Dear Mr. Rosh The server's responce


Hi ! Mr. Rosh

I want to know the time duration about server's response

When a terminal send a request for example asking a modify order

How long can the server send back to say the request was accepted successfully

Don't consider the transfer time the signal on line

Only the time duration a terminal got from request to response

Thank you in advance !

You have to ask your broker.

Now I use your server ( MetaQuotes-Demo)

Could you give your server's response ?

Thank you very moch !

Аbout 2-5 seconds.

Thank you very very much ! ! !

T teseted the time about 4 - 5 secends also

So another question :

If during this duration the price have some changed

May be the server to refuse the request or responded the request at higher price(for modify order) ?

I found the phenomenon if I made a modify order at eight points over the orderopenprice

The server can only responsed and fed back OK signal at over ten points over !

I am not complain I only think about the phenomenon may be cause the difference between back testing results and forward testing results

So at back testing when I send a modify order can I add a 4-5 second sleep to simulate the response delay ?

I want to make the back testing's result like forward testing

May be it's funny and stupid ?

:) {: :} {: ??
Sorry, but function Sleep() doesn' t work in backtest. See also Testing Features and Limits in MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 4中的测试特性和限定
May be you must pay attention to