LazyBoy Scrapper Scalper EA
- Experten
- Hesham Ahmed Kamal Barakat
- Version: 3.1
- Aktualisiert: 22 November 2022
- Aktivierungen: 5
60% Discount
60% Discount
From the makers of the Successful Gold Super Trends AutoTrader Robot - Comes this unique opportunity at a low price
The Idea
You think the days of scrapper scalping ended?! Think again.
This Expert Advisor which is made for Gold trading is perfected to scrape ever tick by the second, timeframe independently.
Comes along with account management and 6 safety settings for the most satisfied to the most greedy of us to choose from.
Not based on indicators which most of the time trade assumed successful patterns!
However based on a unique strategy that takes into consideration how general gold prices move and bounce, this EA delivers a very good success rate and at the same time protects your account against potential losses and goes around to make up for these losses.
With small lot size, daily profit accumulate to form a very decent weekly and monthly profit at the same time protect your account from big DrawDowns.
Watch this EA govern your account from both prospectives, high safety management as well as high profitability.
EA Features
- One selection and go EA. Yes everything is set for you by just selecting the Safety Level you wish to trade at.
- Included Advanced Switches for the advanced users to tweak few variables in the EA code to maximize the potential and to suit your own flavor of trading.
- Daily Profit Trading is another switch that allows to end trading as daily profit reaches a specific amount.
- High Safety comes with small lot size trading and reasonable weekly/monthly profits.
- On Chart Display Panel to show EA's current status in a glimpse.
- Ability switch to catch trends and win tons of money.
- Ability switch to open long term positions for specific situations, such as when gold at it's lowest price or highest price.
- Ability switch to open specific positions at certain price with specific direction.
The developer is very professional and his customer service is excellent. Very easy to use EA capable of generating steadily profitable trades, 5 Stars !!