バージョン 5.4
fixed NFP filter working at the wrong hour
バージョン 5.3
fixed nfp filter for 2025
バージョン 5.2
improved strategy 6
バージョン 5.0
- added "AdjustLotsizeToVariableValues" -> this will make sure that if SL get bigger for example if gold price goes higher, that the lotsize will be adjusted as well (decrease) so that the actual potential max drawdown stays the same throughout all history and future with the same risk settings.
バージョン 4.2
added "fake breakout" filter
バージョン 4.1
fix small bug 'zero divide" for some broker that don't have correct tickvalue
バージョン 4.0
added lotsize calculation method "max risk per strategy"
バージョン 3.92
fixed difference with MT5 version, when using the "useVariableValues" parameter (which adjust entries and exits to the actual price of Gold)
バージョン 3.91
fixed issue with some brokers returning a "lotsize is not multiple of 0.01" error
バージョン 3.90
fixed bug in NFP filter
バージョン 3.80
adjusted slippage filter
バージョン 3.7
Added NFP Filter:
!! you must add the URL "https://www.worldtimeserver.com/" to the "allowed URL's" in your MT4/MT5 terminal (tools -> options -> expert advisors) !! (for the AutoGMT)
- EnableNFP_Filter -> turn the NFP filter on or off
- AutoGMT -> let the EA calculate the correct GMT offset for your broker, so that the time of NFP will be correct
- GMT_OFFSET_Winter -> for setting the GMT Offset manually in the wintertime (when AutoGMT is off, or during backtesting!)
- GMT_OFFSET_Summer -> for setting the GMT Offset manually in the summertime (when AutoGMT is off, or during backtesting!)
- NFP_CloseOpenTrades -> force the EA to close all open trades when NFP starts (X minutes before NFP)
- NFP_ClosePendingOrders -> force the EA to delete all pending orders when NFP starts (X minutes before NFP)
- NFP_MinutesBefore -> how many minutes before the NFP event, to close trades and pending orders
- NFP_MinutesAfter -> how many minutes after the NFP event, before the EA resumes trading again
バージョン 3.6
improved the new HL_TrailingSL function
バージョン 3.5
fixed small bug when running without the new "HL_TrailingSL" option
バージョン 3.4
added HL_TrailingSL -> this will trail the SL based on the recent highs and lows (on by default)
Added option to disable the variable values for entries and exits
added option to set a manual balance to be used by the EA
バージョン 3.3
added options to make trade entries and exits more unique.
There are seperate parameters available for adding/subtracting X number of pips to the Entry, SL, TP and TrailingSL values.
This way, you can make your own unique trades, which will further prevent prop firms from flagging you for copy trading
IMPORTANT: do not just run some new values live, without testing those values first in a backtest!
バージョン 3.1
- fixed issue that could cause backtest to fail with error (zero divide) when using TDS2
バージョン 3.0
- improved "Daily Max Drawdown" algorithm
- Improved overal algorithm -> now the EA will adjust all internal values (SL, TP, entry, trailingSL, etc) to the actual market. So if Gold is trading around 500$ or 3000$ will have different values for all those parameters, automatically adjusted
バージョン 2.60
added support for HKD currency accounts
バージョン 2.50
fixed bug from V2.4 that caused TrailingSL not to work correctly
Mandatory update!
バージョン 2.40
decreased number of messages (which could cause "hyperactivity" with some brokers)
バージョン 2.30
enabled strategy 8 by default
バージョン 2.20
fixed issue with brokers that use only 1 digit for gold symbol
バージョン 2.10
fixed small thing related to trailingSL
バージョン 2.0
Added a new strategy 8(which runs internally on H4). This will trade more than the other strategies. It is off by default, and if you use it, I would recommend disabling strategy 1 to keep drawdown the same as before.
バージョン 1.90
- Randomization option improved
バージョン 1.80
added option to remove the suffix of the comments (_XAUUSD_A etc..) for prop firms so they don't detect the same EA being used
バージョン 1.70
added option to stop trading on friday evening and close all trades
improved the Max Daily Loss algorithm
バージョン 1.60
added option to randomize the entries and exits a bit. This could be usefull when many people are using the EA on the same prop firm, to prevent to get banned
A good value would be between 10 and 50 max
バージョン 1.50
added "Max Daily Drawdown" parameter, for propfirms
バージョン 1.40
added option to disable margin check for BTC accounts
バージョン 1.31
removed repeating messages
バージョン 1.3
fixed issue with brokers that use non standard name for XAUUSD
The EA is excellent, real trades match the backtest and the support from Wim is outstanding.