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MQL5 专家 积分


Tu špecifikujte svoje špecifikácie požiadaviek bod za bodom. Pokúste sa stručne a zreteľne opísať svoje požiadavky tak, aby váš potenciálny vývojár dokázal správne posúdiť jeho zložitosť a náklady, ako aj požadovaný čas realizácie.

Zlý alebo príliš všeobecný popis bude mať za následok ignorovanie vašej objednávky alebo budete tráviť veľa času rokovaniami o podrobnostiach s každým žiadateľom.

Pamätajte: Remember: It is better to spend thirty minutes to prepare a good text than to lose hours and days to resolve misunderstandings after concluding the Agreement or when accepting the order execution results. It is better to spend thirty minutes to prepare a good text than to lose hours and days to resolve misunderstandings after concluding the Agreement or when accepting the order execution results.


开发者 1
41% / 44%
We want to host a trading competition for newer traders where they can trade on demo accounts. We just want to be able to access those demo accounts and to provide a leaderboard (even if the totals are just stored in a database), we can provide the front-end. The idea is to have around 20 participants. Most will be relatively new traders. We are also not a broker, we simply have a few people learning to trade. The
MQL Excel Integration 500 - 750 USD
I am looking for a MQL5 programmer to have Metatrader read my MS Excel signals. There will be a notification CSV/TXT file going from MT to Excel. To let Excel know one of the two orders went live. There will also be a order CSV/TXT file going from Excel to MT. To let MT know of 2 new orders. The order CSV will include 2 orders with Order Type Order buy/sell Order price Order Stop-loss Price Order Target Price Project
I'm seeking a skilled coder with expertise in FIX protocol connections for Forex accounts. The project involves performing conformance tests with multiple FX brokers, as well as testing FIX connections, whitelisting, and related tasks. Key Requirements: Proven experience with FIX protocol in the Forex market Ability to perform conformance tests with various brokers Expertise in testing and troubleshooting FIX
Seeking skilled MQL developer to create a Signal Copier EA: Receive signals from our custom app server Compatible with both MT4 and MT5 File-based signal reception (JSON format) Customizable trading parameters Error handling and logging Well-documented, maintainable code


300+ USD
VAT (21%): 63 USD
总计: 363 USD
270 USD
 10 天