Demande d'informations sur les options de retrait WebMoney


Cher Administrateur de,

Je vous écris car je rencontre des difficultés pour retirer mon argent de mon compte en utilisant le système de paiement WebMoney. Malheureusement, ce mode de paiement ne convient pas à mes besoins et j'ai besoin d'une alternative pour pouvoir récupérer mes fonds.

Je vous demande donc de bien vouloir me proposer une solution alternative pour le retrait de mes fonds. Je suis ouvert à toute suggestion que vous pourriez avoir, et j'apprécierais grandement votre aide pour résoudre cette situation.

Je vous remercie par avance pour votre aide et votre attention à ce sujet.


NOMENJANAHARY Niainarisoa Aime 


Est-ce que les autres méthodes disponibles ne conviennent pas non plus ?

Alain Verleyen #Est-ce que les autres méthodes disponibles ne conviennent pas non plus ?

Virement bancaire d'un montant minimum de $3000. 😁

Webmoney, PayPal et Visa/MasterCard ne fonctionnent pas dans de nombreux pays, comme Sergey l'a expliqué et comme nous le constatons dans le forum anglais.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Webmoney is failed. Payment system declined the transaction.

Sergey Golubev, 2023.04.01 07:55

1. I want to tell you one story ... one day I woke up in the morning, and all my Visa/Mastercards stopped working (and I had some money on some of them).
Paypal stopped working for whole the country, Visa/Mastercards stopped working everywhere in the country and outside the country as well,
Webmoney (originally - the payment system from the EU) was banned by Russian Central Bank in Russia for Russian currency ...
So, one day I woke up in the morning ...and everything stopped working for all the people in my country ...


2. The users on Russian forum opened the threads (it was one year ago):

They were asking the admins about what to do.


3. The admins explained everything on the following way:
MetaQuotes company is the company registered in EU, and the company is operating from inside EU (having the Head Office in the EU),
and the payment gateways are from EU and from the United States
(it means: there are governmental regulation bodies in EU and in the US, and the payment getaways should follow everything related to them).

For example - the admins replied:

  • "Unfortunately, we are limited in payouts by our payment gateways and tax jurisdictions".
  • "The problems lie outside the technical framework".
  • "Unfortunately, crypto methods and stablecoins are not available to us now".
  • "We are completely dependent on payment gateways for depositing/withdrawing payments".


4. The users on those 2 threads were discussing (between themselves) about what to do (How to pay for services now? and How to withdraw money now? ).
And they discovered the following ways (to deposit and to withdraw):

4.1. Webmoney. Yes, this EU payment system was banned in Russia, but we can still withdraw funds to webmoney in dollars, and after that - we can go to webmoney online currency exchange service (webmoney original online exchange service) to convert it to the local currency and to withdraw to Russian bank card.

It is not easy way, especially because not everybody is having webmoney wallet (not everybody is validated by Webmoney inside the country) ..
and because it was banned in Russia  ...
Besides, if someone does not have webmoney wallet (validated one) and wants to open it so it is necessary to go to webmoney office
to meet the webmoney managers in persons to be validated  (and for tax dept as well) ...

But some users already had/have validated webmoney wallets so they can use it.

4.2. UnionPay. Some banks started to issue the UnionPay bank card. Virtual UnionPay card - for free, "plastic" is for about 70 dollars.
It was the way to withdraw to UnionPay card (and it worked), but this method is disappeared now.
So, they (validated sellers from Russia together with all validated sellers from China) are waiting for this method will be appeared once again.
Yes, admins told that UnionPay will be acceptable for withdrawal once again (in the future) and they are working on it.

For example, I was on vacation in Turkey this year, and I used UnionPay "plastic card" (the UnionPay card issued by Russian bank) to withdraw money
(turkish liras) from any ATM machines with not a problem at all.

4.3. Foreign banks cards. It is the next method which is working now. Some users (who are having some relatives abroad) are having the cards of foreign banks,
and those cards are working for withdrawal (and working everywhere except Russia). It is not popular method (for many reasons incl for some limitations as well).


Nothing was stopped ... yes, it was some weeks where the people were in shock, especially that it is very difficult to get a cash (US dollars and euro) in the country (there is some limitation for cash by the decision of Russian Central Bank)  ...
but after that (after several weeks) - the people started to discover the valid/legal and official ways to withdraw, to deposit, to travel, to do business and so on.
So, nothing was stopped, and the life is going on.


As I explained - support has nothing to do with it.
Of course, MQL5 support knows about this issue and trying to fix it as much as they can.
But as I explained: the governmental regulating bodies are from the EU and from the US,
and the support will not break any rules and regulations which were issued by the governments.

The only way in this situation is the following:
be flexible
(on the ways as the other users fixed it for themselves).