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NorthEastWay MT5


NorthEastWay MT5  は完全に自動化された「プルバック」取引システムで、人気のある「プルバック」通貨ペア(AUDCAD、AUDNZD、NZDCAD)での取引に特に効果的です。 このシステムは、取引において外国為替市場の主なパターン、つまりあらゆる方向への急激な動きの後の価格の戻りを使用します。

時間枠: M15


EA を購入した後は、必ずプライベート メッセージで私に連絡してください。私はあなたをプライベート グループに追加し、設定ファイルと追加の詳細な手順を送ります。



EA セットアップ:

  • OneChartSetup を使用して、単一のチャートからすべてのペアを実行できます (M15 タイムフレームのみ)
  • この EA は、スプレッド、スリッページ、その他のブローカー関連の変数の影響を受けません。
  • 推奨されているペアのみを使用してください。

EA テスト:

  • MT5 テスターのマルチ通貨モードを使用して、推奨されるすべてのペアで EA を同時にテストします。
  • M15 タイムフレームのみでテスト
  • さまざまな市況下での EA の安定性を示すために、5 ~ 10 年の長期テストをお勧めします。


  • OneChartSetup — 1 つのチャートから複数の通貨でアドバイザーを一度に起動します。 通貨ペアは「,」を使用してリストする必要があります。
  • For_magic — 固有のマジックの接頭辞。 0 ~ 99 の値を指定する必要があります。
  • For_autolot_use — ロットを計算するときにアドバイザーがどのベースを使用する必要があるか (株式または残高)。
  • Or_use_fix_balance  — または、入金通貨で固定金額の残高を挿入します。
  • AutoMM — > 0 の場合、EA はロットの計算時に自動マネー管理を使用します。 AutoMM <=1000 — 非常に攻撃的です。 AutoMM >= 5000 — 保守的。
  • Fix_lot_if_AutoMM=0  — シリーズの最初の取引の固定ロット。
  • Recovery_Mode  — true の場合、アドバイザーは利益のみを伴って一連の注文をクローズしますが、同時に作業ロジックに違反する可能性があります。 false の場合、EA はそのロジックに従って動作し、一連の注文が損失でクローズされる可能性があります。
  • Martin_Ratio  — 一連の注文のマーチンゲール係数。
  • First_real_C-level  — 値が大きいほど、取引の頻度は低くなりますが、より良いものになります。

推奨される入力パラメータ (バランスの取れたリスク):

  • For_Autolot_use = equity
  • AutoMM = 2000
  • Recovery_Mode = true
  • First_real_C-level = 3

最低残高 $1000
推奨レバレッジ 1:100 以上

これらの設定は、 FastWay MT5 Roboforex によって使用されます。 

PS: 私はエキスパートアドバイザーを mql5.com でのみ販売しています。 他のリソースで私のアドバイザーが販売されているのを見た場合、彼らは詐欺師であり、偽物を販売しています。

PS2:  アドバイザーの購入者は、 プライベート ユーザー グループ に参加する権利があります。 グループへの招待を受け取るには、「 コメント 」セクションにプライベート グループへの追加リクエストを記述する必要があります。

MT4 バージョン:  この EA は ターミナルの MT5 バージョンでのみ利用可能です。 このEAはMT4版ではご利用いただけません。

レビュー 19
mt5boy 2024.01.02 05:19 

I RARELY COMMENT AND I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE PAVEL A 5 STAR REVIEW TODAY. Outstanding EA developed mainly for him, as well as his professional financial knowledge, as well as his after-sales service. I have bought a lot of EAs on the MQL5 website, most of them are scams, many scam EAs have 1-2 months, which seems to be a good profitability, but after actually using it, soon your account will face huge losses, and finally these scam authors will delete everything, including their signals and EAs, and start cheating again. But PAVEL is different, he is a real trader, although his previous signal was blew and suffered serious losses, but he did not leave and did not abandon our previous users who supported him, and his EA is still constantly updated, making the EA better and safer. Before, many guys who blew their account were not well controlled, and now EA has a lot of risk control parameters, as long as you have money management, blew account is still difficult to happen, North Easy Way EA is the only EA I have invested a lot of money in, because I trust him enough. My only regret is that I didn't buy it when it was cheap. THANK YOU PAVEL AND WISH YOU GOOD HEALTH IN THE YEAR OF THE DRAGON!

Lokoshon1 2021.12.31 20:28 

Excellent EA!! As long as you listen to Pavel and follow his recommendation, EA works great.

Torsten Hummitzsch
Torsten Hummitzsch 2021.12.10 15:35 

I've been using the EA since June 2021. I was skeptical at first. But it is easy to set up and has earned its purchase price in a very short time. The support is also great. If you choose your risk attitudes carefully, you are a winner. thank you

Join Deriv link on profile>>> BitCoin MinerX is a special EA tool created to trade the pair called BTC/USD, This robot is created by few indicators which is Donchian Channel and Bollinger Bands.  A Donchian channel is a   trading indicator that shows the highest high and the lowest low of a security over a given period  and  Bollinger Bands are a   technical analysis tool that show the prices and volatility of a financial instrument or commodity over time . We use all this tools because are
Strategy: 1.This EA is a trend trade, used for USDJPY H1 charts. 2.This EA is  using indicators such as the Bolling band and moving average. 3.The EA has detailed test data from January 2018 to June 2021, which is stable and profitable. 4.The initial amount of this EA is only $1000.Lot is fixed on 0.1.Finally, this EA has a profit of over $1400. 5.If you just want to put a small amount of money to get double reward, this EA trader is your best choice!"
稼ぎと研究のためのツール。 トレーディングシグナルと戦略の中核は、価格予測パターンを形成するための著者のアルゴリズムに基づいています。どんな楽器にも使えます! MA「九尾の狐」に基づく制御システムが追加され、市場、機器、および作業期間に合わせて信号を可能な限り正確に更新および調整します。 対象:すべての市場のすべての商品(例外があります)。 対象者:ヘッジファンド、ファンドおよび資産運用会社、投資運用会社、投機家、投資家および利害関係者。 .................................................................................................................................................................................
Propfirm Challenge Helper
Jonatan Esteba Rojas Villegas
ファンドアカウントアシスタント このエキスパートアドバイザーは MFF チャレンジのフェーズ 1 に合格しました (写真とビデオの証拠) お試し価格(最初の3ヶ月割引) アルゴリズムは価格と行動の構造、より具体的には境界線に基づいています。 サポートと抵抗。 冒頭に特定のパターンが発生した場合 ニューヨークまたは日本セッション、あなたのポジショニングはリスクリワード 1:7 したがって、トレンドの始まりを利用するようにしてください。 特記事項 どのファンディング アカウント プロバイダーが EA の使用を許可しているかを確認する USD JPY のみを使用 - 5 分の時間枠 ストップロスとテイクプロフィットの自動化 サポートと援助のための電報 https://t.me/TradingFloorPropfirm ニューヨークと日本では PC ログインが必要です。EA は自動的に実行を開始します これらの空席の中で セッションごとに最大 1 つの注文を受け付けます 全自動運転(TP-SL体積計算など) 注文ごとに 1% のリスク 別の提案 最大プロフィットストッ
Dear users! - This is a Forrex trading expert advisor following the trend trading method. It has proven its effectiveness in overcoming 2 rounds of FTMO fund challenges. This is a modified and optimized version after completing the process of passing 2 rounds of FTMO challenges. - Max drawndown auto caculate by risk initial setting. Telegram instruction for backtest and using: https://t.me/ +0lDs0UXiJUVjM2Jl  I. Application Highlights: 1. Safe and easy to use. 2. Martigale and grid are not ap
The     Cyberosaurus  bot is an innovative next-generation bot that serves as a powerful tool for trading in the classic Forex market and with cryptocurrencies (for corresponding brokers). It operates with the majority of pairs, so it is advisable to test it before using it on a specific pair. It is specifically designed to work with these markets, without the ability to trade other assets such as stocks or indices. The main control parameters of the bot are presented in a convenient and conc
Bergland Gold MT5
Matthias Bessler
2.33 (3)
This fully automated trading system is part of the Bergland signal. It features a highly efficient trading logic, and a money management system. Reasonable calculated stop loss and take profit levels. It is easy to install and do not require a special setfile. XAUUSD, M15 Special Promo:    If you register with my cashback link, you will get this EA for free. PM me for instructions.
Grid Hedging (Modular) Introducing Grid Hedging (Modular), the ultimate trading tool designed to revolutionize your trading experience! This expert advisor (EA) is a powerful and versatile system that opens up a whole new world of possibilities for traders of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting in the trading world, this EA is tailored to adapt to your unique trading style. So, what can this EA do? Grid Hedging (Modular) allows you to trade with a completely modular
Boris- Полностью автоматический ,агрессивный советник основанный на математических расчетах, написанный специально под валютную пару EUR/USD. Период H1. Советник использует свой автоматический виртуальный стоплосс и тейкпрофит !  Ваш брокер не будет видеть ,задерживать модификацию,забыть поставить стоп и так далее. Тестировать рекомендую только с качеством 100% тиков у брокеров дающих реальные котировки. Входные параметры:  Magic=77777; - Магик ордеров  StartHour=1;  - Час начала Торговли
Track the EA’s real performance here:  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2256247 --- My EA has a strong statistical edge, built on trend-following trading rules, using tight stop-losses and letting profits run as far as possible. Important Note:   If you want to use my EA, it's crucial to be patient. Allow it enough time to accumulate a large enough sample of trades for its edge and expected value to take effect. Unlike most other EAs on the market that often use grids, martingale, DCA, or don
Following our guide, you will gain more than you lose. EA for long-term. Stable profit - min risk. Symbol:  XAUUSD Attach to any timeframe Min deposit:   3000$ - Calculate profit by month EA input instruction: 1. With XAU 2 digits (eg: 1843.23) please set - Input   [3. Max spread]: 55 - Input   [9. Step point]: 100 2. With XAU 3 digits (eg: 1843.235) please set - Input   [3. Max spread]: 550 - Input   [9. Step point]: 1000 3. If you want to attach to one more Window, please set input   [1. Numb
Ziwox Fundamental Trader Ziwox Fundamental Trader は、金融市場のトレーダーが EA 情報データに基づいて賢明な決定を下すのを支援するトレーディング アシスタントです。 この EA は、オンライン ソースを使用して、通貨のファンダメンタル バイアス、ペアに対する小売トレーダーのセンチメント比率、銀行と機関の予測、COT レポート データ、および複雑な EA パネル内のその他のデータなどの必要な情報をキャッチします。 手短に言えば、それは統合された外国為替データソースと情報であり、マニュアルトレーダーがより良い決定を下すのに役立ちます. このアシスタントと並んで、ペアで自動的に取引するためにファンダメンタル データとテクニカル データを使用する FULL AUTO 取引システムでもあります。 [   User guide & installation   |  EA components  |   Set file |    Join EA channel (Link in bio)  |  Live signal  | 
Limited Rental Time !   Only   $ 12 958 USD ! The price will increase by   $100 USD   after every   10th purchase ! Final price: $30 000 USD   DESCRIPTION : Hello , I 'm Requiem ! Follow my recommendations and I will be happy to serve in your kingdom! ️ Attention!   Contact me immediately after purchase   to receive setup instructions! This advisor is intended for trading with the broker Deriv. The EA has been optimized over the past year, starting from  2023,10,06 - 2024,06,21.
Expert. Automatic and manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Alert system (on-screen, E-Mail, Push notifications).    visual panel for opening orders in manual trading. visual panel for setting up
Snake EURUSD Real EA is a fully automatic Forex Trading Expert Advisor. The robot can run on any pair, but the results are better on EURUSD M15. The system can run with any broker that also provides Floating Spread. Advantages The EA does not use systems like martingale, hedging, etc. The EA uses SL and Trailing Stop to make a profit. In addition, you can also set TP (EURUSD at 93 for me). Best test results with 99.0% in the backtest. It is not necessary to close the EA during the press releas
Aurora Borealis Predictorをご紹介します — 自動化された外国為替取引の概念を再定義する高度な取引アドバイザーです。私は、実証済みのアルゴリズムの力、市場パターンの包括的な分析、革新的なビジュアルインターフェースを統合しました。Aurora Borealis PredictorはChat GPTなどの人工知能モデルや、実際の取引条件下で実証された効果がない他の未検証の機械学習モデルに依存しません。代わりに、このアドバイザーは時間をかけて検証された数学モデルと戦略に基づいています。標準的な指標に加えて、Aurora Borealis Predictorはリアルタイムで更新されるフィボナッチレベルを利用します。Aurora Borealis Predictorは、インフレデータ、金利決定、GDP成長、雇用統計を含む、金価格に影響を与える主要な経済指標を専門的に分析し解釈します。さらに、金の安全資産としての地位に影響を与える可能性のある地政学的イベントも監視します。Aurora Borealis Predictorのセンチメント分析モジュールは、トレーダーのコミット
Holeshot MAX
Carter Kyle Capital Inc.
Holeshot Max – Your Ultimate Trading Companion Holeshot Max is not just another trading tool; it's a sophisticated ally designed to empower traders of all levels to conquer the markets with ease. Built on the powerful Metatrader 5 platform, Holeshot Max is equipped with a custom equity management system that puts the control firmly in your hands. Say goodbye to stress and uncertainty – with Holeshot Max, you can trade worry-free, knowing that your risk tolerance and behavior are fully customizab
Holeshot Max MT5
Carter Kyle Capital Inc.
Holeshot Max – Your Ultimate Trading Companion Holeshot Max is not just another trading tool; it's a sophisticated ally designed to empower traders of all levels to conquer the markets with ease. Built on the powerful Metatrader 5 platform, Holeshot Max is equipped with a custom equity management system that puts the control firmly in your hands. Say goodbye to stress and uncertainty – with Holeshot Max, you can trade worry-free, knowing that your risk tolerance and behavior are fully customizab
Trading Robot Description: 1. Scalping Nature: This trading robot is specifically designed for scalping the EUR/USD currency pair. It is programmed to operate during periods of extremely low volatility in the market. Scalping strategies aim to profit from small price movements, making them particularly sensitive to market conditions and execution speed. 2. Low Movement Emphasis: The robot primarily focuses on executing trades based on minor price fluctuations. Due to the nature of its strategy,
期間限定オファー!わずか 10 000 米 ドル! 10回 の購入ごとに価格が 100米 ドルずつ上昇します!最終価格: 30,000米 ドル 説明: 注意! 購入後すぐに私に連絡して、 セットアップの手順を受け取ってください! このEAはECNブローカーと取引 するために作成されました。EAは過去の数十年間で最適化され、 2010年1月1日 から 2022年9月1日 までの期間にわたっています。このエキスパートアドバイザーはプロフェッショナルで、その助けを借りて将来的にはどんなECNブローカーに対してもアドバイザーのパフォーマンスを独立して最適化することができます。 収益性のあ る取引(総額の100% - 100%の割合 )が保証されています ; このエキスパートアドバイザーは10年以上にわたり、一度も損失なしで取引しています。 エキスパートアドバイザーはインジケーターの助けを借りて動作します。トレンドに従って操作します。EAは固定されたロットのみで動作し、効果的な資金管理のためには手動でロットサイズを設定して管理する必要があります。
Candle EA MT5
Mansour Babasafary
4.37 (43)
This expert is based on patterns The main patterns of this specialist are candlestick patterns Detects trends with candlestick patterns It has a profit limit and a loss limit, so it has a low risk The best time frame to use this expert is M30 time frame The best currency pairs to use with this expert is the EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD currency pairs Attributes: Can be used in the EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD  currency pairs Can be used in M30, H1, H4 time frames Has profit limit an
概要 資金管理、トレーリングストップ、ポジション管理ができる トレンドフォローEAです。 特徴 一般的なトレンドの方向にポジションを開くことに基づいたトレンドフォロー戦略です。 テイクプロフィット注文とストップロス注文を使用してリスクを管理し、利益を確保します。 また、 EA はトレーリング ストップを採用し、価格が取引に有利に動くにつれてストップロスを動的に調整します。 ※スクリーンショットの模様は、フォワードテスト最適化の様子やフォワードテスト後の資産状況を載せています。 EAを稼働させる上での注意事項 当サイトでご提供しているEAは、利用者の収益を保証するものではありません。 当サイトで掲載しているロジック、損益シミュレーションと同じ結果になることを保証するものでもありません。利用者の環境等で結果が異なることもございます。 実際にEAを利用するか中止するかの判断は、必ずご自身で決定してください。
Nasdaq     Smart Collector Automated intraday  trading , not scalping! The trading system is expected to make money both when the market rises and when it declines. I do not offer any gifts or bonuses for purchases or positive feedback! The Nasdaq Smart Collector advisor has been tested in a closed test, showed excellent results, is worthy of respect, and does not require marketing tricks or manipulations. The Nasdaq   index consists of the largest tech companies in the United States and is gro
本旨。 まず第一に、これは異なる指標に適用される同じ戦略に基づいたEAファミリーの2番目です。 これは、スプレッドメインフィルタリングを使用した異なる指標に同じ戦略と同じ資金管理が適用されることを意味します。 最終目標は、可能な限り高い成功率を持ち、全体的な損失を最小限に抑えたEAを設計することです。 この特性は、長期的な満足のために、EAの使用に対する信頼を高めます。 戦略 1.スキャルピングモードの戦略 EAはインディケータに従って価格の指示に従い、TP1で利益を上げます。その後、プロセスが再起動します。 TP1がトリガーされず、インジケーターの方向が変わる場合、取引は保留され、反対の取引がTP2まで乗算器に応じて開かれますが、市場での取引数が乗算されます。 このステップは、利益が取引数X TP2に達するまで繰り返されます。 2.トレンドフォローモード戦略 EAはインディケーターに従って価格方向に従い、取引が利益を上げ、価格方向が逆転した場合のみ利益を得る。 その後、プロセスが再起動します。 価格方向の変更で取引に利益がない場合、取引は保留され、新しい価格方向が変更される
本旨。 まず第一に、これは異なる指標に適用される同じ戦略に基づいたEAファミリーの2番目です。 これは、スプレッドメインフィルタリングを使用した異なる指標に同じ戦略と同じ資金管理が適用されることを意味します。 最終目標は、可能な限り高い成功率を持ち、全体的な損失を最小限に抑えたEAを設計することです。 この特性は、長期的な満足のために、EAの使用に対する信頼を高めます。 戦略 1.スキャルピングモードの戦略 EAはインディケータに従って価格の指示に従い、TP1で利益を上げます。その後、プロセスが再起動します。 TP1がトリガーされず、インジケーターの方向が変わる場合、取引は保留され、反対の取引がTP2まで乗算器に応じて開かれますが、市場での取引数が乗算されます。 このステップは、利益が取引数X TP2に達するまで繰り返されます。 2.トレンドフォローモード戦略 EAはインディケーターに従って価格方向に従い、取引が利益を上げ、価格方向が逆転した場合のみ利益を得る。 その後、プロセスが再起動します。 価格方向の変更で取引に利益がない場合、取引は保留され、新しい価格方向が変更される
Friendly Bot   is a multi-currency, multi-functional advisor that works on any time frame and in any market conditions. - The robot’s operation is based on an averaging system with a non-geometric progression of constructing a trading grid. - Built-in protection systems: special filters, spread control, internal trading time limitation. - Construction of a trading network taking into account important internal levels. - Ability to customize the aggressiveness of trading. The Expert Advisor co
Dansie Software Limited
Strategy Overview The Ignition EA tries to take advantage of sudden momentum when the Ignition pattern is detected. The final bar in the ignition pattern has a small opening wick, a very little or no closing wick, is large in comparison to recent bars and must start from the lower end of the current range (for a bullish ignition) Quick Testing Use Symbol EURUSD, Timeframe M2, and remove the GBPUSD symbol from the "Symbols" input (stratergy 1 and stratergy 2) Settings The below settings
ScalpelBarUVL is a new generation universal scalpel bot. It can work on any type of accounts. On any instrument, without exception. Advantages: Automatically adjusts all pip parameter values ​​for the instrument (stops, volatility, spread). That is, if you optimize your stop loss, for example, from 100 to 1000, then such a range will be on any instruments (on all currency pairs), the actual stop loss will be adjusted in accordance with the needs of this instrument. This is very convenient for
Epicus Prime Overview: Epicus Prime is a top-tier, superior, outstanding, unique, and exceptional solution in the world of algorithmic trading. In the realm of forex trading, Epicus Prime is engineered to handle significant and substancial tasks, and perform exceptionally well in the trading context, excelling remarkably in performance, accuracy, and reliability, which positions it as a leading, prominent and reliable option for traders. Strategy Elaboration: Epicus Prime is a system that analy
Unlike most other EAs in the market, I always assure every single of my EAs are of highest quality: Real trades will match backtesting. No loss hiden techniques to hide historical losses, no manipulated backtest to make backtesting curve smooth without loss (only naive traders believe in smooth upward curve with no risk - they are most likely scamming). My EA always have multi-years verified statistical trading edge. Robust and long term stable with sensible risk management. Not sensitive to sp
Project 758
Konstantin Sinitsin
Greetings, fellow traders. EA Project 758 was created by a team of traders and programmers with 15 years of experience. EA Project 758 has been developed and refined over a period of 6 years. Through this process, we have achieved excellent results. The EA algorithm is proprietary and has no analogues. It incorporates universal and complex systems such as IR, developed personally by us. We designed a proprietary EA that embodies the behavior model of termites. These tiny insects are known for th
ПРИНЦИПЫ DAYREST: с оветник   основан на контр-трендовой стратегии Мы используем две особенности: 1. Наличие коррекций в тренде. Как правило, после поступательных импульсов всегда происходит "откат". 2.   Цикличность рынка. Цена ходит между историческими максимальными и минимальными значениями. Наибольшая вероятность коррекции фиксируется при достижении ценой границ этого канала. Сигналом для открытия позиции служит пересечение ценой верхней или нижней границы индикаторов Price Channel и EMA. Эт
Attention!   Contact me immediately after purchase   to receive setup instructions! This advisor is intended for trading with the broker Deriv. The EA has been optimized over the past year, starting from  2023,10,06 - 2024,02,02. The EA has a high frequency of opening deals and has real track records with a low drawdown: A synthetic account allows you to trade contracts for difference (CFDs) on assets that mimic the movement of real markets. Synthetic indexes are available for tradin
Introducing  FMC HFT SCALPING EA , the groundbreaking MQL5 expert advisor that's transforming the way you trade the financial markets! Developed by a team of experienced traders with trading experience of over 5 years. IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***Buy FMC HFT SCALPING ROBOT and get access to our free fmc price action book !*** Ask in private for more details OPEN YOUR DOOPRIME ACCOUNT :   Click he
The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained using a 10-year history of real tick data. The trading is performed only on GBP/USD. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. Trading Strategy The system does NOT use dangerous strategies such as averaging or martingale, but strictly adheres to the neural network instructions. Stop l
The Neurolite Expert Advisor offers trade decisions based on a neural network trained on 5-years of real tick data. Trading is performed only on the EUR/USD currency pair. Its main peculiarity is a small amount of input parameters so as to facilitate the working process of users. The Neurolite EA will fine-tune all the parameters for you. This Expert Advisor is based on the previously released Neurolite EA gbpusd , which was adjusted for successful trading on the EUR/USD currency pair. Trading
A scalper system only work during Asian hours. Several unique indicators to detective the price fluctuation. Dynamic TP/SL level according to market conditions. Fixed stoploss to protect the capital, very low risk of losing a lot of money. No need to obtain SET files. The parameters are the same for each currency pair. It is optimized to work on EURAUD . It is recommended to use Eagle Scalper on M15 chart. It is recommended to run it on a real ECN broker with very low spread . It is recommended
The adviser uses a strategy based on the use of 7 Envelopes  indicators, on each timeframe (M5, M15, M30, H1, H4) there are 7 Envelopes indicators. Trading is based on the “Price Action” strategy, the adviser searches for a simultaneous signal on 5 time frames: M5, M15, M30, H1, H4 and then opens an order. The EA uses the built-in Martingale and Averaging algorithm. The adviser uses economic news to achieve more accurate signals. Hidden Take Profit, Break Even and Trailing Stop are used. Attenti
Bonnitta EA MT5
Ugochukwu Mobi
3.38 (21)
Bonnitta EA は、保留ポジション戦略 (PPS) と非常に高度な秘密取引アルゴリズムに基づいています。 Bonnitta EA の戦略は、秘密のカスタム指標、トレンドライン、サポートおよびレジスタンス レベル (価格アクション)、および上記の最も重要な秘密の取引アルゴリズムを組み合わせたものです。 3 か月以上のリアルマネーテストなしで EA を購入しないでください。ボニッタ EA をリアルマネーでテストするのに 100 週間以上 (2 年以上) かかりました。結果は以下のリンクで確認してください。 BONNITTA EA は愛とエンパワーメントから作られています。 少数の購入者のみを対象とした価格設定と著作権侵害アルゴリズムの実装です。 Bonnitta EA は、22 年間で 99.9% の品質を持つ本物のティックを使用してテストされ、実際の市場状況に近いスリッページとコミッションでストレス テストに合格しました。 Expert Advisor には、完全な統計制御による統計収集およびスリッページ制御のアルゴリズムが含まれています。 この情報はブローカーのトリッ
Shadow Legends MT5 EA.-it's a fully automated expert Advisor designed to trade EURUSD. It is based on machine learning analysis and genetic algorithms.  The Expert Advisor contains a self-adaptive market algorithm that uses price action patterns. The expert Advisor showed stable results for EURUSD in the period 2000-2021.  No dangerous money management techniques, no Martingale, no netting, scalping or hedging.  Suitable for any brokerage conditions.Test only on real accounts.Recommended broker
Reactor MT5   is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for   Intraday   Trading.  it is   based on  m any indicators . The Expert was tested on the whole available historical period on   EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, AUDUSD and USDJPY M15  currency pair with exceptional results. You can download the demo and test it yourself. My tests were performed with the real tick date with   99,90% accuracy , actual spread, and additional slippage. The basic strategy starts with Market order in counter trend and tre
QXS PRO TRADER Expert Advisor QuantXProTrader is an Expert Advisor based on Profitable Price Action strategy. It is compatible with our QXS Trend indicator and work automatically by Trend detection on Multiple assets. Each and Everything in this EA is perfect Just you need to set input parameters. Take Profit, Stop loss, Trailing Stop, Trailing Step, Lot Size Adjust it as per your account capital and equity. Recommended TIMEFRAMES are: M15, M30 and H1  Before Installing Expert Advisor on cha
Strategy: 1.This EA is a trend trade, used for USDCHF H1 charts. 2.This EA is  using indicators such as the Bolling band and moving average. 3. The initial amount of this EA is only $1000.This EA has a profit of over $3000. 4.The EA has detailed test data from January 2018 to June 2021, which is stable and profitable. 5.If you just want to put a small amount of money to get double reward, this EA trader is your best choice!
Strategy: 1.This EA is a trend trade, used for EURUSD H1 charts. 2.This EA is  using indicators such as the Bolling band and moving average. 3.The EA has detailed test data from January 2018 to June 2021, which is stable and profitable. 4.The initial amount of this EA is only $1000.Lot is fixed on 0.1.Finally, this EA has a profit of over $2800. 5.If you just want to put a small amount of money to get double reward, this EA trader is your best choice!"
Strategy: 1.This EA is a trend trade, used for GBPUSD H1 charts. 2.This EA is  using indicators such as the Bolling band and moving average. 3.The EA has detailed test data from January 2018 to June 2021, which is stable and profitable. 4.The initial amount of this EA is only $1000.Lot is fixed on 0.1.Finally, this EA has a profit of over $2300. 5.If you just want to put a small amount of money to get double reward, this EA trader is your best choice!"
AI Nodiurnal EAは、先進的なForexロボットであり、最先端の機械学習技術を活用して取引戦略を最適化し、動的な外国為替市場でのパフォーマンスを向上させます。用語「Nodiurnal」は、通常の昼間の取引時間だけでなく、非標準の時間帯にも適応して稼働し、外国為替取引に対する連続的かつ適応的なアプローチを提供する能力を反映しています。 設定:通貨ペアのデフォルト設定:EURUSD H1。特別な設定は購入後にのみ提供されます。 リアルタイムアカウントシグナルはこちら: https://www.mql5.com/ja/signals/1270367 MT4バージョンはこちら: https://www.mql5.com/ja/market/product/69905 マーケットローンチプロモ!残り3/10のコピーのみ:USD 5,500 次の価格:USD 7,500 最終価格:USD 10,000 主な特徴: 機械学習アルゴリズム:AI Nodiurnal EAの主力は、機械学習アルゴリズムの活用にあります。これらのアルゴリズムは膨大な量の歴史的な市場データを分析し、パターン、トレ
It is recommended to use the robot on a netting account. the robot works with the best configuration from the previous day on the current day. the robot works on the mini index. the robot works on the mini dollar. the robot works on forex. the robot works using indicators. the robot works using market orders and pending orders. before using the robot, put it into optimization and save the settings (in a .set file) to use for the current day. past history does not guarantee future profit, but is
同時に機能する多くのシンプルな戦略を組み合わせた多通貨エキスパート アドバイザー。各戦略は、ボラティリティの高い市場の瞬間における単純な取引アルゴリズムに基づいています。各戦略は、過去 5 年間にわたって最適化されてきました。 Expert Advisor は、「群衆の正しさ」の統計原理を使用します。異なる戦略からのシグナルを平均化し、好ましい方向に市場ポジションを開きます。 この原則は、相関する取引手段に関する同時作業とともに、不利な市場フェーズへの耐性と成長期間の分布の均一性を大幅に高めることを可能にします。 オプション 予想される最大ドローダウン (%)       -- 予想されるおおよその最大ドローダウン。これにより、ドローダウンが設定値を超えないように、開いているポジションのパラメータが自動的に選択されます。このパラメーターは、過去 5 年間のテスト データに基づいており、今後の作業中に発生する可能性のある実際のドローダウンは、上下の両方で、宣言されたものとはわずかに異なる場合があります。 取引用定期預金     -- 取引に使用する資金の固定額を設定します。開かれた
EUR-GBP-AUD-USD-CAD-JPYの主要通貨15ペアを同時に扱うマルチ通貨エキスパートアドバイザー。 Expert Advisor は、同時に機能する多くの単純な戦略を組み合わせています。各戦略は、パラボリック SAR インジケーターからのシグナルが 2 つの古い期間の確認で変化したときにポジションを開く単純なアルゴリズムに基づいています。各戦略は、過去 5 年間にわたって最適化されてきました。 Expert Advisor は、「群集の正しさ」の統計原理を使用します。異なる戦略からのシグナルを平均化し、好ましい方向に市場ポジションを開きます。この原則は、相関する取引手段に関する同時作業とともに、不利な市場フェーズへの耐性と成長期間の分布の均一性を大幅に高めることを可能にします。 マーチンゲールまたはグリッドは EA では使用されません。 オプション すべてのパラメータはすでに最適化されており、調整する必要はありません。残るパラメータは 2 つだけです。 予想される最大ドローダウン (%)       -- 予想されるおおよその最大ドローダウン。これにより、ドローダ
Break Of Structure Pro Is price action king? 1. Price is the ultimate king in the forex market, stock market or any other market. Using price action is the reason we can see more profit over loss. Technical analysis is the art of using data points to your advantage and taking informed decisions while entering, trailing and exiting a position on any timeframe. Break Of Structure Pro can be used to trend trade, scalp, hedge or swing trade. Price action is a trading technique that allows a tra
Expert advisor trades by pivot levels, support and resistance levels based on pivot levels. Also expert advisor takes into account volatility filter, uses standard Martingale and anti-Martingale systems, drawdown protection, standard trailing stop, trading time and trading Trade Order   – direction of trading (only buy, only sell or buy and sell) Use Volatility Filter   – enabling/disabling of volatility filter using Volatility Filter   – value of volatility filter Count Of Days For Volatility F
Komo MT5
John Folly Akwetey
Expert advisor places buy stop and sell stop at certain distance above and below current price. Also expert advisor uses standard trailing stop, breakeven of orders. Below is description of some inputs. Trade   – option of moment for placing of orders (“Time” – placing of orders at certain time, “Candle” – placing of orders since certain candles count after last order closing or deleting) Candle   – candles count after last order closing or deleting Time 1,2,3   – time for placing of orders Lot
Our automated forex trading system offers three key risk control functions that make it an intriguing choice: 1. Fixed Lot : You can specify the lot size for each trade. This feature allows for efficient capital allocation and the ability to adjust position sizes based on your risk preferences and market conditions. 2. Fixed Loss per Trade: The system enables you to set a maximum acceptable loss per order. This ensures that no single trade can result in significant losses, protecting your o
Osiris AI MT5
Nestor Alejandro Chiariello
トレーダーの皆さん、私はこのツールを実際の結果を厳密に設計しました。私の以前の戦略のいくつかに基づいて、外国為替市場に適応させたツールです。したがって、機械学習の人工知能に適応しています。つまり、AI がパラメータを読み取り、私の戦略に合わせて学習し、エントリーの品質が高くなるように学習します。また、ポジションを回復できるノードもあります。もう 1 つの革新的な点は、すべてが仮想的な方法でカプセル化されることです。つまり、送信されるデータがないことです。ストップロスやテイクプロフィットなどのサーバーは非常に人道的な方法で行われます 主なことの 2 つは、extractFeature 関数と trainModel 関数を設計することです。これは、ローソク足の設計、スリッページの構造化、スプレッドを適応させるためにどのように動くかを学習することを担当します。 私の戦略開発は、プロのトレーダーとして長年にわたって私が設計したものであり、AI の自己適応を加えてパフォーマンスを最適化し、パフォーマンスをさらに向上させていることに注意してください。 これは利益が実際に得られ、テイク
Forex trading advisor   EASY SCALPING   is an automatic scalping system that opens and closes deals using a special tick analysis algorithm programmed in the code without human intervention. The main task of the ego is to instantly make a deal where a person loses time for analysis and decision making. They also automate trading, removing the emotional burden from a person and allowing you to save time. Scalping is one of the varieties of short-term strategies, moreover, the shortest of them. U
Entry: The  EA is an expert advisor for scalping and averaging in on the M5 chart of XAUUSD. This powerful tool continuously scans the market, identifying high-quality trading setups based on specific trading hours / trading sessions. The entry model is a collaboration of both candlestick patterns and indicators. Management: Through extensive testing and a 5 year Dukascopy data optimization, the EA has shown an impressive strike rate of 100%. In the rare event that a trade goes against us, t
Dow Jones US30 NY Scalper is an EA designed for scalping during the New York markets open. This means that the EA will only place a maximum of 0-2 trades per day. With that being said, the EA does not utilize any grid, martingale, or topping-up strategies. Each trade has a strict Stop Loss and Take Profit in place. As shown in the backtesting results, there will be losing days or weeks, but the EA manages to recover and generate profits over time. The extent of the drawdown depends on your chose
Trade Like a Pro! Join our NAS100 Scalping community for tips, strategies, and signals!   --> MT4バージョン: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/97464 For recent EA trades check out my Profile : Moustapha Boulouz - 25465153 - Trader's profile - MQL5 Algo Trading community NAS100指数の短期価格変動を取引したいトレーダーのための究極のEA、NAS100スキャルピングEAを紹介します! 私たちのスキャルピングEAは、ニューヨーク証券取引所オープンのモメンタムを利用する自動取引ソフトウェアです。このEAは高確率の取引機会を特定し、数分以内に小さな価格変動を捉えるための迅速なトレードを実行するように設計されています。 私たちのNAS100スキャルピングEAを使用すれば、超高速実行、狭いスプレッド、そ
The expert was created to work in the Swiss bank Swissquote. Automatically calculate the volume of incoming transactions. The Expert Advisor is designed to generate passive annual income. To open a trading account in a Swiss bank, follow the link.   https://trade.swissquote.ch/signup/public/form/full/fx/com/individual?lang=ru&partnerid=e9acb6ad-eb6b-44d5-92d1-4c7a48adaff1#full/fx/com/individual/step1   Notes It is recommended to register using the link for the advisor to work correctly     Link
Attention!   Contact me immediately after purchase   to receive setup instructions! This advisor is intended for trading with the broker Deriv. The EA has been optimized over the past year, starting from  2023,10,06 - 2024,01,27. The EA has a high frequency of opening deals and has real track records with a low drawdown: A synthetic account allows you to trade contracts for difference (CFDs) on assets that mimic the movement of real markets. Synthetic indexes are available for tradin
LittleCrazy MT4
3.33 (18)
LittleCrazy Mt4 will not be developed, but will be maintained by me if critical bugs are found. This is still an aggressive and profitable EA. But if you use this EA, then you should be prepared for the fact that your account may explode. LittleCrazy MT4 は完全に自動化された取引システムで、特別なスキルは必要ありません。 この EA を起動して休むだけです。 何も設定する必要はありません。EA がすべてを行います。 EA は 200 ドルからの少額の入金に対応しています。 時間枠: M15 通貨ペア: AUDNZD、NZDCAD、AUDCAD ライブ信号: リトルクレイジーウェイ MT5 リトルクレイジーMT4 収益性とリスク バックテストのデータによると予想される収益性は、年間約 200% ~ 400% です。 予想され
LittleCrazy MT5
4.82 (11)
LittleCrazy MT5 は完全に自動化された取引システムで、特別なスキルは必要ありません。 この EA を起動して休むだけです。 何も設定する必要はありません。EA がすべてを行います。 EA は $200 からの少額の入金に対応しています。 時間枠: M15 通貨ペア: AUDNZD、NZDCAD、AUDCAD ライブ信号: リトルクレイジーウェイ MT5 収益性とリスク バックテストのデータによると予想される収益性は、年間約 200% ~ 400% です。 予想される 最大ドローダウンは約 90% 以上 です。 注意!!! これは非常にアグレッシブな EA であり、可能なリスクの限界で取引されます。 EAセットアップ AUDCAD、NZDCAD、AUDNZD の 3 つの個別のチャートで EA を実行します。 すべてのチャートの時間枠: m15. 余分なものは必要ありません。 アカウントの要件 レバレッジ >= 1 : 500 残高 >= $200 (またはお客様の通貨で相当額) アカウントの通貨: 制限なし 入力パラメータ Prefix_for_comm
North East Way EA
4.27 (22)
This is the old version of North East Way Ea. North East Way EA for MT4 terminal will not be developed. In accordance with the rules of mql5.com, I will continue to support this EA and, if critical errors are found, I will fix them. I recommend that you use the NorthEastWay MT5 version of my EA . North East Way EA は、完全に自動化された「プルバック」取引システムであり、人気のある「プルバック」通貨ペア(AUDCAD、AUDNZD、NZDCAD)での取引に特に効果的です。 このシステムは、外国為替市場の主要なパターンを取引に使用します。つまり、あらゆる方向への急激な動きの後の価格のリターンです。 時間枠:M15 基本通貨ペア:AUDNZD、NZDCAD、AUDC
mt5boy 2024.01.02 05:19 

I RARELY COMMENT AND I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE PAVEL A 5 STAR REVIEW TODAY. Outstanding EA developed mainly for him, as well as his professional financial knowledge, as well as his after-sales service. I have bought a lot of EAs on the MQL5 website, most of them are scams, many scam EAs have 1-2 months, which seems to be a good profitability, but after actually using it, soon your account will face huge losses, and finally these scam authors will delete everything, including their signals and EAs, and start cheating again. But PAVEL is different, he is a real trader, although his previous signal was blew and suffered serious losses, but he did not leave and did not abandon our previous users who supported him, and his EA is still constantly updated, making the EA better and safer. Before, many guys who blew their account were not well controlled, and now EA has a lot of risk control parameters, as long as you have money management, blew account is still difficult to happen, North Easy Way EA is the only EA I have invested a lot of money in, because I trust him enough. My only regret is that I didn't buy it when it was cheap. THANK YOU PAVEL AND WISH YOU GOOD HEALTH IN THE YEAR OF THE DRAGON!

Xing Zhihao
Xing Zhihao 2022.12.07 10:50 

All of author's accounts has been wiped out , as he said , “NorthEastWay EA has once again shown that it is one of the best EA in the MQL5 market”

開発者からの返信 PAVEL UDOVICHENKO 2023.05.08 17:42
If you buy the best hammer in the world and hit your head with it, you will die. Use any tool correctly and you will be successful.
Lokoshon1 2021.12.31 20:28 

Excellent EA!! As long as you listen to Pavel and follow his recommendation, EA works great.

Torsten Hummitzsch
Torsten Hummitzsch 2021.12.10 15:35 

I've been using the EA since June 2021. I was skeptical at first. But it is easy to set up and has earned its purchase price in a very short time. The support is also great. If you choose your risk attitudes carefully, you are a winner. thank you

Preeda Boonkhun
Preeda Boonkhun 2021.09.09 10:19 


Brendan Wayne King
Brendan Wayne King 2021.08.14 12:00 

14/8 After reviewing the majority of highly ranked experts on the marketplace I purchased NEW and have been running it from May 2021. Drawdown has been low generally under 10%. Returns May 3.7%; June 2.3%; July 18.7% for an average over 8% per month. With my account size the expert paid for itself in a couple of weeks and has been consistently profitable with over 80% winning short and long trades. The expert is easy and fast to set up. Pavel provides excellent prompt support and clear settings for various risk/reward tolerance. This appears to be one of the few experts that can be comfortably run on large accounts over a long period of time. Highly recommended.

14/9 update I am running on different terminals with varying parameter settings. In August it made 8.6% on my main account on a moderate risk setting. It continues to perform reliably with 81%+ winning trades with a low drawdown under 4%. Pavel has produced an excellent expert and gives good support.

11/12 The EA continues to perform. I run different accounts with varying risk settings so get different results and drawdowns

Myfx results on standard settings for 6 months July to December so far have been 1.93% 8.18% 4.28% 5.86% 4.56% 6.30% with average monthly return 6.5%

79% wins on both long and short. Profit factor 2.92

Maximum drawdown over that period was 8% but mostly under 5% except for a few occasions.

I have additionally setup accounts using ETH and BTC as base currencies and been producing profits in Crypto using NEW.

Consistently profitable with low drawdown and good support.

Stefan Kleineniggenkemper
Stefan Kleineniggenkemper 2021.04.01 06:19 

I bought this product on 03/23/2021, where I can hardly write about the EA itself. So far it has been working reliably and has been generating income since the beginning. The product does not have enormous requirements for a VPS. After a longer test period, I will write a more detailed report on the product. I am writing this early review for the reason that Pavel's service is outstanding. I have already bought some products in this price category, but no one has provided such a service so far. You can write to him at any time and receive a prompt response. He connects to you and helps with any question. The Telegram community is also very strong and helpful. Everyone helps everyone there. So if you are looking for a product with strong service and a good community, this is the product for you.

Francisco Javier Garzon Mendez
Francisco Javier Garzon Mendez 2021.02.11 03:36 

Nice project, work fine and don´t make scared open position. Works fine

Evgeny Mikhaylov
Evgeny Mikhaylov 2020.09.29 10:27 


開発者からの返信 PAVEL UDOVICHENKO 2021.02.05 02:11
The logic is as follows. When an advisor goes into a large drawdown, its goals shift from "making a profit" to "keeping a deposit" and, in order to reduce risks, exits positions at the slightest opportunity This approach allows this EA to work for years with high profitability without blowing up your account. The main profit comes from situations when drawdowns are not deep. If the drawdown is deep, then most likely the positions will be closed with a minimum profit. Therefore, if the drawdown is deep, then the profit is not important, it is more important to unload the deposit by closing the position with a minimum profit.
Dmitrii Voronov
Dmitrii Voronov 2020.09.07 08:07 


sherbird 2020.09.05 18:00 


Matthias Gruhl
Matthias Gruhl 2020.08.28 12:54 


000Monkey 2020.08.18 22:31 


The9814 2020.08.18 18:14 


jonasw 2020.08.18 05:36 


tomasoft 2020.08.11 20:19 


Luke Perrett
Luke Perrett 2020.08.06 05:56 


negatory 2020.08.02 04:36 


開発者からの返信 PAVEL UDOVICHENKO 2021.02.05 02:07
Yes, you will not become Buffett tomorrow using my advisor. But you will be able to receive a steady income from month to month. My Expert Advisor is one of the few in the market that has a living history and has been in the top of the MQL5 rating for over half a year.
Sau Nok Leung
Sau Nok Leung 2020.07.28 17:22 


バージョン 2.33 2024.04.19
Version 2.33 is optional.

2. New setting "Max spread in points%=50". The value is relative and not absolute. If bid=1.00000, then the max spread is 1.00000*50=50, but if bid=2.00000, then the max spread is 2.00000*50=100 and so on.

This setting allows you to refuse deals that are obviously unprofitable.

3. The logic for working with the “crisis” filters ATR on symbol and ATR on SP500 has been changed.

Previously, in the event of a crisis, new series of trades stopped opening. Now, in the event of a crisis, EA stops opening new trades completely, even for already open series.

4. Also, the ATR filter will now be triggered on the same day when a crisis is detected. Previously, the filter only worked from the next day after the crisis was detected.

Points 3-4 were implemented as part of the fight to reduce the leverage used in times of crisis and to better comply with the “psychology” of the investor.

5. In the "For autolot use" setting, a new mode "(equity+balance)/2" has been added. Now this mode is set by default.

6. Added a new setting "First real C-level Smart". If true, then EA ignores “First real C-level” and uses First real C-level=2 for some magics, and First real C-level=3 for other magics.

If you want more trades and for this purpose you previously used "First real С-level"=2, instead of the recommended 3, then you better switch to “First real С-level Smart”=true.

7. Added a new setting "Close the series at a loss if duration>x days". If the value of this setting is >0, then EA will close the corresponding series of trades at a loss after the specified number of working days. This setting is used to prevent EA from going into the “sitting out a loss” mode. If you want to personally control the closing of "old trades", set this setting to 0.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.31 2024.02.09
Version 2.31 is optional.

In version 2.27, there is a spontaneous failure of EA for some brokers. For example, Praxis and ScandinavCapital. Perhaps this problem can also occur with other brokers.

If you launched EA in early January or earlier and did not receive a single trade from February 1 to 9, 2024 using standard settings, then you may need to update EA to this version.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.27 2023.12.31
the same as 2.26
バージョン 2.26 2023.12.31
Version 2.26 is mandatory.

1. A new setting has appeared:
[Recovery Mode During Crises]=false

If EA defines the current market situation as a crisis, that is, the ATP filter is triggered on the current symbol or on the SNP500 index, then EA will close trades at a loss in an attempt to exit the market at a time of crisis.

If you set [Recovery Mode During Crises]=true, then EA will work as before.

2. Improved the work of EA with the SP500 index. Now, if the [SNP500 symbol] setting field is empty, EA itself finds the required symbol and adds it to marketwatch. Information about the current value of the SP500 filter has also been added to the information panel. This helps to understand whether the ATP filter is used on the SP500 index when working with EA.

3. Improved the work of the "OneChartSetup" settings. Previously, you had to indicate the name of the symbol in this field exactly as it is indicated in your MarketWatch. Also, previously you had to add a symbol to MarketWatch yourself, otherwise EA would not work correctly. Now EA adds symbols from OneChartSetup to MarketWatch on its own when EA starts. EA also independently determines the presence of suffixes in the names of symbols.

4. Fixed a critical error in the work of EA that could lead to the stop of the work of EA.

5. Changed the default EA settings. The new settings are aimed at reducing the leverage used while maintaining the EA return/risk ratio.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.25 2023.11.15
Version 2.25 is optional

The ATR filter for trading symbols has been completely redesigned.

Major update. Added ATR filter to the S&P500 stock index. In the event of volatility in the stock market, EA stops opening new series of trades. This is a very effective filter. The history of the S&P500 index is loaded into the EA code so that the EA is tested correctly.

For EA to work correctly in real time, in the settings in the new field "SNP500 symbol" you need to specify the exact name of your symbol for this index.

IC Markets (raw account): US500
Roboforex (ECN): .US500Cach
Alpari (ECN): SPX500_m

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.24 2023.07.14
Version 2.24 is optional

Fixed a bug where EA could not set the TP level and/or close a series of trades for some brokers.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.23 2023.07.14
Version 2.23 is optional

Fixed a bug where EA could not set the TP level and/or close a series of trades for some brokers.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.22 2023.05.13
Version 2.22 is optional

Fixed a bug that appeared in version 2.20. In version 2.22, in the "simple mode" of EA work, the limit on the number of magics on one account did not work. Now it's fixed.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.20 2023.05.08
Version 2.20 is optional

1. Previously, in versions 2.xx, EA could close trades of other EAs. Starting from version 2.20, EA only works with its own deals. The same is true when taking into account the number of unique magics on the account, the number of symbols on the account, the floating profit on the account and the like.

2. If you previously used the MultiWay settings or other similar ones with the indication of the coefficient for the symbols, then there could be a problem when changing the EA settings. In this case, incorrect coefficients for individual symbols could be calculated. This bug has been fixed.

3. No changes have been made to the EA trading logic.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.17 2023.04.25
Version 2.17 is optional.

Bug fix from version 2.16.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.16 2023.04.17
Version 2.16 is optional.

We keep the innovations of version 2.16 and return the trading frequency to the level of 2.13.
EA no longer attempts to open trades when the market is closed.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.14 2023.03.31
Version 2.14 is optional.

Added new settings:
- hard stop loss
- hard take profit
- settings for EA to switch to "emergency mode"
- function for custom optimization in the strategy tester

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.13 2023.03.01
Version 2.13 is optional.

Correction of a bug with unexpected closing of all deals by duration.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.12 2023.02.22
Version 2.12 is optional.


1. Correction of a bug with an incorrect comment when closing deals.

2. Alteration of the magic control system. now different copies of NEW EA can be run in the same terminal with different Magicians. Previously, it was mandatory to use different terminals to run two or more copies of NEW EA on the same account.

3. Re-fixing the bug with closing trades at bad prices during rollover.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.7 2023.01.23
Version 2.7 is optional.

Fixed several bugs with duration in 2.5 version of EA.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 2.5 2023.01.14
Version 2.05 is required.

Adjusted the logic of the work of EA, taking into account the observation of the behavior of EA in the last 3 years.

1) At high C-levels, the frequency of trades has been reduced.
2) Added the ability to disable martingale at certain C-levels and above.
3) Added the ability to force the closing of a series of trades if the series lasts more than a certain number of days at breakeven.
4) Added the ability to force the closing of a series of trades if the series lasts more than a certain number of days at a loss due to previously received profit.
5) Changed the color of the trading panel to gray.
6) and others...

The main goal of the changes in EA was to reduce the number of simultaneously open series + to reduce the duration of retention of series. These changes lead to reduced risk and more controlled behavior of EAs at high C-levels.

To update the Expert Advisor correctly:
0. Save (or remember) the current settings of the adviser.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old EA file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Make sure the EA settings are not reset.
バージョン 1.309 2022.10.13
Version 1.308 is optional.

Fixed bug with "loss" of deals.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) current EA settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Make sure that the advisor's settings are not reset.
バージョン 1.308 2022.10.12
Version 1.308 is optional.

Fixed bug with "loss" of deals.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) current EA settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Make sure that the advisor's settings are not reset.
バージョン 1.307 2022.09.17
Version 1.307 is optional.

Improved work of EA with global variables.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) current EA settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Make sure that the advisor's settings are not reset.
バージョン 1.306 2022.07.05
Version 1.306 is mandatory.

1. Correction of a critical bug that could lead to an unexpected stop of EA.

2. Correction of a bug in the work of Virtual TP.

3. Correction of a bug with closing a transaction on a night rollover when expanding the spread for most brokers.

4. Minor fixes in the code.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) current EA settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Make sure that the advisor's settings are not reset.

PS I recommend that you update EA when there are no open trades on your account.
バージョン 1.305 2022.05.16
Version 1.305 is optional.

1. If, for some reason, global variables were deleted in the terminal where EA is running, then EA was able to handle this situation on its own.

2. Fixed bugs in the code.

3. Added additional checks for lack of connection to the server or the use of "investor password" to connect to the account.

4. Added the "Additional funds in account currency" field in the settings. EA adds the value in this field to the balance/equity size when calculating the bot size.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) current EA settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Make sure that the advisor's settings are not reset.

PS I recommend that you update EA when there are no open trades on your account.
バージョン 1.302 2021.12.09
Version 1.302 is optional.

Modification of the New Year's trading weekend.

NorthEastWay ЕА switches to rest mode 7 days before the end of the year. This Christmas weekend cannot be canceled.

Since the start of the year, EA is on New Years trading weekend. The duration of the New Year's weekend can be adjusted.

By default, New Year's trading weekend are 14 days. But you can shorten this period to 7 days or completely skip the New Year trading weekend.

I recommend leaving the default and leaving 14 days of New Years (0 days).

P.S. you don't need to change any settings, you only need to update EA! All my updates are implemented so that after the update you do not need to change the settings.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) current EA settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Make sure that the advisor's settings are not reset.
バージョン 1.301 2021.10.31
Version 1.301 is mandatory. In EA, critical bugs have been fixed and new functionality has been added.

1. Fixed bugs that led to incorrect EA work or which led to a critical error and stopped EA from working.

2. "FirstPosition => NotOpen" mode has been improved. Now EA stops trading much faster if necessary. When this mode is activated, all virtual series of deals are closed, and new series of deals are not opened.

3. Added new mode "Emergency_closing_at_breakeeven". If you activate this mode, EA will immediately begin to close all series of transactions that are in profit.
This mode does not affect the EA operation logic.

4. Added a new parameter. "Number_of symbols_no_more". If "> 0", then this limits the number of simultaneously traded symbols. If the default is "= 0" then there is no limit.

5. The "Only_one_symbol" parameter has been removed from the settings.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) current EA settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Make sure that the advisor's settings are not reset.
バージョン 1.236 2021.04.30
Mandatory update for all buyers that EA trades with C0 comment. Again, again.

We solve the C0 problem in a different way and so that it really gets solved.

P.S. If you have deals in your account, you can update the EA.

To update the EA properly:
0. Save (or remember) expert advisor settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of Advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor document and download the new one.
2. Connect the terminal.
3. Launch the terminal.
4. Check that the Advisor settings are not reset.
バージョン 1.235 2021.04.22
Mandatory update for all buyers for whom EA opens trades with the C0 comment. Again.

Another attempt to completely solve the C0 trade opening bug.

P.S. If deals are open on your account, then you can still update EA.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) expert advisor settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Check that the advisor's settings have not been reset.
バージョン 1.234 2021.04.21
Mandatory update for all buyers for whom EA opens trades with the C0 comment.

Another attempt to completely solve the C0 trade opening bug.

P.S. If deals are open on your account, then you can still update EA.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) expert advisor settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Check that the advisor's settings have not been reset.
バージョン 1.233 2021.04.14
Mandatory update

1. Fixed the error of opening deals with the C0 comment.

2. If the account currency differs from USD, then the balance in USD is displayed in the information panel.

P.S. If deals are open on your account, then you can still update EA.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) expert advisor settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Check that the advisor's settings have not been reset.
バージョン 1.230 2021.03.03
Optional update.

1. Fixed error of EA reinitialization in MultiCurrencyMode. Now you do not need to restart the terminal if you accidentally change the timeframe or change the EA settings.

2. Fixed a bug with an endless flow of information about the wrong timeframe. When you return to the M15 timeframe, the error is no longer reflected. You no longer need to restart EA.

3. Added the ability to use a virtual take profit. This is necessary if the broker asks you to lower EA's activity. Use the virtual TP only in extreme cases - when the broker asks for it.

4. Added the ability to stop opening new series of trades if trades with n-th number of other unique magicians are open on the account.

5. The information panel has been improved. Spread information is updated in real time. If something interferes with EA's work, the panel changes color to bright red.

Other minor bugs fixed. Improved EA stability.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) expert advisor settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Check that the advisor's settings have not been reset.

PS. Subscribe to my telegram channel: https://t.me/new_signals
バージョン 1.219 2020.12.28
Optional update.

Added a field to the EA settings
"Long vacation after New Year?"

If true (default), then the EA operates in "close only" mode for 7 days at the end and 14 days at the beginning of the year. In total, 21 days without active trading.

If false, then the EA works in the "open only" mode for 7 days at the end and 7 days at the beginning of the year. A total of 14 days without active trading.

To update the EA correctly:
0. Save (or remember) expert advisor settings.
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
4. Check that the advisor's settings have not been reset.

PS. Subscribe to my telegram channel: https://t.me/new_signals
バージョン 1.218 2020.11.11
Optional update

The bug with a floating trade when testing an Expert Advisor has been finally fixed.

Please do not use the previous version of the advisor 1.217.

To update the EA correctly:
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.

PS. Subscribe to my telegram channel: https://t.me/new_signals
バージョン 1.217 2020.11.10
Optional update

Fixed a bug with a floating trade when testing EA.

To update the EA correctly:
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.

PS. Subscribe to my telegram channel: https://t.me/new_signals
バージョン 1.216 2020.11.06

Fixed a critical error in the advisor's code, which could lead to an unexpected stoppage of the advisor's work or to its absolutely incorrect work.

To update the EA correctly:
1.1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
1.2. Or delete the old advisor file and upload a new one.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.

PS. Subscribe to my telegram channel: https://t.me/new_signals
バージョン 1.210 2020.08.31
-Added comment prefix option.
-Added the ability to change the prefix of the magic.
-Horizontal lines preceding real trades are now marked in red.
-Small code improvements.
-Alerts removed, all errors will be available only in the log.

To update the EA correctly:
1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.

PS Subscribe to my telegram channel: https://t.me/new_signals
バージョン 1.20 2020.08.11
Fixing errors in the code.

To update the advisor correctly:
1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.

P.S. Subscribe to my telegram channel: https://t.me/new_signals
バージョン 1.19 2020.07.30
Fixing identified errors in the code.

To update the advisor correctly:
1. Download the latest version of the advisor.
2. Close the terminal.
3. Start the terminal.
バージョン 1.18 2020.07.26
1. Added the "prefix for comment" field in the settings, where you can change the prefix for comments to the EA's positions.

2. In the advisor window, a link to the telegram channel of this advisor has been added https://t.me/new_signals. Be sure to subscribe to it!

P.S. Please leave your feedback to this advisor. Positive feedback strongly encourages me to develop and improve this EA. We will all benefit from this.
バージョン 1.17 2020.07.21
Fixed empty testing on pairs with postfix and prefix.