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Market arranges in Time upcoming Phases according to the present Results of its Interest.

Directing Modulations are an Interaction of immanent Periods, which show in Reference

  • to Time cyclic Activity and
  • to Price leveling Activity.

PointZero is a projecting Price Mask of this Concept of Time and Price and

  • categorizing developed Price Movements related to their own Range: how far moved ?
  • indicating their Status by marking special Events: when which Action ?
  • setting the Situation in a functional Relation to the presented Support/ Resistance - Motive: miss/ hit/ pass ?

synthesize and project

Arrange with its underlying, grounding Components

  • Time Price Channel
  • Triple Pivot

and its conditional indicating Period Event Notation a situational Coordinate System.


Time Price Channel

The D1/ W1/ MN - Channel consists of Shells around the ranging Center, which reflect the

periodic Alterations by its Separation in High-/Low-Bands and central Moving Averages.

Period Event Notation

Positions, Expansions and Distances are measured against the own Range,

as also against the Channelrange, of which a Period the Body and (Part of) the Move is.

Special Events are displayed:

  • Close/ Open at High/ Low/ Center (colored Notes)
  • Break of weekly Channelbands (as Range Percentage)
  • Move 0 - 100 % of Range: Open to Close = High to Low (blue dotted Trend)
  • Move Proportions (white Values)
  • Offset of Move - Center against Range - Center (central Colortrend)
  • Parity of actual OHLC and previous OHLC (white Trend on Period and Offset Arrows on Scale)
  • Parity of up and down - Wick (blue Stars)
  • limiting Tick Values (Fraction Hits, green/ red)

Pivot Period Ports

D1/ W1/ MN - Pivots create besides their Portlevels a colored Background, indicating cyclic and leveling Phases.


  • Projectors, Ranges and Scales (set PointZeros in Relation to their own and to the actual Channelrange)
  • Mirroring of Movements as Bars and Trendlines
  • Coloring of Bands/ Periods
  • Periods on/ off
  • geometrical Chartstructure with Universal Mask

Additional Benefits:

  • a positioning Autofocus
  • a Logbook as directional Protocol
  • a systemic Clock informs about periodic Phases (Pivot and Realtime)
  • a Screenshot Function (Button on Chart and as automatic Interval)
  • a detailed Definition of Objects and Functions by the Descriptive Mode (as Tool Tips)
  • an adjustable Price Column and automatic Chartfitting

Contemplate its Concentrate

The Signal Density is related to Markets actual Phase, chosen Timeframe/ Security and Components.

PointZero generates as resulting Composition a defined Setting of Support and Resistance:

No Matter which Hemisphere: [ Open = Support | Resistance = Close ]

Both look like the Other.

The MindMask resolves the active Status.

A Picture is worth a thousand Words.

Indicative : Colorized : Universal

Please find all necessary Informations to this Product in its Compendium.

Below as Orientation the Extract of the individual Indicator-Adjustments.

Indicator PointZero

Think global - Act local


  • Boolean: Button Position on Chart
  • Cn: Corner n0 to 3 (left upper to right lower)
  • Variabledefault Value

The default View of the Chart consists of following Components and is read like follows:

Move: Trace dark-gray/ Trend bright-gray

works as moving Range and ranging Move.

central MA: daily gray, weekly blue

Range Color by Open: Offset to prior Close/ Open/ Center (conditional)*

Note*: no separate Center-Color, the Open is passed by/of both Directions.

Close Color by Move: Offset to prior Open (= actual)

  • directional on: Null = white/ Full = orange
  • navigational off: up = green/ down = red
  • PointZeros off: noted by a white Haircross,

Toggle Close Signal via Countdown-Button.

Every Period works by its own Range-Shadow with the variable Chart-Coloring.

Identify their Phase by Coloring the Ranges with Button in Corner 3 most right (CW:WD)

Visual of centered Range-Creation and -Filling:
The Chart generates a (mostly central) gray Zone as Spread between

the highest Low and the lowest High of the visible Chart-Periods.

[5.1] Bools (on/ off) 

Code = Logic = Notation of Ordination

[5.1A] Fundament

Body of Chart

The first Options are the framing calculatoric Fundament of any Indicator Processing.

The visual Conjunction of both Mask-Complements delivers accidentially extra Room

for additional Buttons in the Sub-Chart, to have direct Access to these three Core-Options.

Bands and Pivots define the periodic Arrangement,

on which the Pen notes its designing Movements.

The Colors of Channel and Pivots cooperate = they are softened or amplified

and process accordingly to the Color Theory an indicating Background Tone.

The overlaying Period Event Notation is called by variable Conditions and

visualizes the Tracing/ Trending of Bull and Bear in their Habitates/ Hemispheres.

Time Price Channel [SUB]

To identify its Construction fully, colorize its dimmed Trendlines by Countdown-Button [C3]

(or preadjust via Colored Bands in Options).

  • hemispheric = 2 x 50% Coloring Ranges, depicted as colored Shells
  • gray D1, blue W1 Center = 0
  • Shells divided by Center-Trend
  • asymmetric Appearance due to separate Calculations 
  • of High and Low - Bands and central Moving Averages
    • Definition of Moving Average
    • variable Price Line 
    • Price of Time = external Argument
    • Definition of Channel-Band
    • constant Time Line 
    • (ime of Price = internal Argument

3-lettered Abbrevations on Price-Column:

  • Timeframe: MN = M, W1 = W, D1 = D
  • + Position HILO
  • e.g. WLO = Low of W1 - Channel (blue)

Period Event Notation [SUB]

special Contemplation of conditionally called absolute and/or relative Events:

  • Gator: 0-100 = Zero + Full Move
    • blue dashdot Centertrend on Period
    • notes new Phases (Caution)
  • Range/Move - High/Low (RH/ RL / MH / ML)
    • white move-connecting Trendline on Period
    • notes Stator/ Rotor - Function by Open Position of Period
  • Offset Move-Center against Range-Center 
    • colored Centertrend: green = North, red = South (directional)
    • notes potential/ tendencial Phase Shifts
  • periodic Centers in superordinated Range
    • white Value on Period if Close = 50% and < 15% or > 85% in D1-Range
    • notes near to Edge - Horizons in D1-Channel
  • Values beside Periods (connected with Dashes to Close)
    • if Close beyond W1 - Bands
    • note relative Barriers for overshooting Level-Phases
  • Tick Fraction Hits, as green and red Values
    • calculatoric Base is the Relation of Period Expansion and Volume
    • note expansional Edges of Time/ Price/ Tick
  • bright blue Double Points (Stars)
    • equivalent balanced/ central Position of Move in its Range
    • note Periods, which have an equal Size of their "Wicks"

Pivot Period Ports [SUB]

Enjoy freestyle Combinatory for 3 main + 1 sub Pivot ((MN/ W1/ D1) + H4).

universal Standard:

Pivots are processed Period-Gates and describe a superordinated Sequence of Market.
Equipped with cyclic and leveling Zones (colored Background), which note

  • by Time the first, central and last 10% of the Cycle Range 
  • (Visibility timeframe-dependent, adjust accordingly if necessary)
  • by Price the 66-75% of North and South Level-Range 
  • (Visibility chartscale-dependent, use implemented Autofocus if needed)
3-lettered Abbrevations on Price-Column:
  • Timeframe: MN = M, W1 = W, D1 = D, (H4 = H)
  • + Direction (N, S)
  • + Level (1, 2, 3)
  • or Pivot (PP)
  • e.g. MN1 = Monthly Pivot (white) Level 1 in Northern Hemisphere
Due to the inequal Hours of a Real-Time Week related to respective Weekdays

(last two Hours of Friday are processed on Sunday)

  • additional and isolated Sunday-Pivot.


Being develops from Within.

Equal Interest is generic.

The next five Options are Instruments for an extended Chart-Appearance and flexible Functionality:

[PRICE] Auto Focus:

Visual Flexibility, automatic

  • toggle by Click on the Price-Column (most right)
  • calculates the Chart-Dimensions related to the actual Move-Development
    • creates Room on active Hemisphere
    • more Range if Trend/ more Move if Trace
    • Sensitivity indicates upcoming Activity (Work on Tipping-Points)
  • situative fluid Chart Impression (Scalation of developing Range = relative)

[SCALE] 2 x Period (Range + Move):

Visual Flexibility, manual

Isolate Range and Move by Click-through:

  • toggle by Click on the Scale-Column (2nd right)
  • first Click = minus Move, shows blank Period-Range
  • second Click = toggles Range and Move, shows blank Period-Moves
  • third Click = all back

Not intended for Live-Use and, to avoid Mis-Clicks not accessible of the Chart, but via Options-Menu:
switch Periods completely off with both Options false => complete free view.

All Layers stay functional.

[PROJECTOR - TOPProtocol Role:

Data Divisioning, Sentence

The Protocol of periodical Events can be set to Autostart for sufficient wide charts.

Chart-Auto-Scroll has to be active.

According to the Chart-Concept it is divided in componental Columns of TOHLCV,
inclusive full Legend via Tooltip.

From left to right:

  • Period Time/special Occurrences
  • positioning Range Open Side
  • central periodic Function (two Roles)
  • navigating Move Close Side
  • Period Volume/special Occurrences
  • switch on/ off (completely) on Chart via Projector - Button
  • leave with staying Panel as Placeholder by direct Click on the List
The Placeholder-Panel is generally accessible by direct Click on it (most left Column).
It is in flat Markets potentially supportive for the Resolution, because MT-Scale-Calculations

are situatively adjusted by Reduction of Periods (optional in Conjunction with Autofocus).

[REFLECTOR - BOTUniversal Mask:

Data Divisioning, Sequence

  • Open/ Close at High/ Low/ Center (Notes/ Dashes/ Crosshairs)
  • Open/ Close - Grid, PointZero Support-Resistance Graduation
  • High/ Low/ Bid - Cone of Light (Chart Phase Scope)
  • High/ Low - Chart-Time of visible Periods (white, on Chart: timeframe-sensitive)
  • High/ Low - Chart-Price of visible Periods (white, on Price-Column: CHI = Chart High, CLO = Chart Low)

Indication of weekly Realtime-Transition Wednesday and Thursday

    • Odin = Ministrant/ Mantle/ collects = Close of Phase
    • Thor = Kloeckner/ Hammer/ strikes = Open of Phase

appears on Timeframes > M5 as underlying Histogram-Ray (chart-traversal)

  • if Zero = Close at Open/ High/ Low/ Center: white dash, notes Edges and Centers of Phases

Following Layers are Product of a special Contemplation

of the inner and outer Relations of Open and Close.


DisplayPosition + Direction + Function + Phase

[TOP] Echo Bars:

  • mirrored Bars, directional colored according to their respective Period-Direction,
  • adds an inverted Visual of Movements and forms functional Helix.

[BOT] Echo Trend:

  • mirrored Open- and Close-Trendlines, white = Open and orange = Close,
  • notes separately the leading Component of a Period as Heartbeat-Trend.


projective Reflection = reflective Projection

The Card Deck:

2 Buttons Corner 0TL

most top-left:
  • first Letter = Pivot, second Letter = RealTime
  • DisplayC = Cycle/ L = Level/ Dot if not

Symbol - Button:


  • Market is clocked realtime to the real World by own Interest via cyclic and leveling Events.
  • Button Top right Corner 1 (Screenshot-Button) shows VOL (Volume/ Volatility)
  • Phases MN = M/ W1 = W/ D1 = D
The actual Time-Phase correlates with actual valid Price- and Volume-Phases 
and defines the timely Range of the pricely Movement. 
Price confirms this defining Call as designed Reflection.
Equal Colors cooperate through all Dimensions.

1 Button Corner 1TR

  • Clock Display
  • Screenshot, saved as GIF in \\DataFolder\MQL\Files\

2 Buttons Corner 2BL

Spread-Button (first, left) extends Button Row:

Activate four additional informational Buttons beside Protocol/ Interactive Mask,

which give access to the separate Chart Projectors. 


The following Layers are Product of the Projection of PointZeros to the actual processed Range and Move.

According to the Separation in Cycles and Levels, the direct

  • Projections as Light Cones are separately accessible.

Ranges and Scales are functional combined, and both are

  • by time: white/ blue and
  • by price: green/ red colored.

All have their conditional Appearance according to

  • Timeframe/ Security and Presence of Conditions 
in common.

Thus, Event-Density and -Impact

  • according to relative Distribution and Correlation of present Potentials!

Because of this, they are directly accessible by Chart-Button, or via Options automatically activated.

Choose of limitless Adjustability for Templates!

Due to their steady Interaction with the present Period they develop

and work actively (if enabled), until the PointZero leaves the Chart.

    From left to right:
      DisplayServer-Time + Bid
      FunctionPointZero - Level Scaling
      • TOP Level Ranges
      • absolute and relative Plot of High/ Low - Ranges of respective PointZeros, 
        • Color navigational/ positional
      • BOT Phase Scales
      • absolute Division of respective PointZero - Range, 
        • overlying Variable notes TOHLCV - Position of next directive Call

      TPP / PPT - Button:

        Display: Productivity

        VPP = Volume per Period:
        Protocol List/ Center on TimeBand
        absolute (= Frequency)
        Impulse / Period
        Sensitivity 15%

          TPP = Ticks per Pip:

          • relative (= Alteration)
          • Impulse / Pip
          • Sensitivity 33%

            PPT = Pips per Tick:

            • total (= Oscillation)
            • Pip / Impulse
            • Sensitivity 50%

              Please further Informations to external Productivity in Section [7.0].

              FunctionPointZero - Projector (Beams)

              • on Top = Cycle
              • on Bottom = Level

                Both Projectors are setting their own Range Position in Relation to the actual Range Position,

                depending on their individual cyclic/ leveling Function.

                They work according to their Function and related to the individual Chart-Situation 
                ranging Barriers (Resistance) or 
                moving Tractors (Support).
                  Their Update-Frequency is by Tick, that means: they adjust in Cooperation with the 
                  actual Development, as long as their Period is on the Chart visible (if enabled).

                  Date-Button (second, right)
                    • Toggles the Period-Scale and 
                    • navigating Arrows RH/ MH/ ML/ RL, noting their Offset to their prior Position.
                    • Periods: Support white - Resistance orange

                      3 Buttons Corner 3 = BR

                      Colorize Channel Bands and Period Ranges to identify their Classification/ Function:

                      • Step = violet = D1 
                      • Lift = blue = W1
                      • Null = white = MN
                      • Full = orange = H4

                      left: [Period-Percentage] = colored Periods

                      note the classified State of Period-Moves

                      right: [CalendarWeek:WeekDay] = colored Channel-Bands
                      note the classified State of Period-Ranges = Channel-Shells/ Levels
                      center: [Countdown] = Close Signal

                      initially not shown, here on/off

                      Adjustments of general Nature:

                      • The Descriptive Mode is useful for Orientation or Confirmation (of not finally settled Experience).
                      • Extend the Pivot by H4 for smaller Timeframe Analysis.
                      • The MT4-Scales are a "fundamental Adjustment". I cannot resolve them..

                      Integer/ Double

                      constant variable = variable constant

                      The Icing:

                      • Protocol Role0 = Func (Function) / 1 = Bube (BullBear)
                      • Offset Price: position Price by whitchever Intent
                      • Shorten Digits: 6 Digits can be shorten to the preferred Length

                      • Screenshot 
                        • Interval: 0 = off
                        • Integer above 0 = Interval in Minutes
                        • adjust in Height and Width
                        • saved as GIF in \\DataFolder\MQL\Files\

                      Please find all necessary Informations to this Product in its Compendium in its respective RadioPhase - Blog.

                      logiclaboratory studio
                      © 2018-2023 /thiejden.

                      评论 2
                      Daniel 2023.07.26 17:01 

                      Ich schaue mir beide Indis von dir mal an, Optik und Ausführung perfekt, mal schauen wie ichdamit zurecht komme. Erstmal vielen dank für die Indis und die Arbeit.

                      Jamie Daniel Thompson
                      Jamie Daniel Thompson 2023.06.22 14:43 

                      Extremely useful and incredible tool! I don't understand how this doesn't have 5 star reviews yet! It has totally changed the accuracy of my entries! Thanks to the author!

                      Wise Men Indicator demo
                      Bohdan Kasyanenko
                      3.67 (3)
                      The indicator displays signals according to the strategy of Bill Williams on the chart. Demo version of the indicator has the same features as the paid, except that it can work only on a demo account . Signal "First Wise Man" is formed when there is a divergent bar with angulation.  Bullish divergent bar - with lower minimum and closing price in the upper half. Bearish divergent bar - higher maximum and the closing price at the bottom half. Angulation is formed when all three lines of Alligat
                      Hull Signal AM
                      Andriy Matviyevs'kyy
                      The presented indicator marks signals on the price chart with arrows in accordance with the data of the Hull Momentum AM indicator. The indicator gives a signal and sends a notification to the mobile terminal and email. The indicator is part of a series of indicators -  Hull Line AM, Hull Momentum AM, Hull Candles AM, Hull Signal AM . For a better understanding of the operation of each of the indicators, it is recommended to start working with them by using them together on one chart. The Hull M
                      Introducing the Consecutive Green/Red Candle Alert Indicator for MT4 - Your Trend Spotting Companion! Are you ready to take your trading to the next level? We present the Consecutive Green/Red Candle Alert Indicator, a powerful tool designed to help you spot trends and potential reversals with ease. Whether you're a new trader looking for clarity in the market or an experienced pro seeking additional confirmation, this indicator is your trusted companion. Key Features of the Consecutive Green/Re
                      Juergen Thielen
                      5 (1)
                      Concept Market arranges in Time upcoming Phases according to the present Results of its Interest. Directing Modulations are an Interaction of immanent Periods, which show in Reference to Time cyclic Activity and to Price leveling Activity. SensorMap is a reflecting Volume Mask of this Concept of Time and Price and apportioning developed Price Movements in an equalized 100 % - Range: how far moved ? indicating their Status by marking special Events: when which Action ? setting the Situation in
                      Free automatic fibonacci
                      Tonny Obare
                      4.65 (62)
                      Free automatic Fibonacci is an indicator that automatically plots a Fibonacci retracement based on the number of bars you select on the BarsToScan setting in the indicator. The Fibonacci is automatically updated in real time as new highest and lowest values appears amongst the selected bars. You can select which level values to be displayed in the indicator settings. You can also select the color of the levels thus enabling the trader to be able to attach the indicator several times with differe
                      Shooter AM
                      Andriy Matviyevs'kyy
                      This indicator is an implementation of the "One shot - one hit" principle. In the course of work on the creation of this product, an attempt was made to achieve the maximum balance between the sensitivity of the indicator and the effectiveness of its signals. This tool is as reliable and effective as a 45 caliber revolver, but in the same way it requires discipline and understanding of the conditions and purpose of use from its user. The indicator has only one adjustable parameter that determine
                      Shooter 2 AM
                      Andriy Matviyevs'kyy
                      This indicator is an implementation of the "One shot - one hit" principle. In the course of work on the creation of this product, an attempt was made to achieve the maximum balance between the sensitivity of the indicator and the effectiveness of its signals. This tool is as reliable and effective as a 45 caliber revolver, but in the same way it requires discipline and understanding of the conditions and purpose of use from its user. The indicator has only one adjustable parameter that determine
                      Sivakumar Subbaiya
                      4.21 (14)
                      Trend Plus   Trendplus  Indicator   Time Frame: Suitable for any time frame.  Purpose: Trend Prediction. Blue and red candle indicate the buy and sell call respectively. Buy: When the blue candle is formed buy call is initiated. close the buy trades when the next red candle will formed.   Sell: When the Red candle is formed Sell call is initiated. close the Sell trades when the next blue candle will formed.   Happy trade!!
                      SuperMac Free
                      Agus Wahyu Pratomo
                      4 (1)
                      FREE VERSION ONLY USE LOT SIZE 0.01 TO UNLOCK IT GO HERE  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/61498 SuperMac EA is a trading robot  for the trading on forex and trades  Scalping  Strategy and Tren Follower. This is a Trend Following system that trades in all session.   It use Multi Complex Algorithm to determine tren behaviour.  EA optimized on EURUSD, GBPUSD and NZDUSD (Use together) but can be use on other pair  Use PAIR can use 3 pairs (recommended to maximize profit) at the same tim
                      The   OHLC indicator   shows the current and historical values of High, Low, Open, Close and Mid for a specific time period. It can plot the current values or the values from the previous session. The indicator's range can be calculated from a daily, weekly, monthly, or user-specified session. Levels High  of the current or previous session. Low  of the current or previous session. Open  of current or previous session. Close  of the current or previous session. Midpoint  of the current or pre
                      T3 Signal AM
                      Andriy Matviyevs'kyy
                      The presented indicator marks signals on the price chart with arrows in accordance with the data of the  T3 Momentum AM  indicator. The indicator gives a signal and sends a notification to the mobile terminal and email. The indicator is part of a series of indicators - T3 Line AM, T3 Momentum AM, T3 Candles AM, T3 Signal AM . For a better understanding of the operation of each of the indicators, it is recommended to start working with them by using them together on one chart. The T3 Momentum AM
                      This indicator is a perfect tool able to compare which brokers have the lower latency. It shows us immediately which brokers are slower or faster. When you see the dot icon on the line, it means this broker is the faster one and the red line (Broker_A) is the slower one. See the example on the screenshot. How It Works? This indicator shares the prices information to and from the "shared" common data folder. It compares all the prices. The price is based on average by (Ask + Bid) / 2. There are
                      UPD1 Rsi Dots Dashboard
                      Vitaliy Kuznetsov
                      5 (1)
                      指标在图表上显示基于终端RSI振荡器的信号。 从而能够滤除重复信号。 这里振荡器用于搜索反向信号。 建议将其作为波段策略和水平交易的切入点。 多币种仪表板可用。 有了它,您可以轻松地在图表之间切换。 在产品讨论中,您可以建议一种可以在其中嵌入仪表板的算法。 输入参数 。 主要设置 。 Bars Count – 指标将工作的历史柱的数量 。 RSI Period – 振荡器周期 。 RSI Level – 振荡器的电平。 振荡器在0到100之间。 如果选择10,信号将高于10,低于90 。 RSI Applied Price 。 Repeat Signal - 重复信号 。 Enable – 所有重复的信号将与箭头/图标 。 No Signal – 所有重复的将被忽略 。 视觉箭头 。 Sell Code – Sell rsi图标的代码编号 。 Sell Color – 出售RSI图标的颜色 。 Buy Code – 购买RSI图标的代码编号 。 Buy Color – 购买RSI图标的颜色 。 Indent Coeff – 由波动系数从阴影缩进 。 Siz
                      PZ The Zone
                      PZ TRADING SLU
                      4.25 (4)
                      This indicator displays buy or sell signals according to Bill Williams' definition of the Trading Zone. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to use and understand Avoid trading flat markets Deterministic indicator with clear rules The indicator is non-repainting It implements alerts of all kinds It has straightforward trading implications. A blue arrow is a buy signal A red arrow is a sell signal According to Bill Williams trading in the zone helps to
                      Follow The Line
                      Oliver Gideon Amofa Appiah
                      4 (13)
                      FOLLOW THE LINE GET THE FULL VERSION HERE: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/36024 This indicator obeys the popular maxim that: "THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND" It paints a GREEN line for BUY and also paints a RED line for SELL.  It gives alarms and alerts of all kinds. IT DOES NOT REPAINT and can be used for all currency pairs and timeframes. Yes, as easy and simple as that. Even a newbie can use it to make great and reliable trades. NB: For best results, get my other premium indicators for more
                      This is one of our early indicators on EURUSD originally intended for day trading, while developing and testing the indicator we found out that the data used in this indicator (set of 4 currency pairs) follows EURUSD in a very peculiar way.  On one hand these two are correlated, but the the 4 currency set tends to lag behind EURUSD, it lags on a day to day basis, and then catches up eventually after several days. And therefore can be used as a proxy for trading EURUSD. More pairs means overall
                      SuperTrend V
                      Muhammad Hassaan
                      5 (1)
                      *This is TradingView indicator converted to mql4* The SuperTrend V indicator is a popular technical analysis tool used to identify trends and potential trend reversals in financial markets. It is based on the concept of the SuperTrend indicator but incorporates additional features and variations. The SuperTrend V indicator uses a combination of price action and volatility to determine the trend direction and generate trading signals. Here are the key components and features of the indicator:
                      FFx MACD
                      Eric Venturi-Bloxs
                      4.44 (9)
                      在您的平台上提供新版 MT4 标准指标的目的,是在子窗口里显示多时间帧的相同指标。参看下面例中的图片。 但是显示结果不像简单的多时间帧指标。它是指标在其时间帧的实际显示。 在 FFx 指标里提供了一些选项: 选择显示的时间帧 (M1 至 每月) 定义每个时间帧箱体的宽度 (柱线数量) 弹出提示/声音/邮件/推送 (直方图与信号线检查,且/或直方图与 0 轴交叉) 直接在图表上激活/停用提示 修改所有颜色 ... 当然还有所有标准指标的常用设置 如何设置提示: 在弹出的参数设置 : 选择您希望的提示和模式 (弹出、声音、邮件或推送通知) 之后在图表上 : 选择铃铛图标 (双击) 然后将其拖拽到任意位置。在下一个报价来临,它将恢复它的原始位置,但用不同颜色信号改变它的状态。红色变为绿色表示现在激活,而从绿色变为红色意思是停用了。
                      Email Drawdown Alert
                      Roman Starostin
                      5 (15)
                      Free informative Indicator-helper. It'll be usefull for traders who trade many symbols or using grid systems (Averaging or Martingale). Indicator counts drawdown as percent and currency separate. It has a number of settings: Count deposite drawdown according equity value and send e-mail or notifications to user if DD more than set; Sending e-mail when max open orders reached; Shows price and remaining pips amount before MarginCall on current chart and Account generally; Display summary trade lot
                      CCI Signal 2 AM
                      Andriy Matviyevs'kyy
                      This indicator displays the moment when the CCI oscillator crosses the zero value, and the moment when the CCI oscillator crosses its smoothed value. Crossing the zero value by the CCI oscillator is a buy/sell signal. If the CCI oscillator crosses its smoothed value, it is a signal of a trend change. The signal is given after the end of the formation of the candle. The signal is confirmed when the price crosses the high/low of the bar on which the signal was given. The indicator does not redraw.
                      Are you tired of drawing trendlines every time you're analyzing charts? Or perhaps you would like more consistency in your technical analysis. Then this is for you. This indicator will draw trend lines automatically when dropped on a chart. How it works Works similar to standard deviation channel found on mt4 and mt5. It has 2 parameters: 1. Starting Bar 2. Number of bars for calculation The   starting bar   is the bar which drawing of the trend lines will begin, while the   number of bars for c
                      OrderBlock TS Roman
                      Vladislav Vlastovskii
                      3.88 (8)
                      Индикатор строит блоки заказов (БЗ) по торговой системе (ТС) Романа. Поиск блоков осуществляется одновременно на двух таймфремах: текущем и старшем (определяемым в настройках). Для оптимизации и игнорирования устаревших блоков в настройках задается ограничение количества дней в пределах которых осуществляется поиск блоков. Блоки строятся по правилам ТС состоящем из трех шагов: какую свечу вынесли (что?); какой свечой вынесли (чем?); правило отрисовки (как?).
                      Awesome MACD Indicator
                      Komang Putra Riswanjaya
                      Awesome MACD Indicator is a powerful trading tool that combines the strengths of Moving Average (MA) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) to provide accurate and reliable trading signals. Designed for forex and stock traders, this indicator simplifies the identification of trading opportunities by detecting significant crosses in price movements. Key Features: MA and MACD Combination: Awesome MACD leverages the power of Moving Averages (MA) to identify short-term and long-term trends
                      Download the free version   here. Divergence Divergence refers to when the price of a currency pair moves in one direction while the trend indicator is moving in the opposite direction. With divergence, there can be positive and negative signals. Divergences in Forex trading are quite common signals of technical analysis. These are basic early Forex signals indicating the trend reversal and filter false signals. Application of this indicator It is usually not easy to detect divergences by the t
                      ET1 for MT4
                      Hui Qiu
                      4.11 (9)
                      ET1 MT4 版  新上架,完全免费 ET1 for MT4 v4.20更新!!现在可用于 XAUUSD(黄金)!! 成功率达到75%以上!!! 重要更新:合并ET9的突破策略 注意!! 你可以完全免费的使用ET1, 但我们不对ET1稳定性作出保证, 推荐更加强大的ET9 MT4版包括ET1的策略,并保证完整稳定的收益. 最佳黄金(XAUUSD)自动交易程序 ET9 MT4 版  更新v4.70 !!   https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/113220 Dragon Ball MT4 版 更新v1.70 !!  https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/116521 描述 ET1 MT5 版仅使用真实专业交易员最常用的策略,在振荡范围内进行的突破策略,该策略非常适合黄金 (XAUUSD)! 我们的ET1 ,在趋势交易上,每一单都设置有动态的止盈与止损,ET1 的策略不会像头皮系统一样高频交易,滑点会导致每一单最后都以亏钱而告终…… 如果一段时间内会有亏损,请不要过分担心,在这个交易市场内,
                      Trend Catcher with Alert
                      Issam Kassas
                      4.85 (59)
                      趋势捕捉器: 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 具有警示指标的趋势捕捉器策略是一种多功能的技术分析工具,可帮助交易员识别市场趋势和潜在的进出点。它采用动态趋势捕捉器策略,根据市场条件进行调整,清晰地呈现趋势方向。交易员可以自定义参数,以符合其偏好和风险容忍度。该指标有助于识别趋势,发出潜在的反转信号,充当跟踪止损机制,并提供实时警报,以便及时应对市场。 特点: 趋势识别:信号牛市趋势和熊市趋势。 趋势反转:当蜡烛颜色从牛市变为熊市,反之亦然时,提醒可能的反转。 实时警报:为新趋势识别生成警报。 建议: 货币和货币对:EURUSD,AUDUSD,XAUUSD... 时间框架:H1。 账户类型:任何ECN,低点差账户。
                      This scanner shows the trend values of the well known indicator SuperTrend for up to 30 instruments and 8 time frames. You can get alerts via MT4, Email and Push-Notification as soon as the direction of the trend changes. This is the FREE version of the indicator: SuperTrend Scanner The free version works only on EURUSD and GBPUSD! Important Information How you can maximize the potential of the scanner, please read here: www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/718074 With the following FREE indicator you
                      Ppr PA
                      Yury Emeliyanov
                      4.75 (4)
                      "Ppr PA" is a unique technical indicator created to identify "PPR" patterns on the currency charts of the MT4 trading platform. These patterns can indicate possible reversals or continuation of the trend, providing traders with valuable signals to enter the market. Features: Automatic PPR Detection:   The indicator automatically identifies and marks PPR patterns with arrows on the chart. Visual Signals:   Green and red arrows indicate the optimal points for buying and selling, respectively. A
                      Trend arrow Indicator
                      NGUYEN NGHIEM DUY
                      3.23 (13)
                      Trend arrow Indicator is an arrow Indicator used as an assistant tool for your trading strategy. The indicator analyzes the standard deviation of bar close for a given period and generates a buy or sell signals if the deviation increases. It good to combo with Martingale EA to follow Trend and Sellect Buy Only/Sell Only for EA work Semi-Automatic. You can use this  Indicator with any EAs in my Products.
                      Extremum Reverse Bar
                      Yurij Izyumov
                      3.55 (11)
                      This indicator has been created for finding the probable reversal points of the symbol price. A small candlestick reversal pattern is used it its operation in conjunction with a filter of extremums. The indicator is not redrawn! If the extremum filter is disabled, the indicator shows all points that have a pattern. If the extremum filter is enabled, the condition works – if the history Previous bars 1 candles back contains higher candles and they are farther than the Previous bars 2 candle, such
                      Gann Made Easy
                      Oleg Rodin
                      4.93 (73)
                      Gann Made Easy 是一个专业且易于使用的外汇交易系统,它基于使用先生理论的最佳交易原则。 W.D.江恩。该指标提供准确的买入和卖出信号,包括止损和获利水平。您甚至可以使用推送通知在旅途中进行交易。 购买后请联系我!我将免费与您分享我的交易技巧和丰厚的红利指标! 您可能已经多次听说过江恩交易方法。通常 Gann 的理论不仅对于新手交易者而且对于那些已经有一定交易经验的人来说都是非常复杂的东西。这是因为江恩的交易方法在理论上并不那么容易应用。我花了几年时间来完善这些知识,并将最好的原则应用到我的外汇指标中。 该指标非常易于应用。您所需要的只是将其附加到您的图表并遵循简单的交易建议。该指标不断进行市场分析工作并寻找交易机会。当它检测到一个好的入口点时,它会为您提供一个箭头信号。该指标还显示止损和获利水平。 换句话说,当您像先生一样进行交易时,该指标会为您提供最佳江恩建议。江恩亲自告诉你此时此刻该做什么。但最好的部分是您不需要了解任何有关江恩交易原则的知识,因为该指标会为您完成整个市场分析工作。
                      Trend Punch
                      Mohamed Hassan
                      5 (9)
                      Manual guide:   Click here PROMO of  $79 for 2 copies left!  -- Next price is  $149 .  This indicator is unstoppable when combined with our other indicator called  Support & Resistance . After purchase, send us a message and you will get it   for  FREE as a BONUS! I like to use Trend Punch on XAUUSD & BTCUSD on the M1 timeframe!  Introducing Trend Punch , the revolutionary forex trend indicator that will transform the way you trade! Trend Punch is uniquely designed to provide preci
                      Atomic Analyst
                      Issam Kassas
                      5 (3)
                      首先值得强调的是,该交易指标是非重绘、非延迟的指标,这使其成为手动和机器人交易的理想选择。 用户手册:设置、输入和策略。 Atomic Analyst是一种PA价格行动指标,利用价格的力量和动量来寻找市场上更好的机会。配备了高级过滤器,可帮助去除噪音和假信号,并提高交易潜力。使用多层复杂的指标,Atomic Analyst扫描图表,并将复杂的数学计算转化为任何初学者都能理解并用来做出一致交易决策的简单信号和颜色。 “Atomic Analyst”是专为新手和经验丰富的交易者量身定制的综合交易解决方案。它将高级指标和一流功能融合为一体的交易策略,使其成为所有类型交易者的多功能选择。 日内交易和剥头皮策略:专为快速准确的日内交易和短期交易而设计。 日内和摆动交易策略:可用作追求价格大幅波动的日内和摆动交易者的可靠工具。 多货币和市场:凭借其可靠的精度,在不同的工具和市场上运作。 多个时间框架:可在多个时间框架上使用,性能良好。 稳定性:所有指标均不重绘、不重绘和不滞后,确保可靠的信号。 信号清晰度:提供箭头信号,用于清晰的入场和出场点。 实时警报:通过交易入场、SL和TP警报通知交
                      Scalper Inside PRO
                      Alexey Minkov
                      4.74 (58)
                      An exclusive indicator that utilizes an innovative algorithm to swiftly and accurately determine the market trend. The indicator automatically calculates opening, closing, and profit levels, providing detailed trading statistics. With these features, you can choose the most appropriate trading instrument for the current market conditions. Additionally, you can easily integrate your own arrow indicators into Scalper Inside Pro to quickly evaluate their statistics and profitability. Scalper Inside
                      Advanced Supply Demand
                      Bernhard Schweigert
                      4.92 (312)
                      现在优惠 33%! 任何新手或专业交易者的最佳解决方案! 该指标是一款独特、高质量、且价格合理的交易工具,因为我们已经整合了许多专有功能和新公式。 依据此更新,您将能够显示双重时间帧区域。 您不仅可以显示一个较高的时间帧,还可以同时显示图表时间帧,加上更高的时间帧:显示嵌套时区。 供需双方所有交易者都会喜欢它。 :) 重要信息披露 高级供需的最大潜力,请访问 https://www.mql5.com/zh/blogs/post/720245   想象您的交易如何得以改善,是因为您能够精准定位入场或目标位吗? 构建于新的底层算法,它可以更轻松地识别出买卖双方之间的潜在失衡。 这是因为它以图形方式展示供需最强劲区域,及其过去的表现(显示旧区域)。 这些功能旨在帮助您更轻松地发现最佳入场区域和价位。 现在您可以针对您的交易品种和时间帧来优化和编辑区域强度! 高级供需指标适用于所有产品和时间帧。 它是一个新的公式,非常新的功能是两个区域强度函数可由用户输入进行调整! 这在交易中是一大优势。 当您学习如何使用专有功能,例如带有价格游离最小 X 因子的区域强度时,您能够判断该区域强劲与否。 供
                      Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator
                      Bernhard Schweigert
                      4.91 (664)
                      目前26%的折扣 任何新手或专家交易者的最佳解决方案! 这个指标是一个独特的、高质量的、可负担得起的交易工具,因为我们纳入了一些专有的功能和一个新的公式。只需一个图表,你就可以读出28个外汇对的货币强度!想象一下,你的交易将如何得到改善,因为你的交易是在你的手中进行的。想象一下,你的交易将如何改善,因为你能够准确地确定新趋势或剥头皮机会的触发点? 用户手册:点击这里  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/697384 这是第一本,原版的! 不要买一个毫无价值的崇拜者的克隆品。 特别的 子窗口中的箭头显示强劲的货币势头GAP将指导你的交易! 当基础货币或报价货币处于超卖/超买区域(外盘斐波那契水平)时,在个人图表的主窗口中出现警告信号。 当货币力量从外围区间回落时,回撤/反转警报。 十字星模式的特别警报 可选择多个时间框架,以快速查看趋势! 货币强度线在所有的时间框架中都非常平稳,当使用较高的时间框架来识别总体趋势,然后使用较短的时间框架来确定精确的入口时,效果非常好。你可以根据自己的意愿选择任何时间框架。每个时间框架都由其自身进
                      目前八折优惠! 对任何新手或专家交易者来说都是最好的解决方案! 这个仪表板软件适用于28种货币对。它基于我们的两个主要指标(高级货币强度28和高级货币冲动)。它对整个外汇市场提供了一个伟大的概述。它显示高级货币强度值,货币运动速度和28个外汇对在所有(9)时间段的信号。想象一下,当你可以使用图表上的单一指标观察整个市场,以确定趋势和或剥头皮的机会时,你的交易将得到改善 我们已经在这个指标中建立了一些功能,使你更容易识别强势和弱势货币,同时识别和确认潜在的交易。该指标以图形方式显示货币的强势或弱势是增加还是减少,以及它在所有时间段的表现。 增加的新功能是动态市场斐波那契水平,它适应当前的市场条件变化,这是一个已经在我们的高级货币强度28和高级货币冲动指标中使用的成熟的加分项。 在交易时,总是将弱势货币和强势货币配对,这个新指标将帮助你做到这一点。 用户手册:点击这里  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/708783 特点  显示每个时间段的ACS28和GAP-speed(冲动)的货币强度值。 列:颜色代码以7种颜色
                      Market Reversal Alerts
                      LEE SAMSON
                      4.21 (121)
                      成為突破者,隨著價格反轉,市場結構會改變利潤。 訂單突破者指示器可以識別趨勢或價格走勢何時接近枯竭並準備好逆轉。它會提醒您市場結構的變化,通常會在發生逆轉或重大回調時發生。 該指標使用專有計算來確定突破和價格動能。每當在可能的耗盡點附近形成新的高點時,指標就會繪製最後一個生成該高點的順序塊。然後,它將隨價格移動隨價格跟隨定單。然後,當價格轉向相反方向並突破該訂單塊時,它會提醒您,從而創建新的市場結構並開始趨勢或重大回調的可能逆轉。 訂單塊是在創建高/低之前的最後一個相反的彩色蠟燭,並且當價格跌破這些關鍵區域以下時,這表明趨勢可能會發生短期或長期反轉。 特徵 提醒您關鍵耗盡點的市場結構變化 價格接近耗盡水平時自動提取訂單塊 在一個方向繼續移動時,在價格後面跟踪定單,以提醒您最佳的反轉輸入 將顏色更改為純色塊,以顯示何時發生市場結構中斷。 適用於所有交易品種和時間範圍 內置集成的彈出窗口和電子郵件警報 策略和如何與定單破壞者指標進行交易 當斷路器塊發生時,您有兩個選擇。 看左邊!我們正在尋求供應/需求或支撐/阻力位嗎?市場結構轉變(逆轉)通常發生在價格重新測試舊水平或
                      TPSproTREND PrO
                      Roman Podpora
                      4.78 (18)
                      TPSpro TRENDPRO  - is a trend indicator that automatically analyzes the market and provides information about the trend and each of its changes, as well as giving signals for entering trades without redrawing! The indicator uses each candle, analyzing them separately. referring to different impulses - up or down impulse. Exact entry points into transactions for currencies, crypto, metals, stocks, indices!  -  Version MT5               DETAILED DESCRIPTION                R ecommended to use with
                      首先,值得强调的是,这个交易工具是非重绘、非重画和非滞后的指标,非常适合专业交易。 在线课程,用户手册和演示。 智能价格行动概念指标是一个非常强大的工具,既适用于新手,也适用于经验丰富的交易者。它将超过20个有用的指标合并到一个指标中,结合了高级交易思想,如内圈交易员分析和智能资金概念交易策略。该指标侧重于智能资金概念,提供有关大型机构交易方式的见解,帮助预测它们的动向。 它在流动性分析方面尤其擅长,有助于理解机构的交易方式。它擅长预测市场趋势,并仔细分析价格波动。通过将您的交易与机构策略对齐,您可以更准确地预测市场走向。该指标多才多艺,擅长分析市场结构,识别重要的订单区块,并识别各种模式。 它擅长识别BOS和CHoCH等模式,理解动量的转变,并突出显示供需强劲的关键区域。它还擅长发现强大的不平衡,并分析价格创造更高高点或更低低点的模式。如果您使用斐波那契回撤工具,该指标可以满足您的需求。它还可以识别相等的高点和低点,分析不同的时间框架,并通过仪表板显示数据。 对于使用更高级策略的交易者,该指标提供了工具,如公平价值差指标和优惠和折扣区域的识别。它特别关注高时间框架订单
                      Auto Order Block with break of structure based on ICT and Smart Money Concepts (SMC) Futures Break of Structure ( BoS )             Order block ( OB )            Higher time frame Order block / Point of Interest ( POI )    shown on current chart           Fair value Gap ( FVG ) / Imbalance   -  MTF      ( Multi Time Frame )    HH/LL/HL/LH  -  MTF      ( Multi Time Frame )  Choch  MTF      ( Multi Time Frame )  Volume Imbalance     ,  MTF          vIMB Gap’s Power of 3 Equal High
                      TPSpro RFI Levels
                      Roman Podpora
                      4.83 (18)
                      Reversal First Impulse levels (RFI)    INSTRUCTIONS        RUS       -       ENG              R ecommended to use with an indicator   -   TREND PRO -  Version MT5 A key element in trading is zones or levels from which decisions to buy or sell a trading instrument are made. Despite attempts by major players to conceal their presence in the market, they inevitably leave traces. Our task was to learn how to identify these traces and interpret them correctly. Main functions: Displaying active zones
                      Legacy of Gann
                      Pavel Zamoshnikov
                      4.83 (12)
                      The indicator very accurately determines the levels of the possible end of the trend and profit fixing. The method of determining levels is based on the ideas of W.D.Gann, using an algorithm developed by his follower Kirill Borovsky. Extremely high reliability of reaching levels (according to K. Borovsky  - 80-90%) Indispensable for any trading strategy – every trader needs to determine the exit point from the market! Precisely determines targets on any timeframes and any instruments (forex, met
                      Gold Stuff
                      Vasiliy Strukov
                      4.89 (260)
                      Gold Stuff 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 在它指标工作全自动专家顾问 EA Gold Stuff。 你可以在我的个人资料中找到它。 重要! 购买后立即与我联系,以获得说明和奖金!   您可以免费收到我们的强力支持和趋势扫描指标的副本,请私信。大部头书! 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通知。 Puch-notification - 打开关闭。 推送通知。 接下来,调整色域。 Gold Stuff 是专为黄金设计的趋势指标,也可用于任何金融工具。 该指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 推荐时间框架 H1。 在它指标工作全自动专家顾问 EA Gold Stuff。 你可以在我的个人资料中找到它。 购买后立即联系我以获得设置和个人奖励!   设置 绘制箭头 - 打开关闭。 在图表上绘制箭头。 警报 - 打开关闭声音警报。 电子邮件通知 - 打开关闭。 电子邮件通
                      使用我们的自定义MT4指标发现成功外汇交易的秘诀! 您是否曾经想过如何在外汇市场上取得成功,一贯赚取利润,同时降低风险? 这是您一直在寻找的答案! 允许我们介绍我们的专有MT4指标,该指标将彻底改变您的交易方法。 独特的多功能性 我们的指标专为喜欢Renko和Rangebar Candle编队的用户而设计。 我们了解到,这些图表类型受到许多经验丰富的交易者的青睐,这就是为什么我们的指标与它们无缝集成,从而提供无与伦比的市场分析。 清晰的趋势信号 忘记复杂的分析! 我们的指标利用鲜艳的色彩和清晰的点结构来明确指示市场趋势。 红色和蓝色的点毫无疑问地对价格变动的方向留下了疑问,从而可以在您的交易中快速决策。 与HH/HL HL/LL策略对齐 如果您正在寻求一个指标,该指标无缝地与基于HH/HL和HL/LL结构的策略无缝合作,则不需要更多。 我们的工具不仅确定了这些形式,而且还促进了它们在投资过程中的有效利用。 绝对的清晰度和简单性 我们的首要任务是为您提供一种不仅有效而且易于使用的工具。 我们的指标是为了清晰而设计的,使您可以专注于做出投资决策,而不是
                      Volatility Trend System - a trading system that gives signals for entries. The volatility system gives linear and point signals in the direction of the trend, as well as signals to exit it, without redrawing and delays. The trend indicator monitors the direction of the medium-term trend, shows the direction and its change. The signal indicator is based on changes in volatility and shows market entries. The indicator is equipped with several types of alerts. Can be applied to various trading
                      Currency Strength Wizard
                      Oleg Rodin
                      4.91 (44)
                      货币强度向导是一个非常强大的指标,为您提供成功交易的一体化解决方案。该指标使用多个时间范围内所有货币的数据来计算这个或那个外汇对的力量。此数据以易于使用的货币指数和货币电力线的形式表示,您可以使用它们来查看这种或那种货币的力量。 您所需要的只是将指标附加到您要交易的图表上,该指标将向您显示您交易的货币的真实强度。该指标还向您显示买卖量压力的极值,您可以在顺势交易时利用这些压力。该指标还显示了基于斐波那契的可能目标。该指标可用于各种交易时间范围。该指标支持各种货币对的交易。 该指标为您提供所有类型的警报,包括推送通知。 购买后请联系我。我将与您分享我的交易技巧,并免费为您提供丰厚的红利指标! 祝您交易愉快,获利丰厚!
                      ICT, SMC, SMART MONEY CONCEPTS, SMART MONEY, Smart Money Concept, Support and Resistance, Trend Analysis, Price Action, Market Structure, Order Blocks, BOS/CHoCH,   Breaker Blocks ,  Momentum Shift,   Supply&Demand Zone/Order Blocks , Strong Imbalance, HH/LL/HL/LH,    Fair Value Gap, FVG,  Premium  &   Discount   Zones, Fibonacci Retracement, OTE, Buy Side Liquidity, Sell Side Liquidity, BSL/SSL Taken, Equal Highs & Lows, MTF Dashboard, Multiple Time Frame, BigBar, HTF OB, HTF Market Structure, 
                      Trend Screener
                      STE S.S.COMPANY
                      4.83 (88)
                      趋势指标,趋势交易和过滤的突破性独特解决方案,所有重要趋势功能都内置在一个工具中! 它是 100% 非重绘多时间框架和多货币指标,可用于所有符号/工具:外汇、商品、加密货币、指数、股票。 趋势筛选器是有效的指标趋势跟踪指标,它在图表中提供带有点的箭头趋势信号。 趋势分析器指标中可用的功能: 1.趋势扫描仪。 2. 具有最大利润分析的趋势线。 3.趋势货币强度计。 4. 带有警报的趋势反转点。 5. 带有警报的强趋势点。 6. 趋势箭头 每日分析示例,每日信号表现...等与我们的趋势筛选指标,可以在这里找到: 点击这里 限时优惠:Trend Screener Indicator 仅售 50 美元且终身可用。原价 125$) 通过访问我们的 MQL5 博客,您可以找到我们所有的高级指标以及分析示例、每日信号表现...等。 : 点击这里 我们的趋势系统由 2 个指标组成: 1. Trend Screener Indicator:显示趋势仪表盘、图表中的趋势线、入场点...等。 2. Trend Line Map Indicator:显示买卖作为仪表板,活动信号盈利/亏损
                      M1 Arrow
                      Oleg Rodin
                      5 (14)
                      M1 Arrow - 基于市场的两个基本原则的盘中策略。 该算法基于使用附加过滤器对交易量和价格波动的分析。该指标的智能算法仅在两个市场因素合二为一时才会发出信号。该指标使用较高时间框架的数据计算 M1 图表上某个范围的波浪。为了确认波浪,该指标使用了成交量分析。 从理论上讲,该指标可以与其他时间框架一起使用,但您需要考虑到该指标最初是为在 M1 上交易而开发的这一事实。 该指标是一个现成的交易系统。交易者所需要的只是跟随信号。此外,该指标可以成为您自己的交易系统的基础。交易仅在分钟图表上进行。 尽管指标使用 MTF 原理,但指标算法尽可能稳定。 购买后,一定要写信给我!我将与您分享我的交易设置和建议!祝您交易成功!感谢您的关注!
                      NAM Order Blocks
                      NAM TECH GROUP, CORP.
                      5 (1)
                      MT4多時限訂單塊檢測指示器。 特徵 -在圖表控制面板上完全可自定義,提供完整的交互。 -隨時隨地隱藏和顯示控制面板。 -在多個時間範圍內檢測OB。 -選擇要顯示的OB數量。 -不同的OB用戶界面。 -OB上的不同過濾器。 -OB接近警報。 -ADR高低線。 -通知服務(屏幕警報|推送通知)。 概括 訂單塊是一種市場行為,它指示從金融機構和銀行收取訂單。著名的金融機構和中央銀行帶動了外匯市場。因此,交易者必須知道他們在市場上正在做什麼。當市場建立訂單塊時,它會像發生大多數投資決策的範圍一樣移動。 訂單建立完成後,市場將朝著上升和縮小的方向發展。訂單大宗交易策略的關鍵術語是它包括機構交易者正在做的事情。由於它們是主要的價格驅動因素,因此包括機構交易在內的任何策略都可以。 您將在任何時間範圍內實時看到訂單塊,使用我們的控制面板,您將能夠在所選的歷史記錄週期內檢測常規,拒收和未大寫的訂單塊。 現在您可以接收到訂單塊接近警報,我們在MT4上顯示屏幕通知,並將通知推送到您的手機!
                      FX Volume
                      Daniel Stein
                      4.6 (35)
                      通过 mql5 和 Telegram 上 的 " 晨间简报 "获取每日市场更新,包括详细信息和屏幕截图 ! 外汇交易量(FX Volume)是第一个也是唯一一个从经纪商角度真正洞察市场情绪的交易量指标。 直接在您的图表上看到这些信息是真正改变游戏规则和突破性的交易解决方案。 受益于独特的市场数据洞察,如 比率(Ratios )显示货币多头和空头头寸的比率(百分比 比率变化 显示所选时间段内的多头比率及其百分比变化 总交易量 显示货币的总交易量(多头和空头),以手为单位 多头 交易量显示货币所有多头头寸的交易量 空头 交易量显示所有货币空头头寸的交易量 净多头 显示净多头交易量,即所有多头头寸减去所有空头头寸(以手为单位)。 净多头百分比 显示货币净多头交易量的变化 请阅读我们的基本教程 -> "如何使用外汇交易量进行交易 " 获取更多信息,如常见问题、交易技巧和教程视频,请访问我们的 外汇交易量公共信息频道 请 安装并运行 SI Connect 以建立与我们数据中心的持续连接 背景信息 我们都知道,外汇是一个分散的市场。这就是为什么我们必须打破常规思维,开发一个独
                      BullsEye Signal NoRepaint
                      Martin Alejandro Bamonte
                      BullseyeSignal – NoRepaint 是一种信号,如其名称所示,在任何情况下都不会重新绘制。信号在图像中观察到的同一根蜡烛上发出。它非常适合高度波动的市场,如外汇、加密货币、股票、指数和期货。 你只会看到绿色箭头表示买入和红色箭头表示卖出,但背后有许多指标共同工作,以提供更简化的交易体验。 它专为提供精确的进入点而设计, 不是大量的,而是特定的进入点,当我们的指标显示趋势变化并穿过0水平线与前一趋势相反时。为了实现更精确的交易,指标等待第一个回调以确认趋势变化,从而避免假反转。因此,在突破前一趋势并确认回调后,将发出信号。 这是一种非常谨慎的交易方法, 因此重要的是要遵循这些提示(新手和更高级的交易者都可以使用这种策略): 建议使用纽约市场、伦敦市场或两者重叠的市场。如果你需要在其他市场交易,例如亚洲市场,必须事先检查交易的货币对是否处于非常狭窄的范围内。范围市场:可以交易吗?可以,但要交易任何处于范围内的货币对,你必须观察货币对和范围长度。例如,如果你在M5图表上,合适的范围大约是200点(最高点和最低点之间)。如果范围较小,我们将得到很少的点数,甚至可能遇到
                      FX Power MT4 NG
                      Daniel Stein
                      5 (10)
                      通过 mql5 和 Telegram 上 的晨间简报获取每日市场更新,包括详细信息和屏幕截图 ! FX Power MT4 NG 是我们长期以来非常受欢迎的货币强度计算器 FX Power 的下一代产品。 这款下一代强度计算器能提供什么?您所喜爱的原版 FX Power 的所有功能 附加功能 黄金/XAU 强度分析 更精确的计算结果 可单独配置的分析周期 可自定义计算限制,以获得更好的性能 为希望查看更多信息的用户提供特殊的多实例设置 无尽的图形设置,可在每个图表中设置您最喜欢的颜色 无数的通知选项,让您再也不会错过任何重要信息 采用 Windows 11 和 macOS 风格的全新圆角设计 神奇的移动指标面板 FX Power 主要功能 所有主要货币的完整强势历史 所有时间框架内的货币强弱历史 所有经纪商和图表的计算结果完全相同 100% 可靠的实时计算 -> 无重绘 可通过下拉列表选择分析时段 通过自定义模式单独配置分析时段 可在一个图表中使用多个实例 可移动 FX Power 显示屏(通过拖放) 适用于高分辨率 QHD、UHD 和 4K 显示器 自动终端配置 针对平板电脑
                      TakePropips Donchian Trend Pro
                      Eric John Pajarillaga Aldana
                      4.82 (17)
                      TakePropips Donchian Trend Pro   (MT4) 是一款功能强大且有效的工具,可使用 Donchian 通道自动检测趋势方向,并为您提供进场和退场交易信号! 这个多功能指标包括趋势扫描器、交易信号、统计面板、筛选器、交易时段和警报历史仪表板。它旨在为您提供交易信号并节省您分析图表的时间! 您可以在我们的博文中下载用户手册和安装指南:   https   :// www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/751368 今天立减 50%!价格从 98 美元降到 49 美元! 您可以在 Strategy Tester 上测试该指标(启用可视模式) 视频教程也可在说明下方获得更多详细信息。 如果您有任何问题或需要任何帮助,请与我联系。 TakePropips Donchian Trend Pro 指标适用于所有外汇对、金属、商品、指数和加密货币。 主要特点 交易信号 - 检测多个时间范围内所有货币对的买卖机会。它将为您提供警报并在图表上绘制交易信号,最多 3 个止盈价和一个止损价。 Trend Scanner   - 用于快速扫描和识别跨多个时间
                      Break and Retest
                      Mohamed Hassan
                      4.43 (14)
                      New update to V.4 where  Break & Retest automatically draws the take profit & stop loss levels and you also have more signals per day! ‍You can visually backtest Break & Retest to see how it behaved in the past!     Manual guide:   Click here $60 for a very limited time. Next price is $120   This Indicator only places quality trades when the market is really in your favor with a clear break and retest. Patience is key with this price action strategy! If you want more alert s
                      Up Down v6
                      Guner Koca
                      4.88 (8)
                      up-down indicator is no repaint and works all pairs and lower than weekly time frames charts. it is suitable also 1 m charts for all pairs. and hold long way to signal. dont gives too many signals. when red histogram cross trigger line that is up signal.and price probably will down when blue histogram cross trigger line that is down signal.and price probably will go up. when the signals not seen press + button on terminal . too see weekly chart because of low data on chart ,it needs to lower p
                      PRO Renko System
                      Oleg Rodin
                      5 (25)
                      PRO Renko Arrow Based System for trading renko charts.  准确的信号交易任何外汇工具. 另外,我将免费提供系统的附加模块! PRO Renko系统是RENKO图表上高度准确的交易系统。该系统是通用的。 该交易系统可应用于各种交易工具。 该系统有效地中和了所谓的市场噪音,打开了获得准确反转信号的通道。 该指标易于使用,只有一个参数负责产生信号。 您可以很容易地使算法适应您感兴趣的交易工具和renko酒吧的大小。 我很乐意通过提供任何咨询支持来帮助所有客户有效地使用该指标。 祝您交易成功!购买后,立即写信给我! 我将与您分享我的建议和我的renko发电机。 另外,我将免费提供系统的附加模块!
                      Advanced Currency IMPULSE with ALERT
                      Bernhard Schweigert
                      4.91 (494)
                      目前31%的折扣!! 对任何新手或专家交易者来说都是最好的解决方案! 这个指标是一个独特的、高质量的、负担得起的交易工具,因为我们已经纳入了一些专有的功能和一个秘密的公式。只需一张图表,它就能给出所有28种货币对的警报。想象一下,你的交易将如何改善,因为你能够准确地确定新趋势或剥头皮机会的触发点 建立在新的基础算法上,它使识别和确认潜在交易变得更加容易。这是因为它以图形方式显示了一种货币的强势或弱势是否正在加速,并测量了这种加速的速度--把它想象成你汽车中的速度表。当你加速时,事情显然会发生得更快,这在外汇市场上也是一样的,即如果你配对的货币正在向相反的方向加速,你就会发现一个潜在的有利可图的交易。 货币动量的垂直线和箭头将指导你的交易! 动态的市场斐波那契23水平被用作警报触发器,将适应市场活动。如果冲动触及黄色触发线,您将在MetaTrader或您的电子邮件或推送警报中收到警报。然后你就知道作为一个交易员应该做什么。货币对和方向已经给出。只要点击警报按钮,就可以切换到该货币对或打开一个新的图表,以便进一步分析。警报级别可以通过用户输入来改变,可以选择3个敏感度级别
                      TrendDecoder Premium
                      Christophe Pa Trouillas
                      5 (5)
                      确定范围和下一步可能的走势   |  获得早期信号和趋势强度   |  在反转之前获得明确的退出   |  了解价格将测试哪些斐波水平 非重绘、非延迟指标 - 手动和自动交易的理想选择 - 适用于所有资产和所有时间单位 限时优惠 >>   50% OFF 购买后,  请联系我的频道  获取推荐设置 MT5   版本: 点击此处 使用   BladeSCALPER   和   PowerZONES   获取我们的完整方法 它是什么? TrendDECODER 集多种创新于一身,使趋势监测变得简单易行。 投射趋势线(Projective TrendLine)--快速参考即将到来的趋势 实时趋势线(RealTime TrendLine)与投射趋势线(Projective TrendLine)的对比 - 与之前的同方向走势相比,市场是加速还是放缓? 实时趋势线交叉 - 趋势正在偏离轨道 使用 GreyBox - 市场不再是趋势并进入新的过渡序列 使用 DecoderSignals 和 Blue/Orange Clouds - 利用作为动态支撑/阻力的 Blue/Orange
                      Juergen Thielen
                      5 (1)
                      Concept Market arranges in Time upcoming Phases according to the present Results of its Interest. Directing Modulations are an Interaction of immanent Periods, which show in Reference to Time cyclic Activity and to Price leveling Activity. SensorMap is a reflecting Volume Mask of this Concept of Time and Price and apportioning developed Price Movements in an equalized 100 % - Range: how far moved ? indicating their Status by marking special Events: when which Action ? setting the Situation in
                      Daniel 2023.07.26 17:01 

                      Ich schaue mir beide Indis von dir mal an, Optik und Ausführung perfekt, mal schauen wie ichdamit zurecht komme. Erstmal vielen dank für die Indis und die Arbeit.

                      Jamie Daniel Thompson
                      Jamie Daniel Thompson 2023.06.22 14:43 

                      Extremely useful and incredible tool! I don't understand how this doesn't have 5 star reviews yet! It has totally changed the accuracy of my entries! Thanks to the author!

                      版本 3.7 2023.04.16
                      Integration of the TickEvent News-Addon, no further Changes
                      版本 3.6 2023.04.10
                      final Pixelwork on the Phase-Propeller, no further Changes.
                      版本 3.5 2023.03.14
                      extended by Single-Pivot Option
                      版本 3.4 2023.03.12
                      Taken out redundant Pivot-Adjustment (H4) and extended by Time-Adjustment Server-Terminal
                      版本 3.3 2023.03.09
                      aligned/ defined/ extended/ finalized/ homologized/ completed
                      版本 3.2 2022.12.20
                      The Bull-Bear-Propeller received an indicational update and prints now the Propeller-Status instead of the actual period-direction..
                      版本 3.1 2022.12.19
                      PØINTZERØ SENSØRMAP is now splitted in two separate partial indicators, independent of each other working, standalone functional, fully enfolding their power by combination.

                      PØINTZERØ >+< PRØJECTØR: oscillating absolute Pricechart relating the functional categories (main)
                      SENSØRMAP <+> REFLECTØR: equalized relative Timechart alternating the categorized functions (sub)

                      If you want to have a Visual of the complete PØINTZERØ SENSØRMAP, please save a SENSØRMAP-Template as Tester-Template (tester.tpl) in templates-folder.
                      Of course you should load the indicator in advance ;-)

                      Merry christmas world!
                      版本 3.0 2022.11.26
                      major update v 3.0
                      版本 2.9 2022.11.21
                      faster and better than planned.. observation is the only functioning technique!
                      版本 2.8 2022.11.17
                      if I wouldn't love what I do, I wouldn't do what I do.. PIV-color-setup now functional.. H4 reimplemented - no daytrading without it.. now with a clear conscience..
                      版本 2.7 2022.11.17
                      functionality of Navi-News-Panel adjusted and sudden period-counting-typo corrected.. patience always gets rewarded..
                      版本 2.6 2022.11.17
                      with this last update for this year everything is brought into the right light. compose and develop markets image as variable as market is driven. HAIRCROSS and enabled TOOL answer most of initial/ orientational questions. I wish nice holidays!
                      版本 2.5 2022.11.17
                      PEN-rotor_stator now Trendline instead of txt-object //dismissed PIV<D1 // optimized PEN-Trace-Trend-Logic: Trace= dark/ Trend= bright : this way realistic price-action-mirroring // dismissed obsolete variables , some household and freshing cosmetics - imaging sharper every update..//
                      版本 2.4 2022.11.16
                      the spread-level-warn-display had to be corrected..
                      版本 2.3 2022.11.16
                      final touches and cosmetics..
                      版本 2.2 2022.11.14
                      simplified visual, any effort is dedicated to optimized functionality..
                      版本 2.1 2022.11.13
                      poets on coding serials..interst stands in front of discovery.
                      版本 2.0 2022.11.09
                      adjusted the speed-display to directional colors, now makes sense ;-)
                      版本 1.9 2022.11.09
                      some further internal optimizations..
                      版本 1.8 2022.11.07
                      update to new MT4 Terminal-version 4.00 build 1363 03 Nov 2022, it comes with several internal optimizations..
                      版本 1.7 2022.11.03
                      color correction corner 3, apart from that conflict-free presentation today..
                      版本 1.6 2022.11.03
                      minor graphical definitions - mismatches cleared - no further irregularities discovered.. stable and vivid.. here go
                      版本 1.5 2022.11.01
                      the value of a calibration one can measure in signals, which accomplish to pass revision tests by being such rare that any revision would take days..
                      版本 1.4 2022.11.01
                      there is always potential to optimize.. redundants cleared..
                      版本 1.3 2022.10.30
                      with one last minor graphical correction this now awaits to become discovered by you
                      版本 1.2 2022.10.30
                      the winter-time-change cheated the last update - corrected + goddie for wintertime :-)
                      版本 1.1 2022.10.30
                      Functional Implematation of the Rotor-Stator-Function via Bull and Bear, obsolete code cleaned and graphics and visuals defined