wesen.

Was du tun solltest, ist nicht zu versuchen, die Zukunft vorherzusagen, sondern dich an das anzupassen, was der Markt dir in Echtzeit zeigt.

Hier glänzen EAs: Anstatt zu versuchen, die Zukunft zu erraten, konfiguriere sie so, dass sie sich an die aktuellen Marktbedingungen anpassen.

Bleib nicht statisch, passe deine Strategien an und lass deinen EA die wechselnden Bedingungen des Marktes handhaben.


📊 **Anpassungs- und Optimierungsstrategien für EAs**

Um einen EA wirklich effektiv zu machen, brauchst du mehr als nur optimierte Einstiegspunkte.

Der Unterschied zwischen einem durchschnittlichen System und einem beständigen System liegt darin, wie du Ausstiege, Risikokontrolle und die Fähigkeit, sich an verändernde Marktbedingungen anzupassen, managst.


🛑 **Dynamischer Stop-Loss basierend auf Volatilität**

Anstatt einen festen Stop-Loss zu verwenden, passe ihn an die aktuelle Marktvolatilität an. Verwende Indikatoren wie ATR, um zu verhindern, dass der EA Trades zu früh schließt.


🔒 **Teilweises Schließen von Positionen**

Teile deinen Trade in mehrere Lose auf und schließe einen Teil, wenn sich der Markt zu deinen Gunsten bewegt.

So sicherst du Gewinne, während du den Rest mit weniger Risiko weiterlaufen lässt.


🕰️ **Zeitfilter**

Vermeide es, Positionen während Zeiten geringer Liquidität oder hoher Volatilität offen zu halten, z. B. bei der Eröffnung der New Yorker Sitzung oder bei großen makroökonomischen Ereignissen.


⏳ **Das bestgehütete Geheimnis: Geduld**

Erfolgreiche Trader jagen nicht nach schnellen, großen Gewinnen.

Beständigkeit ist der Schlüssel. EAs sind das perfekte Werkzeug, um Emotionen aus dem Prozess zu entfernen, sodass du dich an den Plan halten kannst, ohne von momentanen Impulsen abgelenkt zu werden.


🚀 **Fazit: Meistere dein Trading, lass es dich nicht beherrschen**

Der Markt schuldet niemandem etwas.

Diejenigen, die sich auf Glück verlassen, sind zum Scheitern verurteilt.

Mit den richtigen EAs, einem soliden Plan und einer anpassungsfähigen Denkweise kannst du ein beständiger und erfolgreicher Trader werden.


Die Reise wird nicht einfach sein, aber wenn du bereit bist zu lernen, dich anzupassen und kontinuierlich zu verbessern, kann automatisiertes Trading die Tür zu einer freieren finanziellen Zukunft öffnen.
Enrique Enguix
Enrique Enguix
En unas pocas horas, daremos inicio a la fase beta en vivo del nuevo Nexus ( https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/90877 ).

Al observar detenidamente el gráfico, se puede ver cómo el precio ha estado fluctuando dentro de un rango claro, definido principalmente por los niveles de POC (Point of Control). Este comportamiento revela una consolidación en curso.

En esta ocasión, hemos identificado un POC principal en la parte baja del gráfico, mientras que otros POC adicionales están presentes en la zona superior.

Esta estructura sugiere un mercado que se encuentra en una fase de consolidación, donde el POC inferior está actuando como un soporte sólido, mientras que los POC superiores están ejerciendo presión como resistencia. Esto podría ser indicativo de un próximo movimiento significativo en el precio, que podría ocurrir en cualquier momento. ¡Manténganse alertas para aprovechar esta oportunidad!



In a few hours, we will begin the live beta test of the new Nexus ( https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/90877 ).

A closer look at the chart reveals that the price has been fluctuating within a defined range, primarily shaped by the POC (Point of Control) levels. This indicates an ongoing consolidation.

This time, we have identified a main POC at the lower part of the chart, with additional POCs overlapping in the upper zone.

This setup suggests that the market may be consolidating, with strong support at the lower POC and resistance at the upper POCs. This could be a sign of a significant price movement in the near future. Stay tuned to seize the opportunity!

Enrique Enguix
Enrique Enguix
Evaluation of Trading Strategies: The Journey with Nexus and the New Strategies
Since the launch of Nexus, my flagship expert advisor, I have embarked on a constant search for optimization and perfection. Nexus was born with the idea of integrating 9 main strategies, offering diverse ways to address the complexities of the market. These strategies, designed to adapt to the changing conditions of financial markets, have allowed Nexus to provide a robust platform for traders seeking a high-quality automated system.

However, as a trader and developer, one of the greatest challenges I've faced is the constant evolution of markets and the inevitable degradation of some strategies over time. Understanding that markets are dynamic and what works today may not be effective tomorrow, I have expanded Nexus's reach by increasing the number of evaluated strategies from 9 to 44. This increase has allowed me to cover a wide range of technical approaches, from reversion, trend-following strategies, oscillators, and more.

The Evaluation Process of the 44 Strategies
The process of implementing and evaluating the strategies has been meticulous and detailed. Each of the 44 strategies has been thoroughly tested in different market scenarios, adjusting key parameters to ensure that performance is not only positive but also sustainable in the long term.

One of the main focuses in this phase has been the measurement of the Sharpe ratio for each strategy. This indicator gives us a clear idea of the risk-adjusted performance, helping to determine which strategies provide the optimal balance between profitability and volatility. Strategies with a high Sharpe ratio indicate that they are consistent and deliver good returns without taking excessive risks, while those with negative or low values require attention or even removal.

Results: Strategies that Stand Out
In the analysis, some strategies have proven to be particularly successful, achieving Sharpe ratios above 1. These strategies are the ones that have shown the best risk-adjusted profitability, making them the strongest pillars of the Nexus system.

⚫️Bollinger Bands (1.26): This reversion strategy has proven to be one of the most consistent. Based on extreme market movements, it has effectively captured reversion opportunities during times of volatility.

⚫️FRAMA with Volume Confirmation (1.1): The FRAMA, by dynamically adapting to the market, has been one of the most effective strategies for detecting directional changes, especially when combined with volume.

⚫️DEMA with RSI Confirmation (1.07): The combination of double exponential moving averages and RSI has proven to be an excellent trend-following strategy. Its ability to detect crossovers with high precision has been key to its success.

⚫️AC Oscillator (1.02): This strategy based on the AC oscillator has offered reliable entry points during market momentum, proving its value as an integral part of the system's logic.

These strategies have not only been useful due to their current performance but have also shown to be more resistant to degradation over time, making them reliable options to maintain in the Nexus portfolio.

Strategies with Potential for Improvement
Other strategies, while showing positive performance, could benefit from further adjustments. Among them are:

⚫️RSI Oscillator (0.81): This reversion strategy remains effective but could improve with the addition of more filters to reduce false signals and maximize its performance.

⚫️ViDyA with ADX Confirmation (0.94): The ViDyA, using ADX as confirmation, has proven valuable in detecting directional changes in trends. However, there is room for optimization to reduce risk exposure.

⚫️Tick Volumes (0.82): This strategy has captured significant moments of market volume well but could benefit from adjustments to improve the accuracy of its entries.

Deficient Strategies: Eliminate or Improve?
In the evaluation, we also found that some strategies presented a negative Sharpe ratio, indicating poor risk-adjusted performance. Among the most notable are:

⚫️Bulls + Bears (-1.64): This reversion strategy has had disappointing performance. Its logic seems to not adapt well to current market conditions, and it may need a complete overhaul or removal.

⚫️Chaikin Oscillator (-1.64): Based on zero-line crossover of the Chaikin Oscillator, this strategy has failed to capture important market movements, generating significant losses.

⚫️TRIX (-1.61): Although TRIX is a popular indicator in technical analysis, in this case, its implementation has been ineffective. As a lagging indicator, it has caused late entries that affected overall performance.

Strategy Degradation: A Continuous Challenge
The degradation of strategies is a topic that has always been present throughout the development of Nexus. We know that markets are constantly evolving, and what may be effective today might not work the same way in the future. That’s why my focus has not only been to evaluate the current performance of each strategy but also to understand how they may behave over time.

The results of this evaluation phase have shown that some strategies are more prone to degradation than others. Strategies with a negative or near-zero Sharpe ratio, such as Bulls + Bears or Chaikin Oscillator, have proven to be more vulnerable to market volatility and require deeper analysis to determine if they can be improved or should be eliminated from the system.

Conclusion: Nexus in Evolution
The journey of Nexus has been long, and adding 44 strategies is just another step in my quest to develop a robust and flexible expert advisor. The results of the tests have been revealing, showing not only the strengths of the system but also the areas that need adjustment. The focus on risk-adjusted profitability has allowed me to identify which strategies are worth keeping and which need revision.

This optimization process continues, and as the tests progress, the Nexus system continues to strengthen, better adapting to changing market conditions. Over time, I hope these improvements will not only keep Nexus competitive in the world of automated trading but also make it an even more powerful tool for traders seeking consistency and long-term profitability.

While some results have shown degradation, others continue to shine, motivating me to keep improving the system to offer an increasingly robust product. The journey continues, and Nexus is ready to evolve!

⚫️ Nexus EA Forex: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/90877
Enrique Enguix
Enrique Enguix
### Are You Looking Too Closely at the Chart? Beware of Microtrends!

These are two images of the same chart at the same time frame but the second one is further away

🔍 Microtrends vs. General Trends: Don’t Be Fooled by the Short Term

Many traders make the mistake of zooming in too much on charts and worry when they see their Expert Advisor seemingly making trades "in the wrong direction." But relax! That’s just a microtrend. If you focus only on these small movements, you might think the EA is failing when it’s actually following a long-term strategy.


#### Here’s the Difference:

👀 Up Close (Microtrends)
- It might seem like the EA is making trades at the "wrong time."
- The movements seem contradictory, but in reality, the EA is following larger patterns.

🌍 Zoomed Out (General Trend)
- When you zoom out, you see the true market trend.
- The EA’s trades are aligned with that larger trend, not the small movements you see in the close-up view.


### What Does This Mean for You?

💡 Focusing too much on small movements might lead to impulsive decisions that cost you money.
📈 The real profit lies in the long-term trend, not the microtrends.


#### Pro Tip for Smart Traders:
Trust the EA’s long-term analysis. It’s designed to take advantage of major trends, and you shouldn’t change the strategy just because you see small daily fluctuations. Over time, the results will be positive.


Remember to always look at the big picture! 👁️✨
Enrique Enguix
Enrique Enguix
🎯 Center EA MT5 has been updated to version 2.0 ✨.

🔹 What's New:

Parameters reorganized for a smoother experience.
New sets for superior performance.
Additional inputs for greater flexibility.
Removal of HTF filter due to low performance.
Optimized code for faster execution.
Updated color palette for a more elegant visualization.

⚠️ Important: Do not update if you have open trades with the previous version.
Enrique Enguix
Enrique Enguix
Have you also felt like you were being cheated when buying an EA?

⚠️Even if a (bad) developer does not have that intention, it is common and has an explanation.

Most expert advisors are built on temporary statistical advantages that eventually get exhausted.

The problem of over-optimization

Many developers fall into the trap of tuning their EAs to achieve perfect results in the past, without understanding that this perfection will not work in the future market.

Furthermore, everything is built to make it difficult for retailers to make money: spreads, swaps, commissions, delays, etc.

You'll be surprised to know that those few who make money from trading even pay more than 50% of their profits in one way or another.

The importance of diversification

And with how difficult it is to profit, most traders do not know how to diversify correctly, either because they do not understand the concept or do not have the necessary tools to do so.

If you use the same EA on EUR/USD and GBP/USD (which are strongly correlated), when EUR/USD trades lose, so will GBP/USD trades.

And what about EAs that compensate losing trades with winning trades?

Developers strive to create an EA that never fails in tests. But the market is never the same, so if the EA fails, this technique will wipe out months of profits in one trade.

Therefore. We need an EA that:

✅Does not exploit a temporary statistical advantage but can read the market and adapt.

✅It does not predict the market but follows it wherever it goes.

✅It does not work in correlated markets, so that when trades are lost in one market, they are not lost in the rest.

✅Allows for failure and assumes losses from time to time.

✅It is not optimized to have a perfect curve in backtests. Because a perfect curve only tells us that the EA has been over-optimized.

Do you want to know more?: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/90877