
Mql4 market failed downloaded product 403

This is the 1st time I encountered this matter. That I can not download/install any purchased EA/Indicator on my Windows VPS. (it has IE ver.11) But no problem on my desktop. the message " Mql4 market failed downloaded product 403" was on the journal. and the install failed as screenshot attached

MT5 updated, market tab disappear...

As subject, I just start MT5 platform, and an update message pop up, then process update. After complete, the market tab is disappear.. Anybody has same situation? problem for PC os? or

MT4 Market Tab Blank, could not work

Hello All, I hope someone could help for this issue. In spite of same subject/case has been posted, but none of the methods could be solved out. I was cleanig my C disk, and I remember I deleted the metaquotes file in C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes, and afterward all the MT4 for different

Any benefit to open real account thru IB?

Hello All, I just join, as a newbie wish to learn from pro like you guys. A question to open real account ; is there any benefit/goodness to go thru IB? Happy trading

Need help for code MA filter

Hi expert members, Please help to code MA filter for this source code! int CalculaSignal(int aux_range, double aux_price, double aux_index, int aux_shift) { int aux=0; double f1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Fisher M11",aux_range,aux_price,aux_index,0,aux_shift); double f2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Fisher