David Radisich
David Radisich
I laugh en things I find funny.
Soy un chico australiano nuevo en Londres y abogado de profesión. Gracioso. Inteligente. Encantadora y llena de mierda y creo que es justo decir que soy moralmente flexible e imprudentemente impulsivo.
Mi vida personal es un desastre total, probablemente debido a esto.
Hoy en día, siempre me pongo muy nervioso cuando las mujeres me ven desnuda por primera vez, porque normalmente salen corriendo del parque, gritando.
Siempre veía películas porno al revés cuando era joven, así que, naturalmente, pensé que era normal aspirar el semen de la cara de una chica, romper su lavadora y luego irme con un cinturón de herramientas.
Pero por suerte:
Tengo un recuerdo de un elefante. Porque una vez fui al zoológico, donde vi un elefante.
Sin emabargo:
El sexo gay siempre había estado mal a mis ojos. Entonces, un día alguien me dijo que se suponía que debía estar en el trasero, no en una cavidad ocular. Vaya, me sentí tonto.
No me sentí tonto el día que no pude decidir si enterrar o incinerar a mi mamá, así que decidí dejarla vivir.
Que hará.

Si añade a sus amigos a través de sus perfiles o la búsqueda, podrá comunicarse y monitorear fácilmente su presencia en el sitio web.

David Radisich
David Radisich
Right well hello and thanks for stopping by, should these words be read by other than a non human bot:-), I hope you are making hay while the sun shines.

I've just joined up and after staring at everything on this bizarre growers market platform that made it hard to find my market as it seemed like everyone was trying to sell me cantaloupe and ripe mangos lol.

Again, should anyone alive actually reads this you may hear about me soon, in a way I would never want. I started CFD's on BTC USD mid Feb this year. Last week I was defrauded by the website of all my initial deposit and all the profit. Stay away from LIVE-BIT.COM. The London Police cyber crime and fraud division have just started their hunt. Last week I lost every penny I had to my name, except the $4,000 or so that I have deposited here to start the long road back. My landlord wasn't impressed to hear the news about their rent no longer arriving, but those pricks stole USD246,0019.00 which I made from mid Feb until 12th of April not including the 90k i started with. I was and am totally gutted. So please warn anyone you know about them. Their platform also happens to be awesome as well, I'm no fresh young rookie and I had no idea, not even a sniff. So please, I can do with all the good lucks and well wishes the world can spare. Although I keep reminding myself, this is a first world problem and a great many are worse off. < Peace and good luck to all of you lovely bots for visiting and hopefully a human as well.

David Radisich
Se ha registrado en MQL5.community